The recent analysis indicates more than 250,000 people in the United States of America (USA) die every year because of medical errors. World Health Organisation (WHO) reports states that 2.6 million deaths occur due to medical and its prescription errors. Many of the errors related to the wrong drug/dosage administration by caregivers to patients due to indecipherable handwritings, drug interactions, confusing drug names, etc. The espousal of Mobile-based speech recognition applications will eliminate the errors. This allows physicians to narrate the prescription instead of writing. The application can be accessed through smartphones and can be used easily by everyone. An application program interface has been created for handling requests. Natural language processing is used to read text, interpret and determine the important words for generating prescriptions. The patient data is stored and used according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) guidelines. The SMS4-BSK encryption scheme is used to provide the data transmission securely over Wireless LAN.
Image encryption is an essential part of a Visual Cryptography. Existing traditional sequential encryption techniques are infeasible to real-time applications. High-performance reformulations of such methods are increasingly growing over the last decade. These reformulations proved better performances over their sequential counterparts. A rotational encryption scheme encrypts the images in such a way that the decryption is possible with the rotated encrypted images. A parallel rotational encryption technique makes use of a high-performance device. But it less-leverages the optimizations offered by them. We propose a rotational image encryption technique which makes use of memory coalescing provided by the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA). The proposed scheme achieves improved global memory utilization and increased efficiency.
In recent years, the attacks on systems have increased and among such attack is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. The path identifiers (PIDs) used for inter-domain routing are static, which makes it easier the attack easier. To address this vulnerability, this paper addresses the usage of Dynamic Path Identifiers (D-PIDs) for routing. The PID of inter-domain path connector is kept oblivious and changes dynamically, thus making it difficult to attack the system. The prototype designed with major components like client, server and router analyses the outcome of D-PID usage instead of PIDs. The results show that, DDoS attacks can be effectively prevented if Dynamic Path Identifiers (D-PIDs) are used instead of Static Path Identifiers (PIDs).
Cloud Computing has emerged as a paradigm to deliver on demand resources to facilitate the customers with access to their infrastructure and applications as per their requirements on a subscription basis. An exponential increase in the number of cloud services in the past few years provides more options for customers to choose from. To assist customers in selecting a most trustworthy cloud provider, a unified trust evaluation framework is needed. Trust helps in the estimation of competency of a resource provider in completing a task thus enabling users to select the best resources in the heterogeneous cloud infrastructure. Trust estimates obtained using the AHP process exhibit a deviation for parameters that are not in direct proportion to the contributing attributes. Such deviation can be removed using the Fuzzy AHP model. In this paper, a Fuzzy AHP based hierarchical trust model has been proposed to rate the service providers and their various plans for infrastructure as a service.
Robust and stringent fault detection and correction techniques in executing Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) are still interesting issues for many critical applications. The purpose of fault detection and correction techniques is not only to ensure the reliability of a cryptosystem, but also protect the system against side channel attacks. Such errors could result due to a fault injection attack, production faults, noise or radiation effects in deep space. Devising a proper error control mechanisms for AES cipher during execution would improve both system reliability and security. In this work a novel fault detection and correction algorithm is proposed. The proposed mechanism is making use of the linear mappings of AES round structure to detect errors in the ShiftRow (SR) and MixColumn (MC) transformations. The error correction is achieved by creating temporary redundant check words through the combined SR and MC mapping to create in case of errors an error syndrome leading to error correction with relatively minor additional complexity. The proposed technique is making use of an error detecting and correcting capability in the combined mapping of SR and MC rather than detecting and/or correcting errors in each transformation separately. The proposed technique is making use especially of the MC mapping exhibiting efficient ECC properties, which can be deployed to simplify the design of a fault-tolerance technique. The performance of the algorithm proposed is evaluated by a simulated system model in FPGA technology. The simulation results demonstrate the ability to reach relatively high fault coverage with error correction up to four bytes of execution errors in the merged transformation SR-MC. The overall gate complexity overhead of the resulting system is estimated for proposed technique in FPGA technology.
Massive MIMO and tight cooperation between transmission nodes are expected to become an integral part of a future 5G radio system. As part of an overall interference mitigation scheme substantial gains in coverage, spectral as well as energy efficiency have been reported. One of the main limitations for massive MIMO and coordinated multi-point (CoMP) systems is the aging of the channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT), which can be overcome partly by state of the art channel prediction techniques. For a clean slate 5G radio system, we propose to integrate channel prediction from the scratch in a flexible manner to benefit from future improvements in this area. As any prediction is unreliable by nature, further improvements over the state of the art are needed for a convincing solution. In this paper, we explain how the basic ingredients of 5G like base stations with massive MIMO antenna arrays, and multiple UE antennas can help to stretch today's limits with an approximately 10 dB lower normalized mean square error (NMSE) of the predicted channel. In combination with the novel introduced concept of artificially mutually coupled antennas, adding super-directivity gains to virtual beamforming, robust and accurate prediction over 10 ms with an NMSE of -20 dB up to 15 km/h at 2.6 GHz RF frequency could be achieved. This result has been achieved for measured channels without massive MIMO, but a comparison with ray-traced channels for the same scenario is provided as well.
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) which among others are comprised of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Distributed Control Systems (DCS) are used to control industrial processes. ICS have now been connected to other Information Technology (IT) systems and have as a result become vulnerable to Advanced Persistent Threats (APT). APTs are targeted attacks that use zero-day attacks to attack systems. Current ICS security mechanisms fail to deter APTs from infiltrating ICS. An analysis of possible solutions to deter APTs was done. This paper proposes the use of Artificial Immune Systems to secure ICS from APTs.
Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) extracts information about how energy is being used in a building from electricity measurements collected at a single location. Obtaining measurements at only one location is attractive because it is inexpensive and convenient, but it can result in large amounts of data from high frequency electrical measurements. Different ways to compress or selectively measure this data are therefore required for practical implementations of NILM. We explore the use of random filtering and random demodulation, techniques that are closely related to compressed sensing, to offer a computationally simple way of compressing the electrical data. We show how these techniques can allow one to reduce the sampling rate of the electricity measurements, while requiring only one sampling channel and allowing accurate NILM performance. Our tests are performed using real measurements of electrical signals from a public data set, thus demonstrating their effectiveness on real appliances and allowing for reproducibility and comparison with other data management strategies for NILM.
Ensuring system survivability in the wake of advanced persistent threats is a big challenge that the security community is facing to ensure critical infrastructure protection. In this paper, we define metrics and models for the assessment of coordinated massive malware campaigns targeting critical infrastructure sectors. First, we develop an analytical model that allows us to capture the effect of neighborhood on different metrics (infection probability and contagion probability). Then, we assess the impact of putting operational but possibly infected nodes into quarantine. Finally, we study the implications of scanning nodes for early detection of malware (e.g., worms), accounting for false positives and false negatives. Evaluating our methodology using a small four-node topology, we find that malware infections can be effectively contained by using quarantine and appropriate rates of scanning for soft impacts.
The enormous size of video data of natural scene and objects is a practical threat to storage, transmission. The efficient handling of video data essentially requires compression for economic utilization of storage space, access time and the available network bandwidth of the public channel. In addition, the protection of important video is of utmost importance so as to save it from malicious intervention, attack or alteration by unauthorized users. Therefore, security and privacy has become an important issue. Since from past few years, number of researchers concentrate on how to develop efficient video encryption for secure video transmission, a large number of multimedia encryption schemes have been proposed in the literature like selective encryption, complete encryption and entropy coding based encryption. Among above three kinds of algorithms, they all remain some kind of shortcomings. In this paper, we have proposed a lightweight selective encryption algorithm for video conference which is based on efficient XOR operation and symmetric hierarchical encryption, successfully overcoming the weakness of complete encryption while offering a better security. The proposed algorithm guarantees security, fastness and error tolerance without increasing the video size.
Traditional encryption techniques require packet overhead, produce processing time delay, and suffer from severe quality of service deterioration due to fades and interference in wireless channels. These issues reduce the effective transmission data rate (throughput) considerably in wireless communications, where data rate with limited bandwidth is the main constraint. In this paper, performance evaluation analyses are conducted for an integrated signaling-encryption mechanism that is secure and enables improved throughput and probability of bit-error in wireless channels. This mechanism eliminates the drawbacks stated herein by encrypting only a small portion of an entire transmitted frame, while the rest is not subject to traditional encryption but goes through a signaling process (designed transformation) with the plaintext of the portion selected for encryption. We also propose to incorporate error correction coding solely on the small encrypted portion of the data to drastically improve the overall bit-error rate performance while not noticeably increasing the required bit-rate. We focus on validating the signaling-encryption mechanism utilizing Hamming and convolutional error correction coding by conducting an end-to-end system-level simulation-based study. The average probability of bit-error and throughput of the encryption mechanism are evaluated over standard Gaussian and Rayleigh fading-type channels and compared to the ones of the conventional advanced encryption standard (AES).
With the growing number of proposed clean-slate redesigns of the Internet, the need for a medium that enables all stakeholders to participate in the realization, evaluation, and selection of these designs is increasing. We believe that the missing catalyst is a meta network architecture that welcomes most, if not all, clean-state designs on a level playing field, lowers deployment barriers, and leaves the final evaluation to the broader community. This paper presents Linux XIA, a native implementation of XIA in the Linux kernel, as a candidate. We first describe Linux XIA in terms of its architectural realizations and algorithmic contributions. We then demonstrate how to port several distinct and unrelated network architectures onto Linux XIA. Finally, we provide a hybrid evaluation of Linux XIA at three levels of abstraction in terms of its ability to: evolve and foster interoperation of new architectures, embed disparate architectures inside the implementation's framework, and maintain a comparable forwarding performance to that of the legacy TCP/IP implementation. Given this evaluation, we substantiate a previously unsupported claim of XIA: that it readily supports and enables network evolution, collaboration, and interoperability - traits we view as central to the success of any future Internet architecture.
In response to the critical challenges of the current Internet architecture and its protocols, a set of so-called clean slate designs has been proposed. Common among them is an addressing scheme that separates location and identity with self-certifying, flat and non-aggregatable address components. Each component is long, reaching a few kilobits, and would consume an amount of fast memory in data plane devices (e.g., routers) that is far beyond existing capacities. To address this challenge, we present Caesar, a high-speed and length-agnostic forwarding engine for future border routers, performing most of the lookups within three fast memory accesses. To compress forwarding states, Caesar constructs scalable and reliable Bloom filters in Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM). To guarantee correctness, Caesar detects false positives at high speed and develops a blacklisting approach to handling them. In addition, we optimize our design by introducing a hashing scheme that reduces the number of hash computations from k to log(k) per lookup based on hash coding theory. We handle routing updates while keeping filters highly utilized in address removals. We perform extensive analysis and simulations using real traffic and routing traces to demonstrate the benefits of our design. Our evaluation shows that Caesar is more energy-efficient and less expensive (in terms of total cost) compared to optimized IPv6 TCAM-based solutions by up to 67% and 43% respectively. In addition, the total cost of our design is approximately the same for various address lengths.
A fundamental drawback of current anomaly detection systems (ADSs) is the ability of a skilled attacker to evade detection. This is due to the flawed assumption that an attacker does not have any information about an ADS. Advanced persistent threats that are capable of monitoring network behavior can always estimate some information about ADSs which makes these ADSs susceptible to evasion attacks. Hence in this paper, we first assume the role of an attacker to launch evasion attacks on anomaly detection systems. We show that the ADSs can be completely paralyzed by parameter estimation attacks. We then present a mathematical model to measure evasion margin with the aim to understand the science of evasion due to ADS design. Finally, to minimize the evasion margin, we propose a key-based randomization scheme for existing ADSs and discuss its robustness against evasion attacks. Case studies are presented to illustrate the design methodology and extensive experimentation is performed to corroborate the results.
The number of detected and analyzed Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) campaigns increased over the last years. Two of the main objectives of such campaigns are to maintain long-term access to the environment of the target and to stay undetected. To achieve these goals the attackers use sophisticated and customized techniques for the lateral movement, to ensure that these activities are not detected by existing security systems. During an investigation of an APT campaign all stages of it are relevant to clarify important details like the initial infection vector or the compromised systems and credentials. Most of the currently used approaches, which are utilized within security systems, are not able to detect the different stages of a complex attack and therefore a comprehensive security investigation is needed. In this paper we describe a concept for a Security Investigation Framework (SIF) that supports the analysis and the tracing of multi-stage APTs. The concept includes different automatic and semi-automatic approaches that support the investigation of such attacks. Furthermore, the framework leverages different information sources, like log files and details from forensic investigations and malware analyses, to give a comprehensive overview of the different stages of an attack. The overall objective of the SIF is to improve the efficiency of investigations and reveal undetected details of an attack.
According to the advancement of mobile devices and wireless network technology, these portable devices became the potential devices that can be used for different types of payments. Recently, most of the people would rather to do their activities by their cellphones. On the other hand, there are some issues that hamper the widespread acceptance of mobile payment among people. The traditional ways of mobile payment are not secure enough, since they follow the traditional flow of data. This paper is going to suggest a new protocol named Golden Mobile Pay Center Protocol that is based on client centric model. The suggested protocol downgrade the computational operations and communications that are necessary between the engaging parties and achieves a completely privacy protection for the engaging parties. It avoids transaction repudiation among the engaging parties and will decrease replay attack s risk. The goal of the protocol is to help n users to have payments to each others'. Besides, it will utilize a new key agreement protocol named Golden Circle that is working by employing symmetric key operations. GMPCP uses GC for generating a shared session key between n users.
Cyber-physical systems (CPSs), due to their direct influence on the physical world, have to meet extended security and dependability requirements. This is particularly true for CPS that operate in close proximity to humans or that control resources that, when tampered with, put all our lives at stake. In this paper, we review the challenges and some early solutions that arise at the architectural and operating-system level when we require cyber-physical systems and CPS infrastructure to withstand advanced and persistent threats. We found that although some of the challenges we identified are already matched by rudimentary solutions, further research is required to ensure sustainable and dependable operation of physically exposed CPS infrastructure and, more importantly, to guarantee graceful degradation in case of malfunction or attack.
Today ICT networks are the economy's vital backbone. While their complexity continuously evolves, sophisticated and targeted cyber attacks such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) become increasingly fatal for organizations. Numerous highly developed Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) promise to detect certain characteristics of APTs, but no mechanism which allows to rate, compare and evaluate them with respect to specific customer infrastructures is currently available. In this paper, we present BAESE, a system which enables vendor independent and objective rating and comparison of IDSs based on small sets of customer network data.
The NEREIDA wave generation power plant installed in Mutriku, Spain is a multiple Oscillating Water Column (OWC) plant. The power takeoff consists of a Wells turbine coupled to a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). The stalling behavior present in the Wells turbine limits the generated power. This paper presents the modeling and a Harmony Search Algorithm-based airflow control of the OWC. The Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) is proposed to help overcome the limitations of a traditionally tuned PID. An investigation between HSA-tuned controller and the traditionally tuned controller has been performed. Results of the controlled and uncontrolled plant prove the effectiveness of the airflow control and the superiority of the HSA-tuned controller.
This paper deals with the modeling and control of the NEREIDA wave generation power plant installed in Mutriku, Spain. This kind of Oscillating Water Column (OWC) plants usually employ a Wells turbine coupled to a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). The stalling behavior of the Wells turbine limits the generated power. In this context, a sliding mode rotational speed control is proposed to help avoiding this phenomenon. This will regulate the speed by means of the Rotor Side Converter (RSC) of the Back-to-Back converter governing the generator. The results of the comparative study show that the proposed control provides a higher generated power compared to the uncontrolled case.