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Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization
Read-only archive of site from September 29, 2023.
CPS: Frontiers: Collaborative Research: ROSELINE: Enabling Robust, Secure and Efficient Knowledge of Time Across the System Stack
Submitted by msrivastava on Mon, 12/21/2015 - 11:41am
Project Details
Lead PI:
Mani Srivastava
Sudhakar Pamarti
Performance Period:
University of California at Los Angeles
National Science Foundation
Award Number:
1646 Reads. Placed 176 out of 804 NSF CPS Projects based on total reads on all related artifacts.
Accurate and reliable knowledge of time is fundamental to cyber-physical systems for sensing, control, performance, and energy efficient integration of computing and communications. This statement underlies the proposal. Emerging CPS applications depend on precise knowledge of time to infer location and control communication. There is a diversity of semantics used to describe time, and quality of time varies as we move up and down the system stack. System designs tend to overcompensate for these uncertainties and the result is systems that may be over designed, inefficient, and fragile. The intellectual merit derives from the new and fundamental concept of time and the holistic measure of quality of time (QoT) that captures metrics including resolution, accuracy, and stability. The proposal builds a system stack ("ROSELINE") that enables new ways for clock hardware, operating system, network services, and applications to learn, maintain and exchange information about time, influence component behavior, and robustly adapt to dynamic QoT requirements, as well as to benign and adversarial changes in operating conditions. Application areas that will benefit from Quality of Time will include: smart grad, networked and coordinated control of aerospace systems, underwater sensing, and industrial automation. The broader impact of the proposal is due to the foundational nature of the work which builds a robust and tunable quality of time that can be applied across a broad spectrum of applications that pervade modern life. The proposal will also provide valuable opportunities to integrate research and education in graduate, undergraduate, and K-12 classrooms. There will be extensive outreach through publications, open sourcing of software, and participation in activities such as the Los Angeles Computing Circle for pre-college students.
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CPS Domains
Networked Control
Smart Grid
Design Automation Tools
Concurrency and Timing
Time Synchronization
CPS Technologies