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I. F. Akyildiz, P. Wang, Z. Sun.  2015.  Realizing underwater communication through magnetic induction. IEEE Communications Magazine. 53:42-48.
I. Jovanov, M. Pajic.  2017.  Relaxing Integrity Requirements for Resilient Control Systems. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).
I. Lee, O. Sokolsky, S. Chen, John Hatcliff, E. Jee, B. Kim, A. King, M. Fortino-Mullen, S. Park, A. Roederer et al..  2012.  Challenges and Research Directions in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems. Proceedings of the {IEEE} (special issue on Cyber-Physical Systems). 100:75–90.
Ibrahim, Mohamed, Boswell, Craig, Chakrabarty, Krishnendu, Scott, Kristin, Pajic, Miroslav.  2016.  A Real-time Digital-microfluidic Platform for Epigenetics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis for Embedded Systems. :10:1–10:10.
Ioannou, Petros, Zhang, Yihang.  2016.  Intelligent driver assist system for urban driving. Digital Media Industry & Academic Forum (DMIAF). :128–134.
Iulia Dragomir, Viorel Preoteasa, Stavros Tripakis.  2016.  Compositional Semantics and Analysis of Hierarchical Block Diagrams. Model Checking Software - 23rd International Symposium, {SPIN} 2016, Co-located with {ETAPS} 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, April 7-8, 2016, Proceedings. :38–56.
Ivanov, R., Atanasov, N., Pajic, M., Lee, I., Pappas, G. J..  2015.  Robust Localization Using Context-Aware Filtering. Workshop on Multi VIew Geometry in Robotics (MVIGRO), in conjunction with RSS.
Ivanov, R., Weimer, J., Simpao, A., Rehman, M., Lee, I..  2015.  Early Detection of Critical Pulmonary Shunts in Infants. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems. :110-119.
Ivanov, Radoslav, Pajic, Miroslav, Lee, Insup.  2016.  Attack-Resilient Sensor Fusion for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. 15:21:1–21:24.