News Items

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    Visible to the public Distinguished Lecture

    On December 10, 2010 Professor Insup Lee delivered Distinguished Lecture Medical Cyber Physical Systems at the Department of Computer Science, Washington University as part of Distinguished lecture series.

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    Visible to the public CfP: First Workshop on CPS Education (at CPSWeek 2013)

    **CPS-Ed 2013 Submission Deadline Extended**

    At the request of several authors, we have given a one-time extension to the submission deadline.Papers may be submitted up to midnight PST on Friday, February 15th, 2013.

    CPS-Ed 2013 Call for Participation

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    Visible to the public White House Announces Presidential Innovation Fellows

    The White House announced the 2nd round of the Presidential Innovation Fellows (PIF) program that includes two fellwships for Cyber-Physical Systems. The PIF program pairs top innovators from the private sector, non-profits, and academia with top innovators in government to collaborate during focused 6-12 month "tours of duty" to develop solutions that can save lives, save taxpayer money, and fuel job creation.

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    Visible to the public Designing a Digital Future: Federally Funded Research and Development in Networking and Information Technology (NIT R&D)

    The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) has published this report to the President and the Congress on the progress in the NIT R&D program since 2010. The current study finds that important NITRD investments responsive to the 2010 recommendations have been made, with notable progress in the multi-agency investments in "big data," NIT-enabled interaction with the physical world, health IT, and cybersecurity. Furthermore, significant progress has been made in creating infrastructure for network scaling and testbeds.

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    Visible to the public Toward a Science of Security

    The January 2013 edition of the online publication Computing Now is dedicated to the topic of Security Science.

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    Visible to the public NSF-FHWA Announce Coordination on CPS for Highway Transportation

    NSF and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have a shared interest in advancing basic and applied research in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), which are systems in which physical processes are tightly intertwined with networked computing. Please see Dear Colleage Letter:

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    Visible to the public The education group is open for business

    We are now accepting courseware submissions.

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    Visible to the public Building a National Program For Cybersecurity Science

    The latest issue of The Next Wave; The National Security Agency's review of emerging technologies, centered around building a national program for cybersecurity science.

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    Visible to the public NSA Science Paper Competition

    In order to encourage the development of the scientific foundations of cybersecurity, the National Security Agency (NSA) established an award for the best scientific cybersecurity paper. NSA invites nominations of papers published in fiscal year 2012 (Oct.1,2011 - Sept. 30, 2012) that show an outstanding contribution to cybersecurity science.

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    Visible to the public Request for Comments (RFC)-Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan

    This Request For Comments (RFC) is issued by the Cyber Security and Information Assurance Research and Development Senior Steering Group (SSG) of the Federal Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program. The SSG is preparing a report to provide an update on technological developments in Federal cybersecurity research and development since the release of the 2011 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan (the strategic plan).

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    Visible to the public National Research Council Study of Cybersecurity Science

    An ad hoc National Research Council committee will consider future research goals and directions for foundational science in cybersecurity, to include relevant efforts in economics and behavioral science as well as more "traditional" cybersecurity topics.

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    Visible to the public UCL Cyber Security Research Institute Established

    UCL Cyber Security Research Institute is the UK's first academic research institute to put cybersecurity on a scientific basis. The institute is focused on giving organisations more evidence, to allow them to make better decisions, aiding to the development of cybersecurity as a science.

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    Visible to the public UK’s first Cyber Security Institute to be based at UCL

    A new academic research institute to improve understanding of the science behind the growing Cyber Security threat was announced today by the government. The Institute, which opens on 1 October, will be hosted at UCL and led by Professor Angela Sasse (UCL Computer Science).

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    Visible to the public SoS Home

    This is the site of the Science of Security Virtual Organization.

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    Visible to the public Science of Security (SoS) Lablet Established at UIUC

    The Science of Security (SoS) Lablet is housed in the Information Trust Institute at Illinois. It is contributing broadly to the development of security science while leveraging Illinois expertise in resiliency, which in this context means a system's demonstrable ability to maintain security properties even during ongoing cyber attacks.

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    Visible to the public SaTC Cyber Café

    Review the results from the first SaTC ONLINE Cyber Cafe, designed to identify critical issues in cybersecurity and encourage collaborative research between computer science and the social sciences. See this link for more information.

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    Visible to the public ARL Sponsored PostDoc Fellowship in Science of Cyber Security

    The Army Research Laboratory is offering Post Doctoral Fellowships in a number of topical areas related to the science of cyber security. Detailed information on specific research topics and application information can be found at -

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    Visible to the public MODELS 2012 - Early Registration Deadline is September 7th


    *** MODELS 2012  - Early Registration Deadline is September 7th *** 


                ACM/IEEE 15th International Conference on 

             Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 


    Main Conference, Workshops, Tutorials, Doctoral Symposium, Educator's Symposium, 

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    Visible to the public The Next Wave: Developing a Blueprint for a Science of Cybersecurity

    An recent issue of The Next Wave; The National Security Agency's review of emerging technologies, highlighted the science of cybersecurity.

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    Visible to the public Science of Security Community Meeting

    The National Security Agency is pleased to announce the first annual Science of Security (SoS) Community Meeting on November 29-30, 2012 at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland.

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    Visible to the public S5 - Safe & Secure Systems and Software Symposium

    The Air Force Research Laboratory Control Systems Development and Applications Branch (AFRL/RBCC) will be hosting the next Safe and Secure Systems and Software Symposium (S5) on 12-14 June 2012 in Fairborn, Ohio (near Wright Patterson AFB).

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    Visible to the public NSA Science of Security ‘Lablet’ Established at NC State

    North Carolina State University, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Carnegie Mellon University are each receiving an initial $2.5 million in grant funds from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) to stimulate the creation of a more scientific basis for the design and analysis of trusted systems.

    The co-principal investigators for the NC State Science of Security Lablet are Dr. Laurie Williams, professor of computer science, and Dr. Michael Rappa, director of the Institute of Advanced Analytics and professor of computer science.

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    Visible to the public Agency briefings about research interests

    The ASEE Engineering Research Council held a meeting in Washington DC on March 5, 2012. There were presentations from OSTP, ASD-R&E, AFOSR, ARO, DOE, NIH, NSF, ONR, USDA about the agencies' research interests, funding levels and new opportunities including CPS. Several of the presentations had information relevant to CPS, including Dr. Reginald Brothers, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering; John P.

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    Visible to the public Proceedings of the IEEE -- Special Issue on CPS

    The January 2012 Special Issue of the Proceedings of the IEEE focuses on Cyber-Physical Systems. The issue includes 19 research articles covering new research and technology advances, open problems, and technical challenges. The papers are organized into three categories: theoretical foundations, small-scale applications, and large-scale applications.

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    Visible to the public CPS Highlighted in NSF's FY 2013 Budget

    Important NSF Announcement!

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    Visible to the public IEEE Security & Privacy

    This special issue of IEEE Security & Privacy presents three articles illustrating and reflecting on aspects of foundational science for computer security. We're a long way from establishing a science of security comparable to the traditional physical sciences, and even from knowing whether such a goal is even achievable. Nevertheless, the articles in this special issue hint at the possibility and promise of foundational approaches to security.