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Visible to the public Foresighted Deception in Dynamic Security Games


Visible to the public ICC17-XH.pdf


Visible to the public Flow reconnaissance via timing attacks on SDN switches


Visible to the public Foresighted Deception in Dynamic Security Games


Visible to the public ICC17-XH.pdf


Visible to the public Towards Privacy-Aware Collaborative Security: A Game-Theoretic Approach


Visible to the public pac17_revision_final.pdf


Visible to the public Improving the Usability of Security Requirements by Software Developers through Empirical Studies and Analysis

This project aims to discover general theory to explain what cues security experts use to decide when to apply security requirements and how to present those cues in the form of security patterns to novice designers in a way that yields improved security designs.


PIs: Travis Breaux (CMU), Laurie Williams, & Jianwei Niu (CMU)
Student: Maria Riaz


Visible to the public Software Security Metrics

Software security metrics are commonly considered as one critical component of science of security. We propose to investigate existing metrics and new security metrics to predict which code locations are likely to contain vulnerabilities. In particular, we will investigate security metrics to take into account of comprehensive factors such as software internal attributes, developers who develop the software, attackers who attack the software, and users who use the software.