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Wide-Area Damping Control using Multiple DFIG-based Wind Farms Under Stochastic Data Packet Dropouts. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. PP:1-1.
Wide-Area Damping Control using Reduced Copy under Intermittent Observation: A Novel Performance Measure. under review in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
A New H-IRKA Approach for Model Reduction with Explicit Modal Preservation: Application on Grids with Renewable Penetration. under review in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
Modeling adequacy for studying power oscillation damping in grids with wind farms and networked control systems (NCS). 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). :1-5.
Data packet-drop-resilient wide-area damping control using DFIG-based wind farm. 2016 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). :1-6.
An approach for wide-area damping control using multiple DFIG-based wind farm to deal with communication dropouts. 2016 IEEE Power Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1-5.
A Comparative Study on Wide-Area Damping Controllers using Multiple DFIG-based Wind Farms under Intermittent Observations. 2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). :1-5.
Wide-Area Damping Control using Reduced Copy under Intermittent Observation: A Novel Performance Measure. under review in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
A New H-IRKA Approach for Model Reduction with Explicit Modal Preservation: Application on Grids with Renewable Penetration. under review in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
Challenges of model reduction in modern power grid with wind generation. 2016 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). :1-6.
MIMO Model Reduction of Modern Power Grids with Wind Generation: Some New Findings. 2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). :1-5.
Malicious Corruption-Resilient Wide-Area Oscillation Monitoring using Principal Component Pursuit. under review in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
Online Analytical Characterization of Outliers in Synchrophasor Measurements: A Singular Value Perturbation Viewpoint. under review in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
Online Bad Data Outlier Detection in PMU Measurements using PCA Feature-driven ANN Classifier. 2017 IEEE PES General Meeting. :1-6.
Malicious Corruption-Resilient Wide-Area Oscillation Monitoring using Principal Component Pursuit. under review in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
Online Analytical Characterization of Outliers in Synchrophasor Measurements: A Singular Value Perturbation Viewpoint. under review in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
Bad data detection in PMU measurements using principal component analysis. 2016 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). :1-6.
Real-Time Identification of Dynamic Events in Power Systems Using PMU Data, and Potential Applications #8212;Models, Promises, and Challenges. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 32:294-301.
Modeling and simulation of dynamic communication latency and data aggregation for wide-area applications. 2016 Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (MSCPES). :1-6.