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Kumar, S., Rama Krishna, C., Aggarwal, N., Sehgal, R., Chamotra, S..  2014.  Malicious data classification using structural information and behavioral specifications in executables. Engineering and Computational Sciences (RAECS), 2014 Recent Advances in. :1-6.

With the rise in the underground Internet economy, automated malicious programs popularly known as malwares have become a major threat to computers and information systems connected to the internet. Properties such as self healing, self hiding and ability to deceive the security devices make these software hard to detect and mitigate. Therefore, the detection and the mitigation of such malicious software is a major challenge for researchers and security personals. The conventional systems for the detection and mitigation of such threats are mostly signature based systems. Major drawback of such systems are their inability to detect malware samples for which there is no signature available in their signature database. Such malwares are known as zero day malware. Moreover, more and more malware writers uses obfuscation technology such as polymorphic and metamorphic, packing, encryption, to avoid being detected by antivirus. Therefore, the traditional signature based detection system is neither effective nor efficient for the detection of zero-day malware. Hence to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of malware detection system we are using classification method based on structural information and behavioral specifications. In this paper we have used both static and dynamic analysis approaches. In static analysis we are extracting the features of an executable file followed by classification. In dynamic analysis we are taking the traces of executable files using NtTrace within controlled atmosphere. Experimental results obtained from our algorithm indicate that our proposed algorithm is effective in extracting malicious behavior of executables. Further it can also be used to detect malware variants.

Kumar, S., Singh, C. Bhim Bhan.  2018.  A Zero-Day Resistant Malware Detection Method for Securing Cloud Using SVM and Sandboxing Techniques. 2018 Second International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT). :1397–1402.

Cloud nowaday has become the backbone of the IT infrastructure. Whole of the infrastructure is now being shifted to the clouds, and as the cloud involves all of the networking schemes and the OS images, it inherits all of the vulnerabilities too. And hence securing them is one of our very prior concerns. Malwares are one of the many other problems that have ever growing and hence need to be eradicated from the system. The history of mal wares go long back in time since the advent of computers and hence a lot of techniques has also been already devised to tackle with the problem in some or other way. But most of them fall short in some or other way or are just too heavy to execute on a simple user machine. Our approach devises a 3 - phase exhaustive technique which confirms the detection of any kind of malwares from the host. It also works for the zero-day attacks that are really difficult to cover most times and can be of really high-risk at times. We have thought of a solution to keep the things light weight for the user.

Kumar, S., Gaur, N., Kumar, A..  2018.  Developing a Secure Cyber Ecosystem for SCADA Architecture. 2018 Second International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :559–562.

Advent of Cyber has converted the entire World into a Global village. But, due to vurneabilites in SCADA architecture [1] national assests are more prone to cyber attacks.. Cyber invasions have a catastrophic effect in the minds of the civilian population, in terms of states security system. A robust cyber security is need of the hour to protect the critical information infastructrue & critical infrastructure of a country. Here, in this paper we scrutinize cyber terrorism, vurneabilites in SCADA network systems [1], [2] and concept of cyber resilience to combat cyber attacks.

Kumar, S., Vasthimal, D. K..  2019.  Raw Cardinality Information Discovery for Big Datasets. 2019 IEEE 5th Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS). :200—205.
Real-time discovery of all different types of unique attributes within unstructured data is a challenging problem to solve when dealing with multiple petabytes of unstructured data volume everyday. Popular discovery solutions such as the creation of offline jobs to uniquely identify attributes or running aggregation queries on raw data sets limits real time discovery use-cases and often results into poor resource utilization. The discovery information must be treated as a parallel problem to just storing raw data sets efficiently onto back-end big data systems. Solving the discovery problem by creating a parallel discovery data store infrastructure has multiple benefits as it allows such to channel the actual search queries against the raw data set in much more funneled manner instead of being widespread across the entire data sets. Such focused search queries and data separation are far more performant and requires less compute and memory footprint.
Kumar, S., Singh, B. K., Akshita, Pundir, S., Batra, S., Joshi, R..  2020.  A survey on Symmetric and Asymmetric Key based Image Encryption. 2nd International Conference on Data, Engineering and Applications (IDEA). :1–5.
Image Encryption is a technique where an algorithm along with a set of characters called key encrypts the data into cipher text. The cipher text can be converted back into plaintext by decryption. This technique is employed for the security of data such that confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of data is maintained. In today's era security of information has become a crucial task, unauthorized access and use of data has become a noticeable issue. To provide the security required, there are several algorithms to suit the purposes. While the use and transferring of images has become easy and faster due to technological advancements especially wireless sensor network, image destruction and illegitimate use has become a potential threat. Different transfer mediums and various uses of images require different and appropriately suiting encryption approaches. Hence, in this paper we discuss the types of image encryption techniques. We have also discussed several encryption algorithms, their advantages and suitability.
Kumar, S., Johari, R., Singh, L., Gupta, K..  2017.  SCLCT: Secured cross language cipher technique. 2017 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA). :545–550.

Cryptography is the fascinating science that deals with constructing and destructing the secret codes. The evolving digitization in this modern era possesses cryptography as one of its backbones to perform the transactions with confidentiality and security wherever the authentication is required. With the modern technology that has evolved, the use of codes has exploded, enriching cryptology and empowering citizens. One of the most important things that encryption provides anyone using any kind of computing device is `privacy'. There is no way to have true privacy with strong security, the method with which we are dealing with is to make the cipher text more robust to be by-passed. In current work, the well known and renowned Caesar cipher and Rail fence cipher techniques are combined with a cross language cipher technique and the detailed comparative analysis amongst them is carried out. The simulations have been carried out on Eclipse Juno version IDE for executions and Java, an open source language has been used to implement these said techniques.

Mousavi, M. Z., Kumar, S..  2019.  Analysis of key Factors for Organization Information Security. 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (COMITCon). :514—518.
Protecting sensitive information from illegal access and misuse is crucial to all organizations. An inappropriate Information Security (IS) policy and procedures are not only a suitable environment for an outsider attack but also a good chance for the insiders' misuse. In this paper, we will discuss the roles of an organization in information security and how human behavior affects the Information Security System (ISS). How an organization can create and instill an effective information security culture in an organization to improve their information safeguards. The findings in this review can be used to further researches and will be useful for organizations to improve their information security structure (ISC).