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A. Endert.  2014.  Semantic Interaction for Visual Analytics: Toward Coupling Cognition and Computation. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 34:8-15.

Alex Endert's dissertation "Semantic Interaction for Visual Analytics: Inferring Analytical Reasoning for Model Steering" described semantic interaction, a user interaction methodology for visual analytics (VA). It showed that user interaction embodies users' analytic process and can thus be mapped to model-steering functionality for "human-in-the-loop" system design. The dissertation contributed a framework (or pipeline) that describes such a process, a prototype VA system to test semantic interaction, and a user evaluation to demonstrate semantic interaction's impact on the analytic process. This research is influencing current VA research and has implications for future VA research.

G. Klien, D. D. Woods, J. M. Bradshaw, R. R. Hoffman, P. J. Feltovich.  2004.  Ten challenges for making automation a "team player" in joint human-agent activity. IEEE Intelligent Systems. 19:91-95.

We propose 10 challenges for making automation components into effective "team players" when they interact with people in significant ways. Our analysis is based on some of the principles of human-centered computing that we have developed individually and jointly over the years, and is adapted from a more comprehensive examination of common ground and coordination.