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Hamid Bagheri, Sam Malek.  2016.  Titanium: Efficient Analysis of Evolving Alloy Specifications. FSE 2016: ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software.

The Alloy specification language, and the corresponding Alloy Analyzer, have received much attention in the last two decades with applications in many areas of software engineering. Increasingly, formal analyses enabled by Alloy are desired for use in an on-line mode, where the specifications are automatically kept in sync with the running, possibly changing, software system. However, given Alloy Analyzer’s reliance on computationally expensive SAT solvers, an important challenge is the time it takes for such analyses to execute at runtime. The fact that in an on-line mode, the analyses are often repeated on slightly revised versions of a given specification, presents us with an opportunity to tackle this challenge. We present Titanium, an extension of Alloy for formal analysis of evolving specifications. By leveraging the results from previous analyses, Titanium narrows the state space of the revised specification, thereby greatly reducing the required computational effort. We describe the semantic basis of Titanium in terms of models specified in relational logic. We show how the approach can be realized atop an existing relational logic model finder. Our experimental results show Titanium achieves a significant speed-up over Alloy Analyzer when applied to the analysis of evolving specifications.

Hui Shen, Ram Krishnan, Rocky Slavin, Jianwei Niu.  2016.  Sequence Diagram Aided Privacy Policy Specification. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING. 13(3)

A fundamental problem in the specification of regulatory privacy policies such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in a computer system is to state the policies precisely, consistent with their high-level intuition. In this paper, we propose UML sequence diagrams as a practical means to graphically express privacy policies. A graphical representation allows decision-makers such as application domain experts and security architects to easily verify and confirm the expected behavior. Once intuitively confirmed, our work in this article introduces an algorithmic approach to formalizing the semantics of sequence diagrams in terms of linear temporal logic (LTL) templates. In all the templates, different semantic aspects are expressed as separate, yet simple LTL formulas that can be composed to define the complex semantics of sequence diagrams. The formalization enables us to leverage the analytical powers of automated decision procedures for LTL formulas to determine if a collection of sequence diagrams is consistent, independent, etc. and also to verify if a system design conforms to the privacy policies. We evaluate our approach by modeling and analyzing a substantial subset of HIPAA rules using sequence diagrams.

Hamid Bagheri, Alireza Sadeghi, Sam Malek, Joshua Garcia.  2015.  COVERT: Compositional Analysis of Android Inter-App Permission Leakage. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering . 41(9)


Android is the most popular platform for mobile devices. It facilitates sharing of data and services among applications using a rich inter-app communication system. While access to resources can be controlled by the Android permission system, enforcing permissions is not sufficient to prevent security violations, as permissions may be mismanaged, intentionally or unintentionally. Android's enforcement of the permissions is at the level of individual apps, allowing multiple malicious apps to collude and combine their permissions or to trick vulnerable apps to perform actions on their behalf that are beyond their individual privileges. In this paper, we present COVERT, a tool for compositional analysis of Android inter-app vulnerabilities. COVERT's analysis is modular to enable incremental analysis of applications as they are installed, updated, and removed. It statically analyzes the reverse engineered source code of each individual app, and extracts relevant security specifications in a format suitable for formal verification. Given a collection of specifications extracted in this way, a formal analysis engine (e.g., model checker) is then used to verify whether it is safe for a combination of applications-holding certain permissions and potentially interacting with each other-to be installed together. Our experience with using COVERT to examine over 500 real-world apps corroborates its ability to find inter-app vulnerabilities in bundles of some of the most popular apps on the market.