E. Aubry, T. Silverston, I. Chrisment.
"SRSC: SDN-based routing scheme for CCN". Proceedings of the 2015 1st IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft). :1-5.
Content delivery such as P2P or video streaming generates the main part of the Internet traffic and Content Centric Network (CCN) appears as an appropriate architecture to satisfy the user needs. However, the lack of scalable routing scheme is one of the main obstacles that slows down a large deployment of CCN at an Internet-scale. In this paper we propose to use the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm to decouple data plane and control plane and present SRSC, a new routing scheme for CCN. Our solution is a clean-slate approach using only CCN messages and the SDN paradigm. We implemented our solution into the NS-3 simulator and perform simulations of our proposal. SRSC shows better performances than the flooding scheme used by default in CCN: it reduces the number of messages, while still improves CCN caching performances.
E. Pisek, S. Abu-Surra, R. Taori, J. Dunham, D. Rajan.
"Enhanced Cryptcoding: Joint Security and Advanced Dual-Step Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Coding". 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). :1-7.
Data security has always been a major concern and a huge challenge for governments and individuals throughout the world since early times. Recent advances in technology, such as the introduction of cloud computing, make it even a bigger challenge to keep data secure. In parallel, high throughput mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are designed to support these new technologies. The high throughput requires power-efficient designs to maintain the battery-life. In this paper, we propose a novel Joint Security and Advanced Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) Coding (JSALC) method. The JSALC is composed of two parts: the Joint Security and Advanced LDPC-based Encryption (JSALE) and the dual-step Secure LDPC code for Channel Coding (SLCC). The JSALE is obtained by interlacing Advanced Encryption System (AES)-like rounds and Quasi-Cyclic (QC)-LDPC rows into a single primitive. Both the JSALE code and the SLCC code share the same base quasi-cyclic parity check matrix (PCM) which retains the power efficiency compared to conventional systems. We show that the overall JSALC Frame-Error-Rate (FER) performance outperforms other cryptcoding methods by over 1.5 dB while maintaining the AES-128 security level. Moreover, the JSALC enables error resilience and has higher diffusion than AES-128.
E.V., Jaideep Varier, V., Prabakar, Balamurugan, Karthigha.
Design of Generic Verification Procedure for IIC Protocol in UVM. 2019 3rd International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA). :1146-1150.
With the growth of technology, designs became more complex and may contain bugs. This makes verification an indispensable part in product development. UVM describe a standard method for verification of designs which is reusable and portable. This paper verifies IIC bus protocol using Universal Verification Methodology. IIC controller is designed in Verilog using Vivado. It have APB interface and its function and code coverage is carried out in Mentor graphic Questasim 10.4e. This work achieved 83.87% code coverage and 91.11% functional coverage.
Eamsa-ard, T., Seesaard, T., Kerdcharoen, T..
Wearable Sensor of Humanoid Robot-Based Textile Chemical Sensors for Odor Detection and Tracking. 2018 International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences, and Technology (ICEAST). :1—4.
This paper revealed the development and implementation of the wearable sensors based on transient responses of textile chemical sensors for odorant detection system as wearable sensor of humanoid robot. The textile chemical sensors consist of nine polymer/CNTs nano-composite gas sensors which can be divided into three different prototypes of the wearable humanoid robot; (i) human axillary odor monitoring, (ii) human foot odor tracking, and (iii) wearable personal gas leakage detection. These prototypes can be integrated into high-performance wearable wellness platform such as smart clothes, smart shoes and wearable pocket toxic-gas detector. While operating mode has been designed to use ZigBee wireless communication technology for data acquisition and monitoring system. Wearable humanoid robot offers several platforms that can be applied to investigate the role of individual scent produced by different parts of the human body such as axillary odor and foot odor, which have potential health effects from abnormal or offensive body odor. Moreover, wearable personal safety and security component in robot is also effective for detecting NH3 leakage in environment. Preliminary results with nine textile chemical sensors for odor biomarker and NH3 detection demonstrates the feasibility of using the wearable humanoid robot to distinguish unpleasant odor released when you're physically active. It also showed an excellent performance to detect a hazardous gas like ammonia (NH3) with sensitivity as low as 5 ppm.
Eberly, Wayne.
Selecting Algorithms for Black Box Matrices: Checking For Matrix Properties That Can Simplify Computations. Proceedings of the ACM on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. :207–214.
Processes to automate the selection of appropriate algorithms for various matrix computations are described. In particular, processes to check for, and certify, various matrix properties of black-box matrices are presented. These include sparsity patterns and structural properties that allow "superfast" algorithms to be used in place of black-box algorithms. Matrix properties that hold generically, and allow the use of matrix preconditioning to be reduced or eliminated, can also be checked for and certified –- notably including in the small-field case, where this presently has the greatest impact on the efficiency of the computation.
Ebert, David S..
Visual Spatial Analytics and Trusted Information for Effective Decision Making. Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. :2.
Information, not just data, is key to today's global challenges. To solve these challenges requires not only advancing geospatial and big data analytics but requires new analysis and decision-making environments that enable reliable decisions from trustable, understandable information that go beyond current approaches to machine learning and artificial intelligence. These environments are successful when they effectively couple human decision making with advanced, guided spatial analytics in human-computer collaborative discourse and decision making (HCCD). Our HCCD approach builds upon visual analytics, natural scale templates, traceable information, human-guided analytics, and explainable and interactive machine learning, focusing on empowering the decisionmaker through interactive visual spatial analytic environments where non-digital human expertise and experience can be combined with state-of-the-art and transparent analytical techniques. When we combine this approach with real-world application-driven research, not only does the pace of scientific innovation accelerate, but impactful change occurs. I'll describe how we have applied these techniques to challenges in sustainability, security, resiliency, public safety, and disaster management.
Eberz, Simon, Rasmussen, Kasper B., Lenders, Vincent, Martinovic, Ivan.
Evaluating Behavioral Biometrics for Continuous Authentication: Challenges and Metrics. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :386–399.
In recent years, behavioral biometrics have become a popular approach to support continuous authentication systems. Most generally, a continuous authentication system can make two types of errors: false rejects and false accepts. Based on this, the most commonly reported metrics to evaluate systems are the False Reject Rate (FRR) and False Accept Rate (FAR). However, most papers only report the mean of these measures with little attention paid to their distribution. This is problematic as systematic errors allow attackers to perpetually escape detection while random errors are less severe. Using 16 biometric datasets we show that these systematic errors are very common in the wild. We show that some biometrics (such as eye movements) are particularly prone to systematic errors, while others (such as touchscreen inputs) show more even error distributions. Our results also show that the inclusion of some distinctive features lowers average error rates but significantly increases the prevalence of systematic errors. As such, blind optimization of the mean EER (through feature engineering or selection) can sometimes lead to lower security. Following this result we propose the Gini Coefficient (GC) as an additional metric to accurately capture different error distributions. We demonstrate the usefulness of this measure both to compare different systems and to guide researchers during feature selection. In addition to the selection of features and classifiers, some non- functional machine learning methodologies also affect error rates. The most notable examples of this are the selection of training data and the attacker model used to develop the negative class. 13 out of the 25 papers we analyzed either include imposter data in the negative class or randomly sample training data from the entire dataset, with a further 6 not giving any information on the methodology used. Using real-world data we show that both of these decisions lead to significant underestimation of error rates by 63% and 81%, respectively. This is an alarming result, as it suggests that researchers are either unaware of the magnitude of these effects or might even be purposefully attempting to over-optimize their EER without actually improving the system.
Eberz, Simon, Rasmussen, Kasper B., Lenders, Vincent, Martinovic, Ivan.
Evaluating Behavioral Biometrics for Continuous Authentication: Challenges and Metrics. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :386–399.
In recent years, behavioral biometrics have become a popular approach to support continuous authentication systems. Most generally, a continuous authentication system can make two types of errors: false rejects and false accepts. Based on this, the most commonly reported metrics to evaluate systems are the False Reject Rate (FRR) and False Accept Rate (FAR). However, most papers only report the mean of these measures with little attention paid to their distribution. This is problematic as systematic errors allow attackers to perpetually escape detection while random errors are less severe. Using 16 biometric datasets we show that these systematic errors are very common in the wild. We show that some biometrics (such as eye movements) are particularly prone to systematic errors, while others (such as touchscreen inputs) show more even error distributions. Our results also show that the inclusion of some distinctive features lowers average error rates but significantly increases the prevalence of systematic errors. As such, blind optimization of the mean EER (through feature engineering or selection) can sometimes lead to lower security. Following this result we propose the Gini Coefficient (GC) as an additional metric to accurately capture different error distributions. We demonstrate the usefulness of this measure both to compare different systems and to guide researchers during feature selection. In addition to the selection of features and classifiers, some non- functional machine learning methodologies also affect error rates. The most notable examples of this are the selection of training data and the attacker model used to develop the negative class. 13 out of the 25 papers we analyzed either include imposter data in the negative class or randomly sample training data from the entire dataset, with a further 6 not giving any information on the methodology used. Using real-world data we show that both of these decisions lead to significant underestimation of error rates by 63% and 81%, respectively. This is an alarming result, as it suggests that researchers are either unaware of the magnitude of these effects or might even be purposefully attempting to over-optimize their EER without actually improving the system.
Ebrahimabadi, Mohammad, Younis, Mohamed, Lalouani, Wassila, Karimi, Naghmeh.
A Novel Modeling-Attack Resilient Arbiter-PUF Design. 2021 34th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2021 20th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID). :123–128.
Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have been considered as promising lightweight primitives for random number generation and device authentication. Thanks to the imperfections occurring during the fabrication process of integrated circuits, each PUF generates a unique signature which can be used for chip identification. Although supposed to be unclonable, PUFs have been shown to be vulnerable to modeling attacks where a set of collected challenge response pairs are used for training a machine learning model to predict the PUF response to unseen challenges. Challenge obfuscation has been proposed to tackle the modeling attacks in recent years. However, knowing the obfuscation algorithm can help the adversary to model the PUF. This paper proposes a modeling-resilient arbiter-PUF architecture that benefits from the randomness provided by PUFs in concealing the obfuscation scheme. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed structure in countering PUF modeling attacks.
Ebrahimabadi, Mohammad, Younis, Mohamed, Lalouani, Wassila, Karimi, Naghmeh.
An Attack Resilient PUF-based Authentication Mechanism for Distributed Systems. 2022 35th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2022 21st International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID). :108–113.
In most PUF-based authentication schemes, a central server is usually engaged to verify the response of the device’s PUF to challenge bit-streams. However, the server availability may be intermittent in practice. To tackle such an issue, this paper proposes a new protocol for supporting distributed authentication while avoiding vulnerability to information leakage where CRPs could be retrieved from hacked devices and collectively used to model the PUF. The main idea is to provision for scrambling the challenge bit-stream in a way that is dependent on the verifier. The scrambling pattern varies per authentication round for each device and independently across devices. In essence, the scrambling function becomes node- and packetspecific and the response received by two verifiers of one device for the same challenge bit-stream could vary. Thus, neither the scrambling function can be reverted, nor the PUF can be modeled even by a collusive set of malicious nodes. The validation results using data of an FPGA-based implementation demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in thwarting PUF modeling attacks by collusive actors. We also discuss the approach resiliency against impersonation, Sybil, and reverse engineering attacks.
Ebrahimi, M., Samtani, S., Chai, Y., Chen, H..
Detecting Cyber Threats in Non-English Hacker Forums: An Adversarial Cross-Lingual Knowledge Transfer Approach. 2020 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :20—26.
The regularity of devastating cyber-attacks has made cybersecurity a grand societal challenge. Many cybersecurity professionals are closely examining the international Dark Web to proactively pinpoint potential cyber threats. Despite its potential, the Dark Web contains hundreds of thousands of non-English posts. While machine translation is the prevailing approach to process non-English text, applying MT on hacker forum text results in mistranslations. In this study, we draw upon Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), Cross-Lingual Knowledge Transfer (CLKT), and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) principles to design a novel Adversarial CLKT (A-CLKT) approach. A-CLKT operates on untranslated text to retain the original semantics of the language and leverages the collective knowledge about cyber threats across languages to create a language invariant representation without any manual feature engineering or external resources. Three experiments demonstrate how A-CLKT outperforms state-of-the-art machine learning, deep learning, and CLKT algorithms in identifying cyber-threats in French and Russian forums.
Ebrahimi, Najme, Yektakhah, Behzad, Sarabandi, Kamal, Kim, Hun Seok, Wentzloff, David, Blaauw, David.
A Novel Physical Layer Security Technique Using Master-Slave Full Duplex Communication. 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS). :1096—1099.
In this work we present a novel technique for physical layer security in the Internet-of-Things (IoT) networks. In the proposed architecture, each IoT node generates a phase-modulated random key/data and transmits it to a master node in the presence of an eavesdropper, referred to as Eve. The master node, simultaneously, broadcasts a high power signal using an omni-directional antenna, which is received as interference by Eve. This interference masks the generated key by the IoT node and will result in a higher bit-error rate in the data received by Eve. The two legitimate intended nodes communicate in a full-duplex manner and, consequently, subtract their transmitted signals, as a known reference, from the received signal (self-interference cancellation). We compare our proposed method with a conventional approach to physical layer security based on directional antennas. In particular, we show, using theoretical and measurement results, that our proposed approach provides significantly better security measures, in terms bit error rate (BER) at Eve's location. Also, it is proven that in our novel system, the possible eavesdropping region, defined by the region with BER \textbackslashtextless; 10-1, is always smaller than the reliable communication region with BER \textbackslashtextless; 10-3.
Ebrahimian, Mahsa, Kashef, Rasha.
Efficient Detection of Shilling’s Attacks in Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems Using Deep Learning Models. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). :460–464.
Recommendation systems, especially collaborative filtering recommenders, are vulnerable to shilling attacks as some profit-driven users may inject fake profiles into the system to alter recommendation outputs. Current shilling attack detection methods are mostly based on feature extraction techniques. The hand-designed features can confine the model to specific domains or datasets while deep learning techniques enable us to derive deeper level features, enhance detection performance, and generalize the solution on various datasets and domains. This paper illustrates the application of two deep learning methods to detect shilling attacks. We conducted experiments on the MovieLens 100K and Netflix Dataset with different levels of attacks and types. Experimental results show that deep learning models can achieve an accuracy of up to 99%.
Ecik, Harun.
Comparison of Active Vulnerability Scanning vs. Passive Vulnerability Detection. 2021 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTURKEY). :87–92.
Vulnerability analysis is an integral part of an overall security program. Through identifying known security flaws and weaknesses, vulnerability identification tools help security practitioners to remediate the existing vulnerabilities on the networks. Thus, it is crucial that the results of such tools are complete, accurate, timely and they produce vulnerability results with minimum or no side-effects on the networks. To achieve these goals, Active Vulnerability Scanning (AVS) or Passive Vulnerability Detection (PVD) approaches can be used by network-based vulnerability scanners. In this work, we evaluate these two approaches with respect to efficiency and effectiveness. For the effectiveness analysis, we compare these two approaches empirically on a test environment and evaluate their outcomes. According to total amount of accuracy and precision, the PVD results are higher than AVS. As a result of our analysis, we conclude that PVD returns more complete and accurate results with considerably shorter scanning periods and with no side-effects on networks, compared to the AVS.
Eckel, Michael, Kuzhiyelil, Don, Krauß, Christoph, Zhdanova, Maria, Katzenbeisser, Stefan, Cosic, Jasmin, Drodt, Matthias, Pitrolle, Jean-Jacques.
Implementing a Security Architecture for Safety-Critical Railway Infrastructure. 2021 International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED). :215—226.
The digitalization of safety-critical railroad infrastructure enables new types of attacks. This increases the need to integrate Information Technology (IT) security measures into railroad systems. For that purpose, we rely on a security architecture for a railway object controller which controls field elements that we developed in previous work. Our architecture enables the integration of security mechanisms into a safety-certified railway system. In this paper, we demonstrate the practical feasibility of our architecture by using a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 and a Multiple Independent Levels of Safety and Security (MILS) Separation Kernel (SK) for our implementation. Our evaluation includes a test bed and shows how certification and homologation can be achieved.
Eckhart, Matthias, Ekelhart, Andreas.
Towards Security-Aware Virtual Environments for Digital Twins. Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical System Security. :61-72.
Digital twins open up new possibilities in terms of monitoring, simulating, optimizing and predicting the state of cyber-physical systems (CPSs). Furthermore, we argue that a fully functional, virtual replica of a CPS can also play an important role in securing the system. In this work, we present a framework that allows users to create and execute digital twins, closely matching their physical counterparts. We focus on a novel approach to automatically generate the virtual environment from specification, taking advantage of engineering data exchange formats. From a security perspective, an identical (in terms of the system's specification), simulated environment can be freely explored and tested by security professionals, without risking negative impacts on live systems. Going a step further, security modules on top of the framework support security analysts in monitoring the current state of CPSs. We demonstrate the viability of the framework in a proof of concept, including the automated generation of digital twins and the monitoring of security and safety rules.
Eckhart, Matthias, Ekelhart, Andreas, Weippl, Edgar.
Enhancing Cyber Situational Awareness for Cyber-Physical Systems through Digital Twins. 2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). :1222–1225.
Operators of cyber-physical systems (CPSs) need to maintain awareness of the cyber situation in order to be able to adequately address potential issues in a timely manner. For instance, detecting early symptoms of cyber attacks may speed up the incident response process and mitigate consequences of attacks (e.g., business interruption, safety hazards). However, attaining a full understanding of the cyber situation may be challenging, given the complexity of CPSs and the ever-changing threat landscape. In particular, CPSs typically need to be continuously operational, may be sensitive to active scanning, and often provide only limited in-depth analysis capabilities. To address these challenges, we propose to utilize the concept of digital twins for enhancing cyber situational awareness. Digital twins, i.e., virtual replicas of systems, can run in parallel to their physical counterparts and allow deep inspection of their behavior without the risk of disrupting operational technology services. This paper reports our work in progress to develop a cyber situational awareness framework based on digital twins that provides a profound, holistic, and current view on the cyber situation that CPSs are in. More specifically, we present a prototype that provides real-time visualization features (i.e., system topology, program variables of devices) and enables a thorough, repeatable investigation process on a logic and network level. A brief explanation of technological use cases and outlook on future development efforts completes this work.
Eckhart, Matthias, Ekelhart, Andreas, Lüder, Arndt, Biffl, Stefan, Weippl, Edgar.
Security Development Lifecycle for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 1:3004–3011.
As the connectivity within manufacturing processes increases in light of Industry 4.0, information security becomes a pressing issue for product suppliers, systems integrators, and asset owners. Reaching new heights in digitizing the manufacturing industry also provides more targets for cyber attacks, hence, cyber-physical production systems (CPPSs) must be adequately secured to prevent malicious acts. To achieve a sufficient level of security, proper defense mechanisms must be integrated already early on in the systems' lifecycle and not just eventually in the operation phase. Although standardization efforts exist with the objective of guiding involved stakeholders toward the establishment of a holistic industrial security concept (e.g., IEC 62443), a dedicated security development lifecycle for systems integrators is missing. This represents a major challenge for engineers who lack sufficient information security knowledge, as they may not be able to identify security-related activities that can be performed along the production systems engineering (PSE) process. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology named Security Development Lifecycle for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (SDL-CPPS) that aims to foster security by design for CPPSs, i.e., the engineering of smart production systems with security in mind. More specifically, we derive security-related activities based on (i) security standards and guidelines, and (ii) relevant literature, leading to a security-improved PSE process that can be implemented by systems integrators. Furthermore, this paper informs domain experts on how they can conduct these security-enhancing activities and provides pointers to relevant works that may fill the potential knowledge gap. Finally, we review the proposed approach by means of discussions in a workshop setting with technical managers of an Austrian-based systems integrator to identify barriers to adopting the SDL-CPPS.
Eclarin, Bobby A., Fajardo, Arnel C., Medina, Ruji P..
A Novel Feature Hashing With Efficient Collision Resolution for Bag-of-Words Representation of Text Data. Proceedings of the 2Nd International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval. :12-16.
Text Mining is widely used in many areas transforming unstructured text data from all sources such as patients' record, social media network, insurance data, and news, among others into an invaluable source of information. The Bag Of Words (BoW) representation is a means of extracting features from text data for use in modeling. In text classification, a word in a document is assigned a weight according to its frequency and frequency between different documents; therefore, words together with their weights form the BoW. One way to solve the issue of voluminous data is to use the feature hashing method or hashing trick. However, collision is inevitable and might change the result of the whole process of feature generation and selection. Using the vector data structure, the lookup performance is improved while resolving collision and the memory usage is also efficient.
Eddeen, L.M.H.N., Saleh, E.M., Saadah, D..
Genetic Hash Algorithm. Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT), 2014 6th International Conference on. :23-26.
Security is becoming a major concern in computing. New techniques are evolving every day; one of these techniques is Hash Visualization. Hash Visualization uses complex random generated images for security, these images can be used to hide data (watermarking). This proposed new technique improves hash visualization by using genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms are a search optimization technique that is based on the evolution of living creatures. The proposed technique uses genetic algorithms to improve hash visualization. The used genetic algorithm was away faster than traditional previous ones, and it improved hash visualization by evolving the tree that was used to generate the images, in order to obtain a better and larger tree that will generate images with higher security. The security was satisfied by calculating the fitness value for each chromosome based on a specifically designed algorithm.
Edge, Darren, Larson, Jonathan, White, Christopher.
Bringing AI to BI: Enabling Visual Analytics of Unstructured Data in a Modern Business Intelligence Platform. Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. :CS02:1–CS02:9.
The Business Intelligence (BI) paradigm is challenged by emerging use cases such as news and social media analytics in which the source data are unstructured, the analysis metrics are unspecified, and the appropriate visual representations are unsupported by mainstream tools. This case study documents the work undertaken in Microsoft Research to enable these use cases in the Microsoft Power BI product. Our approach comprises: (a) back-end pipelines that use AI to infer navigable data structures from streams of unstructured text, media and metadata; and (b) front-end representations of these structures grounded in the Visual Analytics literature. Through our creation of multiple end-to-end data applications, we learned that representing the varying quality of inferred data structures was crucial for making the use and limitations of AI transparent to users. We conclude with reflections on BI in the age of AI, big data, and democratized access to data analytics.
Edwards, Stephen A., Townsend, Richard, Kim, Martha A..
Compositional Dataflow Circuits. Proceedings of the 15th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design. :175–184.
We present a technique for implementing dataflow networks as compositional hardware circuits. We first define an abstract dataflow model with unbounded buffers that supports data-dependent blocks (mux, demux, and nondeterministic merge); we then show how to faithfully implement such networks with bounded buffers and handshaking. Handshaking admits compositionality: our circuits can be connected with or without buffers and still compute the same function without introducing spurious combinational cycles. As such, inserting or removing buffers affects the performance but not the functionality of our networks, which we demonstrate through experiments that show how design space can be explored.
Edzereiq Kamarudin, Imran, Faizal Ab Razak, Mohd, Firdaus, Ahmad, Izham Jaya, M., Ti Dun, Yau.
Performance Analysis on Denial of Service attack using UNSW-NB15 Dataset. 2021 International Conference on Software Engineering Computer Systems and 4th International Conference on Computational Science and Information Management (ICSECS-ICOCSIM). :423–426.
With the advancement of network technology, users can now easily gain access to and benefit from networks. However, the number of network violations is increasing. The main issue with this violation is that irresponsible individuals are infiltrating the network. Network intrusion can be interpreted in a variety of ways, including cyber criminals forcibly attempting to disrupt network connections, gaining unauthorized access to valuable data, and then stealing, corrupting, or destroying the data. There are already numerous systems in place to detect network intrusion. However, the systems continue to fall short in detecting and counter-attacking network intrusion attacks. This research aims to enhance the detection of Denial of service (DoS) by identifying significant features and identifying abnormal network activities more accurately. To accomplish this goal, the study proposes an Intrusion Analysis System for detecting Denial of service (DoS) network attacks using machine learning. The accuracy rate of the proposed method using random forest was demonstrated in our experimental results. It was discovered that the accuracy rate with each dataset is greater than 98.8 percent when compared to traditional approaches. Furthermore, when features are selected, the detection time is significantly reduced.
Eetha, S., Agrawal, S., Neelam, S..
Zynq FPGA Based System Design for Video Surveillance with Sobel Edge Detection. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES) (Formerly iNiS). :76–79.
Advancements in semiconductor domain gave way to realize numerous applications in Video Surveillance using Computer vision and Deep learning, Video Surveillances in Industrial automation, Security, ADAS, Live traffic analysis etc. through image understanding improves efficiency. Image understanding requires input data with high precision which is dependent on Image resolution and location of camera. The data of interest can be thermal image or live feed coming for various sensors. Composite(CVBS) is a popular video interface capable of streaming upto HD(1920x1080) quality. Unlike high speed serial interfaces like HDMI/MIPI CSI, Analog composite video interface is a single wire standard supporting longer distances. Image understanding requires edge detection and classification for further processing. Sobel filter is one the most used edge detection filter which can be embedded into live stream. This paper proposes Zynq FPGA based system design for video surveillance with Sobel edge detection, where the input Composite video decoded (Analog CVBS input to YCbCr digital output), processed in HW and streamed to HDMI display simultaneously storing in SD memory for later processing. The HW design is scalable for resolutions from VGA to Full HD for 60fps and 4K for 24fps. The system is built on Xilinx ZC702 platform and TVP5146 to showcase the functional path.