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Y. Bao, M. Chen, Q. Zhu, T. wei, F. Mallet, T. Zhou.  2017.  Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Uncertainty-Aware Hybrid AADL Designs Using Statistical Model Checking. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. PP:1-1.
Y. Cui, R. Kavasseri.  2017.  Particle filter-based dual estimation for synchronous generators. IET Generation, Transmission Distribution. 11:1701-1708.
Y. Cui, R. Kavasseri, S. Brahma.  2016.  Dynamic state estimation assisted posturing for generator out-of-step protection. 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). :1-5.
Y. Cui, R. G. Kavasseri, N. R. Chaudhuri.  2016.  Modeling and simulation of dynamic communication latency and data aggregation for wide-area applications. 2016 Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (MSCPES). :1-6.
Y. Jiang, Y. Yang, H. Liu, H. Kong, M. Gu, J. Sun, L. Sha.  2016.  From Stateflow Simulation to Verified Implementation: A Verification Approach and A Real-Time Train Controller Design. 2016 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS). :1-11.
Y. Jiang, H. Liu, H. Kong, R. Wang, M. Hosseini, J. Sun, L. Sha.  2016.  Use Runtime Verification to Improve the Quality of Medical Care Practice. 2016 IEEE/ACM 38th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-C). :112-121.
Y. Li, R.G.Sanfelice.  2016.  A Decentralized Consensus Algorithm for Distributed State Observers with Robustness Guarantees. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :1876–1881.
Y. Li, S. Phillips, R. G. Sanfelice.  2016.  On Distributed Observers for Linear Time-invariant Systems Under Intermittent Information Constraints. Proceedings of 10th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems. :654–659.
Y. Li, R.G.Sanfelice.  2016.  Results on Finite Time Stability for A Class of Hybrid Systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. :4263–4268.
Y. Ma, G. Zhou, S. Lin.  2017.  EliMO: Eliminating Channel Feedback from MIMO. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP). :1-8.
Y. Ma, G. Zhou, S. Lin, H. Chen.  2017.  RoFi: Rotation-aware WiFi Channel Feedback. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. PP:1-1.
Y. Tao, L. Ding, S. Wang, A. Ganz.  2017.  PERCEPT Indoor Wayfinding for Blind and Visually Impaired Users: Navigation Instructions Algorithm and Validation Framework. Int. Conf. Info. and Comm. Technologies for Aging Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE). :143–149.
Y. Zhang, J. Cortes.  2017.  Transient-state feasibility set approximation of power networks against disturbances of unknown amplitude. acc. :2767-2772.

This paper develops methods to efficiently compute the set of disturbances on a power network that do not tip the frequency of each bus and the power flow in each transmission line beyond their respective bounds. For a linearized AC power network model, we propose a sampling method to provide superset and subset approximations with a desired accuracy of the set of feasible disturbances. We also introduce an error metric to measure the approximation gap and design an algorithm that is able to reduce its value without impacting the complexity of the resulting set approximations. Simulations on the IEEE 118-bus power network illustrate our results.

Y. Zhao, V. Gupta, J. Cortes.  2015.  The effect of delayed side information on fundamental limitations of disturbance attenuation. cdc. :1878-1883.

In this paper, we present a fundamental limitation of disturbance attenuation in discrete-time single-input single-output (SISO) feedback systems when the controller has delayed side information about the external disturbance. Specifically, we assume that the delayed information about the disturbance is transmitted to the controller across a finite Shannon-capacity communication channel. Our main result is a lower bound on the log sensitivity integral in terms of open-loop unstable poles of the plant and the characteristics of the channel, similar to the classical Bode integral formula. A comparison with prior work that considers the effect of preview side information of the disturbance at the controller indicates that delayed side information and preview side information play different roles in disturbance attenuation. In particular, we show that for open-loop stable systems, delayed side information cannot reduce the log integral of the sensitivity function whereas it can for open-loop unstable systems, even when the disturbance is a white stochastic process.