News Items

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    Visible to the public 2020 Music City BEST Season Registration is Open!

    I am excited to announce the 2020 Season Dates! This year's game is "Outbreak". Team registration is now open and can be found here.

    • Kickoff - 09/19/20 - Virtual Meeting
    • Game Day - 11/14/20 - Virtual from Classrooms
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    Visible to the public 2019 Music City BEST Season Registration is Open!

    I am excited to announce the 2019 Season Dates! This year's game is "Off the Grid". Team registration is now open.

    • Kickoff - 09/21/19 - Allen Arena
    • Practice - 10/26/19 from 3:30-5:30 pm - McQuiddy Gym
    • Game Day - 11/02/19 - Allen Arena

    This should be a fun challenge and very relevant to existing technical challenge in several US locations.

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    Visible to the public 2019 BEST Game Teaser

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    Visible to the public Music City BEST Team Results at 2018 South BEST

    Four Music City BEST Teams advanced to the 2018 South BEST at Auburn University on December 1 & 2. The competition held a wildcard tournament called the Regional Invitational Tournament (RIT) for the second year. Five teams advanced from this competition to then compete in the South BEST Regional Tournament. A total of 58 teams competed in the South BEST robotic seeding rounds, with 14 advancing on to the semifinals. 37 teams competed for the top honor - the BEST award.

    The Music City BEST team results from this competition are:

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    Visible to the public Music City BEST Teams Advancing to South BEST Regional Championship

    Congratulations to the Music City BEST teams advancing to the South BEST Regional Championships held at Auburn University!

    • BEST Award - 1st Place: Stewarts Creek Middle School (1042)
    • BEST Award - 2nd Place: Smyrna Robotics (1032)
    • "Current Events" Competition - 1st Place: Dickson Area Robotics Team (1022)
    • Regional Invitational Tournament Invitee: Merrol Hyde Magnet School (1030)

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    Visible to the public 2018 Music City BEST Award Winners

    Congratulations to all 15 teams for creating robots and playing the game on October 20th in Lipscomb University Allen Arena! It was a challenging year and as always the students exceeded expectations. The awards presented were as follows:

    BEST Award

    • 1st Place: Stewarts Creek Middle School (1042)
    • 2nd Place: Smyrna Robotics (1032)
    • 3rd Place: Borobotics (1023)
    • 4th Place: Dickson Area Robotics Team (1022)

    BEST Award Individual Category Awards

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    Visible to the public 2018 Livestream Game Reveal

    In celebration of BEST's 25th anniversary year, the 2018 game (Current Events) will be revealed nationally on a livestream. The reveal is scheduled as follows (see the QR code on the attached flyer for more details):

    Saturday, August 25th

    11:00 am Central Time

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    Visible to the public 2018 Music City BEST Hub Teams

    Team registration for 2018 has closed and we have 15 teams for this year's competition. The teams playing are:

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    Visible to the public 2018 Game: Current Events

    This year's competition is Current Events. The game teaser can be found at

    Our 2018 schedule will be: