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L, Gururaj H, C, Soundarya B, V, Janhavi, H, Lakshmi, MJ, Prassan Kumar.  2022.  Analysis of Cyber Security Attacks using Kali Linux. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE). :1—6.
In the prevailing situation, the sports like economic, industrial, cultural, social, and governmental activities are carried out in the online world. Today's international is particularly dependent on the wireless era and protective these statistics from cyber-assaults is a hard hassle. The reason for cyber-assaults is to damage thieve the credentials. In a few other cases, cyber-attacks ought to have a navy or political functions. The damages are PC viruses, facts break, DDS, and exceptional attack vectors. To this surrender, various companies use diverse answers to prevent harm because of cyberattacks. Cyber safety follows actual-time data at the modern-day-day IT data. So, far, numerous techniques have proposed with the resource of researchers around the area to prevent cyber-attacks or lessen the harm due to them. The cause of this has a look at is to survey and comprehensively evaluate the usual advances supplied around cyber safety and to analyse the traumatic situations, weaknesses, and strengths of the proposed techniques. Different sorts of attacks are taken into consideration in element. In addition, evaluation of various cyber-attacks had been finished through the platform called Kali Linux. It is predicted that the complete assessment has a have a study furnished for college students, teachers, IT, and cyber safety researchers might be beneficial.
L, Nirmala Devi, K, Venkata Subbareddy.  2019.  Secure and Composite Routing Strategy through Clustering In WSN. 2019 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Electronics, Signal Processing and Communication (IESC). :119–123.

Due to openness of the deployed environment and transmission medium, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) suffers from various types of security attacks including Denial of service, Sinkhole, Tampering etc. Securing WSN is achieved a greater research interest and this paper proposes a new secure routing strategy for WSNs based on trust model. In this model, initially the sensor nodes of the network are formulated as clusters. Further a trust evaluation mechanism was accomplished for every sensor node at Cluster Head level to build a secure route for data transmission from sensor node to base station. Here the trust evaluation is carried out only at cluster head and also the cluster head is chosen in such a way the node having rich resources availability. The trust evaluation is a composition of the social trust and data trust. Simulation experiments are conducted over the proposed approach and the performance is measured through the performance metrics such as network lifetime, and Malicious Detection Rate. The obtained performance metrics shows the outstanding performance of proposed approach even in the increased malicious behavior of network.

L, Shammi, Milind, Emilin Shyni, C., Ul Nisa, Khair, Bora, Ravi Kumar, Saravanan, S..  2022.  Securing Biometric Data with Optimized Share Creation and Visual Cryptography Technique. 2022 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology. :673–679.

Biometric security is the fastest growing area that receives considerable attention over the past few years. Digital hiding and encryption technologies provide an effective solution to secure biometric information from intentional or accidental attacks. Visual cryptography is the approach utilized for encrypting the information which is in the form of visual information for example images. Meanwhile, the biometric template stored in the databases are generally in the form of images, the visual cryptography could be employed effectively for encrypting the template from the attack. This study develops a share creation with improved encryption process for secure biometric verification (SCIEP-SBV) technique. The presented SCIEP-SBV technique majorly aims to attain security via encryption and share creation (SC) procedure. Firstly, the biometric images undergo SC process to produce several shares. For encryption process, homomorphic encryption (HE) technique is utilized in this work. To further improve the secrecy, an improved bald eagle search (IBES) approach was exploited in this work. The simulation values of the SCIEP-SBV system are tested on biometric images. The extensive comparison study demonstrated the improved outcomes of the SCIEP-SBV technique over compared methods.

L. Huiying, X. Caiyun, K. Jun, D. Ying.  2015.  "A Novel Secure Arithmetic Image Coding Algorithm Based on Two-Dimensional Generalized Logistic Mapping". 2015 Fifth International Conference on Instrumentation and Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC). :671-674.

A novel secure arithmetic image coding algorithm based on Two-dimensional Generalized Logistic Mapping is proposed. Firstly, according to the digital image size m×n, two 2D chaotic sequences are generated by logistic chaotic mapping. Then, the original image data is scrambled by sorting the chaotic sequence. Secondly, the chaotic sequence is optimized to generate key stream which is used to mask the image data. Finally, to generate the final output, the coding interval order is controlled by the chaotic sequence during the arithmetic coding process. Experiment results show the proposed secure algorithm has good robustness and can be applied in the arithmetic coder for multimedia such as video and audio with little loss of coding efficiency.

L. Rivière, J. Bringer, T. H. Le, H. Chabanne.  2015.  "A novel simulation approach for fault injection resistance evaluation on smart cards". 2015 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW). :1-8.

Physical perturbations are performed against embedded systems that can contain valuable data. Such devices and in particular smart cards are targeted because potential attackers hold them. The embedded system security must hold against intentional hardware failures that can result in software errors. In a malicious purpose, an attacker could exploit such errors to find out secret data or disrupt a transaction. Simulation techniques help to point out fault injection vulnerabilities and come at an early stage in the development process. This paper proposes a generic fault injection simulation tool that has the particularity to embed the injection mechanism into the smart card source code. By its embedded nature, the Embedded Fault Simulator (EFS) allows us to perform fault injection simulations and side-channel analyses simultaneously. It makes it possible to achieve combined attacks, multiple fault attacks and to perform backward analyses. We appraise our approach on real, modern and complex smart card systems under data and control flow fault models. We illustrate the EFS capacities by performing a practical combined attack on an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) implementation.

L. Thiele, M. Kurras, S. Jaeckel, S. Fähse, W. Zirwas.  2015.  "Interference-floor shaping for liquid coverage zones in coordinated 5G networks". 2015 49th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. :1102-1106.

Joint transmission coordinated multi-point (CoMP) is a combination of constructive and destructive superposition of several to potentially many signal components, with the goal to maximize the desired receive-signal and at the same time to minimize mutual interference. Especially the destructive superposition requires accurate alignment of phases and amplitudes. Therefore, a 5G clean slate approach needs to incorporate the following enablers to overcome the challenging limitation for JT CoMP: accurate channel estimation of all relevant channel components, channel prediction for time-aligned precoder design, proper setup of cooperation areas corresponding to user grouping and to limit feedback overhead especially in FDD as well as treatment of out-of-cluster interference (interference floor shaping).

La Manna, Michele, Perazzo, Pericle, Rasori, Marco, Dini, Gianluca.  2019.  fABElous: An Attribute-Based Scheme for Industrial Internet of Things. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP). :33–38.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technological vision in which constrained or embedded devices connect together through the Internet. This enables common objects to be empowered with communication and cooperation capabilities. Industry can take an enormous advantage of IoT, leading to the so-called Industrial IoT. In these systems, integrity, confidentiality, and access control over data are key requirements. An emerging approach to reach confidentiality and access control is Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE), which is a technique able to enforce cryptographically an access control over data. In this paper, we propose fABElous, an ABE scheme suitable for Industrial IoT applications which aims at minimizing the overhead of encryption on communication. fABElous ensures data integrity, confidentiality, and access control, while reducing the communication overhead of 35% with respect to using ABE techniques naively.
Laaboudi, Younes, Olivereau, Alexis, Oualha, Nouha.  2019.  An Intrusion Detection and Response Scheme for CP-ABE-Encrypted IoT Networks. 2019 10th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS). :1–5.

This paper introduces a new method of applying both an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and an Intrusion Response System (IRS) to communications protected using Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-based Encryption (CP-ABE) in the context of the Internet of Things. This method leverages features specific to CP-ABE in order to improve the detection capabilities of the IDS and the response ability of the network. It also enables improved privacy towards the users through group encryption rather than one-to-one shared key encryption as the policies used in the CP-ABE can easily include the IDS as an authorized reader. More importantly, it enables different levels of detection and response to intrusions, which can be crucial when using anomaly-based detection engines.

Laatansa, Saputra, Ragil, Noranita, Beta.  2019.  Analysis of GPGPU-Based Brute-Force and Dictionary Attack on SHA-1 Password Hash. 2019 3rd International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences (ICICoS). :1—4.
Password data in a system usually stored in hash. Various human-caused negligence and system vulnerability can make those data fall in the hand of those who isn't entitled to or even those who have malicious purpose. Attacks which could be done on the hashed password data using GPGPU-based machine are for example: brute-force, dictionary, mask-attack, and word-list. This research explains about effectivity of brute-force and dictionary attack which done on SHA-l hashed password using GPGPU-based machine. Result is showing that brute-force effectively crack more password which has lower set of character, with over 11% of 7 or less characters passwords vs mere 3 % in the dictionary attack counterpart. Whereas dictionary attack is more effective on cracking password which has unsecure character pattern with 5,053 passwords vs 491 on best brute-force attack scenario. Usage of combined attack method (brute-force + dictionary) gives more balanced approach in terms of cracking whether the password is long or secure patterned string.
Laato, Samuli, Farooq, Ali, Tenhunen, Henri, Pitkamaki, Tinja, Hakkala, Antti, Airola, Antti.  2020.  AI in Cybersecurity Education- A Systematic Literature Review of Studies on Cybersecurity MOOCs. 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). :6—10.

Machine learning (ML) techniques are changing both the offensive and defensive aspects of cybersecurity. The implications are especially strong for privacy, as ML approaches provide unprecedented opportunities to make use of collected data. Thus, education on cybersecurity and AI is needed. To investigate how AI and cybersecurity should be taught together, we look at previous studies on cybersecurity MOOCs by conducting a systematic literature review. The initial search resulted in 72 items and after screening for only peer-reviewed publications on cybersecurity online courses, 15 studies remained. Three of the studies concerned multiple cybersecurity MOOCs whereas 12 focused on individual courses. The number of published work evaluating specific cybersecurity MOOCs was found to be small compared to all available cybersecurity MOOCs. Analysis of the studies revealed that cybersecurity education is, in almost all cases, organised based on the topic instead of used tools, making it difficult for learners to find focused information on AI applications in cybersecurity. Furthermore, there is a gab in academic literature on how AI applications in cybersecurity should be taught in online courses.

Labib, N. S., Brust, M. R., Danoy, G., Bouvry, P..  2019.  Trustworthiness in IoT – A Standards Gap Analysis on Security, Data Protection and Privacy. 2019 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN). :1–7.
With the emergence of new digital trends like Internet of Things (IoT), more industry actors and technical committees pursue research in utilising such technologies as they promise a better and optimised management, improved energy efficiency and a better quality living through a wide array of value-added services. However, as sensing, actuation, communication and control become increasingly more sophisticated, such promising data-driven systems generate, process, and exchange larger amounts of security-critical and privacy-sensitive data, which makes them attractive targets of attacks. In turn this affirms the importance of trustworthiness in IoT and emphasises the need of a solid technical and regulatory foundation. The goal of this paper is to first introduce the concept of trustworthiness in IoT, its main pillars namely, security, privacy and data protection, and then analyse the state-of-the-art in research and standardisation for each of these subareas. Throughout the paper, we develop and refer to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as a promising value-added service example of mobile IoT devices. The paper then presents a thorough gap analysis and concludes with recommendations for future work.
Labrador, Víctor, Pastrana, Sergio.  2022.  Examining the trends and operations of modern Dark-Web marketplaces. 2022 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW). :163—172.

Currently, the Dark Web is one key platform for the online trading of illegal products and services. Analysing the .onion sites hosting marketplaces is of interest for law enforcement and security researchers. This paper presents a study on 123k listings obtained from 6 different Dark Web markets. While most of current works leverage existing datasets, these are outdated and might not contain new products, e.g., those related to the 2020 COVID pandemic. Thus, we build a custom focused crawler to collect the data. Being able to conduct analyses on current data is of considerable importance as these marketplaces continue to change and grow, both in terms of products offered and users. Also, there are several anti-crawling mechanisms being improved, making this task more difficult and, consequently, reducing the amount of data obtained in recent years on these marketplaces. We conduct a data analysis evaluating multiple characteristics regarding the products, sellers, and markets. These characteristics include, among others, the number of sales, existing categories in the markets, the origin of the products and the sellers. Our study sheds light on the products and services being offered in these markets nowadays. Moreover, we have conducted a case study on one particular productive and dynamic drug market, i.e., Cannazon. Our initial goal was to understand its evolution over time, analyzing the variation of products in stock and their price longitudinally. We realized, though, that during the period of study the market suffered a DDoS attack which damaged its reputation and affected users' trust on it, which was a potential reason which lead to the subsequent closure of the market by its operators. Consequently, our study provides insights regarding the last days of operation of such a productive market, and showcases the effectiveness of a potential intervention approach by means of disrupting the service and fostering mistrust.

Lacava, Andrea, Giacomini, Emanuele, D'Alterio, Francesco, Cuomo, Francesca.  2021.  Intrusion Detection System for Bluetooth Mesh Networks: Data Gathering and Experimental Evaluations. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops). :661–666.
Bluetooth Low Energy mesh networks are emerging as new standard of short burst communications. While security of the messages is guaranteed thought standard encryption techniques, little has been done in terms of actively protecting the overall network in case of attacks aiming to undermine its integrity. Although many network analysis and risk mitigation techniques are currently available, they require considerable amounts of data coming from both legitimate and attack scenarios to sufficiently discriminate among them, which often turns into the requirement of a complete description of the traffic flowing through the network. Furthermore, there are no publicly available datasets to this extent for BLE mesh networks, due most to the novelty of the standard and to the absence of specific implementation tools. To create a reliable mechanism of network analysis suited for BLE in this paper we propose a machine learning Intrusion Detection System (IDS) based on pattern classification and recognition of the most classical denial of service attacks affecting this kind of networks, working on a single internal node, thus requiring a small amount of information to operate. Moreover, in order to overcome the gap created by the absence of data, we present our data collection system based on ESP32 that allowed the collection of the packets from the Network and the Model layers of the BLE Mesh stack, together with a set of experiments conducted to get the necessary data to train the IDS. In the last part, we describe some preliminary results obtained by the experimental setups, focusing on its strengths, as well as on the aspects where further analysis is required, hence proposing some improvements of the classification model as future work. Index Terms-Bluetooth, BLE Mesh, Intrusion Detection System, IoT, network security.
Lacerda, A., Rodrigues, J., Macedo, J., Albuquerque, E..  2017.  Deployment and analysis of honeypots sensors as a paradigm to improve security on systems. 2017 Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA). :64–68.
This article is about study of honeypots. In this work, we use some honeypot sensors deployment and analysis to identify, currently, what are the main attacks and security breaches explored by attackers to compromise systems. For example, a common server or service exposed to the Internet can receive a million of hits per day, but sometimes would not be easy to identify the difference between legitimate access and an attacker trying to scan, and then, interrupt the service. Finally, the objective of this research is to investigate the efficiency of the honeypots sensors to identify possible safety gaps and new ways of attacks. This research aims to propose some guidelines to avoid or minimize the damage caused by these attacks in real systems.
Lachner, Clemens, Rausch, Thomas, Dustdar, Schahram.  2019.  Context-Aware Enforcement of Privacy Policies in Edge Computing. 2019 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigDataCongress). :1—6.
Privacy is a fundamental concern that confronts systems dealing with sensitive data. The lack of robust solutions for defining and enforcing privacy measures continues to hinder the general acceptance and adoption of these systems. Edge computing has been recognized as a key enabler for privacy enhanced applications, and has opened new opportunities. In this paper, we propose a novel privacy model based on context-aware edge computing. Our model leverages the context of data to make decisions about how these data need to be processed and managed to achieve privacy. Based on a scenario from the eHealth domain, we show how our generalized model can be used to implement and enact complex domain-specific privacy policies. We illustrate our approach by constructing real world use cases involving a mobile Electronic Health Record that interacts with, and in different environments.
Lachtar, Nada, Elkhail, Abdulrahman Abu, Bacha, Anys, Malik, Hafiz.  2021.  An Application Agnostic Defense Against the Dark Arts of Cryptojacking. 2021 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :314—325.
The popularity of cryptocurrencies has garnered interest from cybercriminals, spurring an onslaught of cryptojacking campaigns that aim to hijack computational resources for the purpose of mining cryptocurrencies. In this paper, we present a cross-stack cryptojacking defense system that spans the hardware and OS layers. Unlike prior work that is confined to detecting cryptojacking behavior within web browsers, our solution is application agnostic. We show that tracking instructions that are frequently used in cryptographic hash functions serve as reliable signatures for fingerprinting cryptojacking activity. We demonstrate that our solution is resilient to multi-threaded and throttling evasion techniques that are commonly employed by cryptojacking malware. We characterize the robustness of our solution by extensively testing a diverse set of workloads that include real consumer applications. Finally, an evaluation of our proof-of-concept implementation shows minimal performance impact while running a mix of benchmark applications.
Lacroix, Alexsandre B., Langlois, J.M. Pierre, Boyer, François-Raymond, Gosselin, Antoine, Bois, Guy.  2016.  Node Configuration for the Aho-Corasick Algorithm in Intrusion Detection Systems. Proceedings of the 2016 Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems. :121–122.

In this paper, we analyze the performance and cost trade-off from selecting two representations of nodes when implementing the Aho-Corasick algorithm. This algorithm can be used for pattern matching in network-based intrusion detection systems such as Snort. Our analysis uses the Snort 2.9.7 rules set, which contains almost 26k patterns. Our methodology consists of code profiling and analysis, followed by the selection of a parameter to maximize a metric that combines clock cycles count and memory usage. The parameter determines which of two types of nodes is selected for each trie node. We show that it is possible to select the parameter to optimize the metric, which results in an improvement by up to 12× compared with the single node-type case.

Lacroix, Jesse, El-Khatib, Khalil, Akalu, Rajen.  2016.  Vehicular Digital Forensics: What Does My Vehicle Know About Me? Proceedings of the 6th ACM Symposium on Development and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications. :59–66.

A major component of modern vehicles is the infotainment system, which interfaces with its drivers and passengers. Other mobile devices, such as handheld phones and laptops, can relay information to the embedded infotainment system through Bluetooth and vehicle WiFi. The ability to extract information from these systems would help forensic analysts determine the general contents that is stored in an infotainment system. Based off the data that is extracted, this would help determine what stored information is relevant to law enforcement agencies and what information is non-essential when it comes to solving criminal activities relating to the vehicle itself. This would overall solidify the Intelligent Transport System and Vehicular Ad Hoc Network infrastructure in combating crime through the use of vehicle forensics. Additionally, determining the content of these systems will allow forensic analysts to know if they can determine anything about the end-user directly and/or indirectly.

Lafci, Mehmet, Ertuğ, Özgür.  2022.  Performance Optimization of 6LoWPAN Systems for RF AMR System Using Turbo and LDPC Codes. 2022 29th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP). CFP2255E-ART:1-4.

This work analyzed the coding gain that is provided in 6LoWPAN transceivers when channel-coding methods are used. There were made improvements at physical layer of 6LoWPAN technology in the system suggested. Performance analysis was performed using turbo, LDPC and convolutional codes on IEEE 802.15.4 standard that is used in the relevant physical layer. Code rate of convolutional and turbo codes are set to 1/3 and 1/4. For LDPC codes, the code rate is set as 3/4 and 5/6. According to simulation results obtained from the MATLAB environment, turbo codes give better results than LDPC and convolutional codes. It is seen that an average of 3 dB to 8 dB gain is achieved in turbo codes, in LDPC and convolutional coding, it is observed that the gain is between 2 dB and 6 dB depending on the modulation type and code rate.

Lafram, Ichrak, Berbiche, Naoual, El Alami, Jamila.  2019.  Artificial Neural Networks Optimized with Unsupervised Clustering for IDS Classification. 2019 1st International Conference on Smart Systems and Data Science (ICSSD). :1–7.

Information systems are becoming more and more complex and closely linked. These systems are encountering an enormous amount of nefarious traffic while ensuring real - time connectivity. Therefore, a defense method needs to be in place. One of the commonly used tools for network security is intrusion detection systems (IDS). An IDS tries to identify fraudulent activity using predetermined signatures or pre-established user misbehavior while monitoring incoming traffic. Intrusion detection systems based on signature and behavior cannot detect new attacks and fall when small behavior deviations occur. Many researchers have proposed various approaches to intrusion detection using machine learning techniques as a new and promising tool to remedy this problem. In this paper, the authors present a combination of two machine learning methods, unsupervised clustering followed by a supervised classification framework as a Fast, highly scalable and precise packets classification system. This model's performance is assessed on the new proposed dataset by the Canadian Institute for Cyber security and the University of New Brunswick (CICIDS2017). The overall process was fast, showing high accuracy classification results.

Lago, Loris Dal, Ferrante, Orlando, Passerone, Roberto, Ferrari, Alberto.  2018.  Dependability Assessment of SOA-Based CPS With Contracts and Model-Based Fault Injection. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 14:360—369.

Engineering complex distributed systems is challenging. Recent solutions for the development of cyber-physical systems (CPS) in industry tend to rely on architectural designs based on service orientation, where the constituent components are deployed according to their service behavior and are to be understood as loosely coupled and mostly independent. In this paper, we develop a workflow that combines contract-based and CPS model-based specifications with service orientation, and analyze the resulting model using fault injection to assess the dependability of the systems. Compositionality principles based on the contract specification help us to make the analysis practical. The presented techniques are evaluated on two case studies.

Lagraa, S., Cailac, M., Rivera, S., Beck, F., State, R..  2019.  Real-Time Attack Detection on Robot Cameras: A Self-Driving Car Application. 2019 Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC). :102—109.

The Robot Operating System (ROS) are being deployed for multiple life critical activities such as self-driving cars, drones, and industries. However, the security has been persistently neglected, especially the image flows incoming from camera robots. In this paper, we perform a structured security assessment of robot cameras using ROS. We points out a relevant number of security flaws that can be used to take over the flows incoming from the robot cameras. Furthermore, we propose an intrusion detection system to detect abnormal flows. Our defense approach is based on images comparisons and unsupervised anomaly detection method. We experiment our approach on robot cameras embedded on a self-driving car.

Lagraa, Sofiane, State, Radu.  2021.  What database do you choose for heterogeneous security log events analysis? 2021 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM). :812—817.
The heterogeneous massive logs incoming from multiple sources pose major challenges to professionals responsible for IT security and system administrator. One of the challenges is to develop a scalable heterogeneous logs database for storage and further analysis. In fact, it is difficult to decide which database is suitable for the needs, the best of a use case, execution time and storage performances. In this paper, we explore, study, and compare the performance of SQL and NoSQL databases on large heterogeneous event logs. We implement the relational database using MySQL, the column-oriented database using Impala on the top of Hadoop, and the graph database using Neo4j. We experiment the databases on a large heterogeneous logs and provide advice, the pros and cons of each SQL and NoSQL database. Our findings that Impala outperforms MySQL and Neo4j databases in terms of loading logs, execution time of simple queries, and storage of logs. However, Neo4j outperforms Impala and MySQL in the execution time of complex queries.
Laguduva, Vishalini, Islam, Sheikh Ariful, Aakur, Sathyanarayanan, Katkoori, Srinivas, Karam, Robert.  2019.  Machine Learning Based IoT Edge Node Security Attack and Countermeasures. 2019 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI). :670—675.
Advances in technology have enabled tremendous progress in the development of a highly connected ecosystem of ubiquitous computing devices collectively called the Internet of Things (IoT). Ensuring the security of IoT devices is a high priority due to the sensitive nature of the collected data. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have emerged as critical hardware primitive for ensuring the security of IoT nodes. Malicious modeling of PUF architectures has proven to be difficult due to the inherently stochastic nature of PUF architectures. Extant approaches to malicious PUF modeling assume that a priori knowledge and physical access to the PUF architecture is available for malicious attack on the IoT node. However, many IoT networks make the underlying assumption that the PUF architecture is sufficiently tamper-proof, both physically and mathematically. In this work, we show that knowledge of the underlying PUF structure is not necessary to clone a PUF. We present a novel non-invasive, architecture independent, machine learning attack for strong PUF designs with a cloning accuracy of 93.5% and improvements of up to 48.31% over an alternative, two-stage brute force attack model. We also propose a machine-learning based countermeasure, discriminator, which can distinguish cloned PUF devices and authentic PUFs with an average accuracy of 96.01%. The proposed discriminator can be used for rapidly authenticating millions of IoT nodes remotely from the cloud server.
Laguna, Ignacio, Schulz, Martin, Richards, David F., Calhoun, Jon, Olson, Luke.  2016.  IPAS: Intelligent Protection Against Silent Output Corruption in Scientific Applications. Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization. :227–238.

This paper presents IPAS, an instruction duplication technique that protects scientific applications from silent data corruption (SDC) in their output. The motivation for IPAS is that, due to natural error masking, only a subset of SDC errors actually affects the output of scientific codes—we call these errors silent output corruption (SOC) errors. Thus applications require duplication only on code that, when affected by a fault, yields SOC. We use machine learning to learn code instructions that must be protected to avoid SOC, and, using a compiler, we protect only those vulnerable instructions by duplication, thus significantly reducing the overhead that is introduced by instruction duplication. In our experiments with five workloads, IPAS reduces the percentage of SOC by up to 90% with a slowdown that ranges between 1.04x and 1.35x, which corresponds to as much as 47% less slowdown than state-of-the-art instruction duplication techniques.