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Gabriel Ferreira.  2017.  Software certification in practice: how are standards being applied? ICSE-C '17 Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion.

Certification schemes exist to regulate software systems and prevent them from being deployed before they are judged fit to use. However, practitioners are often unsatisfied with the efficiency of certification standards and processes. In this study, we analyzed two certification standards, Common Criteria and DO-178C, and collected insights from literature and from interviews with subject-matter experts to identify concepts affecting the efficiency of certification processes. Our results show that evaluation time, reusability of evaluation artifacts, and composition of systems and certified artifacts are barriers to achieve efficient certification.

Alireza Sadeghi, Naeem Esfahani, Sam Malek.  2017.  Ensuring the Consistency of Adaptation through Inter- and Intra-Component Dependency Analysis. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM). 26(1)

Dynamic adaptation should not leave a software system in an inconsistent state, as it could lead to failure. Prior research has used inter-component dependency models of a system to determine a safe interval for the adaptation of its components, where the most important tradeoff is between disruption in the operations of the system and reachability of safe intervals. This article presents Savasana, which automatically analyzes a software system’s code to extract both inter- and intra-component dependencies. In this way, Savasana is able to obtain more fine-grained models compared to previous approaches. Savasana then uses the detailed models to find safe adaptation intervals that cannot be determined using techniques from prior research. This allows Savasana to achieve a better tradeoff between disruption and reachability. The article demonstrates how Savasana infers safe adaptation intervals for components of a software system under various use cases and conditions.

Alireza Sadeghi, Hamid Bagheri, Joshua Garcia, Sam Malek.  2017.  A Taxonomy and Qualitative Comparison of Program Analysis Techniques for Security Assessment of Android Software. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 43(6)

In parallel with the meteoric rise of mobile software, we are witnessing an alarming escalation in the number and sophistication of the security threats targeted at mobile platforms, particularly Android, as the dominant platform. While existing research has made significant progress towards detection and mitigation of Android security, gaps and challenges remain. This paper contributes a comprehensive taxonomy to classify and characterize the state-of-the-art research in this area. We have carefully followed the systematic literature review process, and analyzed the results of more than 300 research papers, resulting in the most comprehensive and elaborate investigation of the literature in this area of research. The systematic analysis of the research literature has revealed patterns, trends, and gaps in the existing literature, and underlined key challenges and opportunities that will shape the focus of future research efforts.

Mahmoud Hammad, Hamid Bagheri, Sam Malek.  2017.  DELDroid: Determination and Enforcement of Least-Privilege Architecture in Android. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture.

Modern mobile platforms rely on a permission model to guard the system's resources and apps. In Android, since the permissions are granted at the granularity of apps, and all components belonging to an app inherit those permissions, an app's components are typically over-privileged, i.e., components are granted more privileges than they need to complete their tasks. Systematic violation of least-privilege principle in Android has shown to be the root cause of many security vulnerabilities. To mitigate this issue, we have developed DELDROID, an automated system for determination of least privilege architecture in Android and its enforcement at runtime. A key contribution of our approach is the ability to limit the privileges granted to apps without the need to modify them. DELDROID utilizes static program analysis techniques to extract the exact privileges each component needs for providing its functionality. A Multiple-Domain Matrix representation of the system's architecture is then used to automatically analyze the security posture of the system and derive its least-privilege architecture. Our experiments on hundreds of real world apps corroborate DELDROID's ability in effectively establishing the least-privilege architecture and its benefits in alleviating the security threats.

Tingting Yu, Witawas Srisa-an, Gregg Rothermel.  2017.  An automated framework to support testing for process-level race conditions. Software: Testing, Verification, and Reliability .

Race conditions are difficult to detect because they usually occur only under specific execution interleavings. Numerous program analysis and testing techniques have been proposed to detect race conditions between threads on single applications. However, most of these techniques neglect races that occur at the process level due to complex system event interactions. This article presents a framework, SIMEXPLORER, that allows engineers to effectively test for process-level race conditions. SIMEXPLORER first uses dynamic analysis techniques to observe system execution, identify program locations of interest, and report faults related to oracles. Next, it uses virtualization to achieve the fine-grained controllability needed to exercise event interleavings that are likely to expose races. We evaluated the effectiveness of SIMEXPLORER on 24 real-world applications containing both known and unknown process-level race conditions. Our results show that SIMEXPLORER is effective at detecting these race conditions, while incurring an overhead that is acceptable given its effectiveness improvements.

Junjie Qian, Hong Jiang, Witawas Srisa-an, Sharad Seth.  2017.  Energy-efficient I/O Thread Schedulers for NVMe SSDs on NUMA. CCGrid '17 Proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing.

Non-volatile memory express (NVMe) based SSDs and the NUMA platform are widely adopted in servers to achieve faster storage speed and more powerful processing capability. As of now, very little research has been conducted to investigate the performance and energy efficiency of the stateof-the-art NUMA architecture integrated with NVMe SSDs, an emerging technology used to host parallel I/O threads. As this technology continues to be widely developed and adopted, we need to understand the runtime behaviors of such systems in order to design software runtime systems that deliver optimal performance while consuming only the necessary amount of energy. This paper characterizes the runtime behaviors of a Linuxbased NUMA system employing multiple NVMe SSDs. Our comprehensive performance and energy-efficiency study using massive numbers of parallel I/O threads shows that the penalty due to CPU contention is much smaller than that due to remote access of NVMe SSDs. Based on this insight, we develop a dynamic “lesser evil” algorithm called ESN, to minimize the impact of these two types of penalties. ESN is an energyefficient profiling-based I/O thread scheduler for managing I/O threads accessing NVMe SSDs on NUMA systems. Our empirical evaluation shows that ESN can achieve optimal I/O throughput and latency while consuming up to 50% less energy and using fewer CPUs.

Cyrus Omar, Ian Voysey, Michael Hilton, Joshua Sunshine, Claire Le Goues, Jonathan Aldrich, Matthew Hammer.  2017.  Toward Semantic Foundations for Program Editors. 2nd Summit on Advances in Programming Languages (SNAPL 2017).

Programming language definitions assign formal meaning to complete programs. Programmers, however, spend a substantial amount of time interacting with incomplete programs -- programs with holes, type inconsistencies and binding inconsistencies -- using tools like program editors and live programming environments (which interleave editing and evaluation). Semanticists have done comparatively little to formally characterize (1) the static and dynamic semantics of incomplete programs; (2) the actions available to programmers as they edit and inspect incomplete programs; and (3) the behavior of editor services that suggest likely edit actions to the programmer based on semantic information extracted from the incomplete program being edited, and from programs that the system has encountered in the past. As such, each tool designer has largely been left to develop their own ad hoc heuristics. 
This paper serves as a vision statement for a research program that seeks to develop these "missing" semantic foundations. Our hope is that these contributions, which will take the form of a series of simple formal calculi equipped with a tractable metatheory, will guide the design of a variety of current and future interactive programming tools, much as various lambda calculi have guided modern language designs. Our own research will apply these principles in the design of Hazel, an experimental live lab notebook programming environment designed for data science tasks. We plan to co-design the Hazel language with the editor so that we can explore concepts such as edit-time semantic conflict resolution mechanisms and mechanisms that allow library providers to install library-specific editor services.

Darya Melicher(Kurilova), Yangqingwei Shi, Alex Potanin, Jonathan Aldrich.  2017.  A Capability-Based Module System for Authority Control. European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP).

The principle of least authority states that each component of the system should be given authority to access only the information and resources that it needs for its operation. This principle is fundamental to the secure design of software systems, as it helps to limit an application’s attack surface and to isolate vulnerabilities and faults. Unfortunately, current programming languages do not provide adequate help in controlling the authority of application modules, an issue that is particularly acute in the case of untrusted third-party extensions. In this paper, we present a language design that facilitates controlling the authority granted to each application module. The key technical novelty of our approach is that modules are firstclass, statically typed capabilities. First-class modules are essentially objects, and so we formalize our module system by translation into an object calculus and prove that the core calculus is typesafe and authority-safe. Unlike prior formalizations, our work defines authority non-transitively, allowing engineers to reason about software designs that use wrappers to provide an attenuated version of a more powerful capability. Our approach allows developers to determine a module’s authority by examining the capabilities passed as module arguments when the module is created, or delegated to the module later during execution. The type system facilitates this by identifying which objects provide capabilities to sensitive resources, and by enabling security architects to examine the capabilities passed into and out of a module based only on the module’s interface, without needing to examine the module’s implementation code. An implementation of the module system and illustrative examples in the Wyvern programming language suggest that our approach can be a practical way to control module authority.

Subramani, Shweta.  2014.  Security Profile of Fedora. Computer Science. MS:105.

The process of software development and evolution has proven difficult to improve. For example,  well documented security issues such as SQL injection (SQLi), after more than a decade, still top  most vulnerability lists. Quantitative security process and quality metrics are often subdued due to  lack of time and resources. Security problems are hard to quantify and even harder to predict or  relate to any process improvement activity.  The goal of this thesis is to assess usefulness of “classical” software reliability engineering (SRE)  models in the context of open source software security, the conditions under which they may be  useful, and the information that they can provide with respect to the security quality of a software  product.  We start with security problem reports for open source Fedora series of software releases.We  illustrate how one can learn from normal operational profile about the non-operational processes  related to security problems. One aspect is classification of security problems based on the human  traits that contribute to the injection of problems into code, whether due to poor practices or limited  knowledge (epistemic errors), or due to random accidental events (aleatoric errors). Knowing the  distribution aids in development of an attack profile. In the case of Fedora, the distribution of  security problems found post-release was consistent across four different releases of the software.  The security problem discovery rate appears to be roughly constant but much lower than the initial  non-security problem discovery rate. Previous work has shown that non-operational testing can help  accelerate and focus the problem discovery rate and that it can be successfully modeled.We find  that some classical reliability models can be used with success to estimate the residual number of  security problems, and through that provide a measure of the security characteristics of the software.  We propose an agile software testing process that combines operational and non-operational (or  attack related) testing with the intent of finding more security problems faster. 

Hibshi, Hanan, Breaux, Travis, Riaz, Maria, Williams, Laurie.  2014.  A Framework to Measure Experts’ Decision Making in Security Requirements Analysis. IEEE 1st International Workshop on Evolving Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering, .

Research shows that commonly accepted security requirements are not generally applied in practice. Instead of relying on requirements checklists, security experts rely on their expertise and background knowledge to identify security vulnerabilities. To understand the gap between available checklists and practice, we conducted a series of interviews to encode the decision-making process of security experts and novices during security requirements analysis. Participants were asked to analyze two types of artifacts: source code, and network diagrams for vulnerabilities and to apply a requirements checklist to mitigate some of those vulnerabilities. We framed our study using Situation Awareness-a cognitive theory from psychology-to elicit responses that we later analyzed using coding theory and grounded analysis. We report our preliminary results of analyzing two interviews that reveal possible decision-making patterns that could characterize how analysts perceive, comprehend and project future threats which leads them to decide upon requirements and their specifications, in addition, to how experts use assumptions to overcome ambiguity in specifications. Our goal is to build a model that researchers can use to evaluate their security requirements methods against how experts transition through different situation awareness levels in their decision-making process.

Kurilova, Darya, Potanin, Alex, Aldrich, Jonathan.  2014.  Wyvern: Impacting Software Security via Programming Language Design.. Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU), 2014.

Breaches of software security affect millions of people, and therefore it is crucial to strive for more secure software systems. However, the effect of programming language design on software security is not easily measured or studied. In the absence of scientific insight, opinions range from those that claim that programming language design has no effect on security of the system, to those that believe that programming language design is the only way to provide “high-assurance software.” In this paper, we discuss how programming language design can impact software security by looking at a specific example: the Wyvern programming language. We report on how the design of the Wyvern programming language leverages security principles, together with hypotheses about how usability impacts security, in order to prevent command injection attacks. Furthermore, we discuss what security principles we considered in Wyvern’s design.

Amit K. Chopra, Munindar P. Singh.  2015.  Cupid: Commitments in Relational Algebra. Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). :1–8.

We propose Cupid, a language for specifying commitments that supports their information-centric aspects, and offers crucial benefits.  One, Cupid is first-order, enabling a systematic treatment of commitment instances.  Two, Cupid supports features needed for real-world scenarios such as deadlines, nested commitments, and complex event expressions for capturing the lifecycle of commitment instances.  Three, Cupid maps to relational database queries and thus provides a set-based semantics for retrieving commitment instances in states such as being violated,discharged, and so on.  We prove that Cupid queries are safe.  Four,to aid commitment modelers, we propose the notion of well-identified commitments, and finitely violable and finitely expirable commitments.  We give syntactic restrictions for obtaining such commitments.