CfP: ADAPT @ HiPEAC 2014 with panel on reproducible research
Thu, 12/19/2013 - 1:21pm
ADAPT: 4th Workshop on Adaptive Self-tuning Computing Systems
22 January 2014, Vienna, Austria
(co-located with HiPEAC 2014)
* Keynote: Towards Resource Management
in Parallel Architectures "Under the Hood"
Per Stenstrom (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Panel on reproducible research methodologies
and new publication models. Participants:
- Jack Davidson (University of Virginia /
Co-Chair of ACM's Publication Board, USA)
- Lieven Eeckhout
(Ghent University / Intel ExaScience Lab, Belgium)
- Sascha Hunold, Jesper Larsson Traff
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
- Anton Lokhmotov (ARM, UK)
- Daniel Mosse, Alex K.Jones, Bruce Childers
(University of Pittsburgh, USA)
- Grigori Fursin (INRIA, France)
* Best paper award sponsored by Nvidia
* Early registration deadline: 23 December 2013:
Make sure to tick the box for the ADAPT workshop
List of accepted papers (9 out of 19):
1) "Language support for the construction of high performance
code generators", Georg Ofenbeck, Tiark Rompf, Alen Stojanov,
Martin Odersky and Markus Puschel
2) "ASAFESSS: A Scheduler-Driven Adaptive Framework for Extreme
Scale Software Stacks", Tom St. John, Benoit Meister,
Andres Marquez, Joseph Manzano, Guang Gao and Xiaoming Li
3) "A LLVM Extension for the Generation of Low Overhead Run-Time
Program Specializer", Victor Lomuller and Henri-Pierre Charles
4) "A Scalable Fusable Dynamic Multicore Architecture",
Behnam Robatmili and Aaron Smith
5) "Autonomous Fault Detection in Self-Healing Systems: Comparing
Hidden Markov Models and Artificial Neural Networks (reproducible)",
Chris Schneider, Adam Barker and Simon Dobson
6) "A Self-tuning Scientific Framework using Model-Driven
Engineering for Heterogeneous Execution Platforms",
Alecio Binotto, Leonardo Tizzei and Renato Cerqueira
7) "Roofline-aware DVFS for GPUs (reproducible)",
Cedric Nugteren, Henk Corporaal and Gert-Jan van den Braak
8) "On the advantage of time-varying diversity of workload
on functionally asymmetric multi-core", Alexandre Aminot,
Alain Chateigner, Yves Lhuillier and Henri-Pierre Charles
9) "HYDA: A HYbrid Dependence Analysis for the adaptive optimisation
of OpenCL kernels", Christos Margiolas and Michael F.P. O' Boyle
==== Workshop organizers and program chairs ====
* Christophe Dubach (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Grigori Fursin (INRIA Saclay, France)
==== Program Committee ====
* Erik Altman (IBM TJ Watson, USA)
* Bruce Childers (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
* Koen De Bosschere (Ghent University, Belgium)
* Marisa Gil (UPC, Spain)
* Mary Hall (University of Utah, USA)
* Timothy Jones (University of Cambridge, UK)
* Anton Lokmotov (ARM, UK)
* Chi-Keung Luk (Intel, USA)
* Tipp Moseley (Google, USA)
* Toshio Nakatani (IBM, Japan)
* Lasse Natvig (NTNU, Norway)
* David Padua (UIUC, USA)
* Aaron Smith (Microsoft Research, USA)
* Juergen Teich (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
* Vittorio Zaccaria (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
==== Past ADAPT workshops ====
* 3rd ADAPT 2013 at HiPEAC 2013, Berlin, Germany
* 2nd EXADAPT 2012 at ASPLOS 2012, London, UK
* 1st ACM SIGPLAN EXADAPT 2011 at PLDI 2011/FCRC 2011,
San Jose, CA, USA