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Babenko, Liudmila, Shumilin, Alexander, Alekseev, Dmitry.  2021.  Development of the Algorithm to Ensure the Protection of Confidential Data in Cloud Medical Information System. 2021 14th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN). 1:1–4.
The main purpose to ensure the security for confidential medical data is to develop and implement the architecture of a medical cloud system, for storage, systematization, and processing of survey results (for example EEG) jointly with an algorithm for ensuring the protection of confidential data based on a fully homomorphic cryptosystem. The most optimal algorithm based on the test results (analysis of the time of encryption, decryption, addition, multiplication, the ratio of the signal-to-noise of the ciphertext to the open text), has been selected between two potential applicants for using (BFV and CKKS schemes). As a result, the CKKS scheme demonstrates maximal effectiveness in the context of the criticality of the requirements for an important level of security.
Babenko, Liudmila, Pisarev, Ilya.  2018.  Security Analysis of the Electronic Voting Protocol Based on Blind Intermediaries Using the SPIN Verifier. 2018 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). :43—435.

Cryptographic protocols are the basis for the security of any protected system, including the electronic voting system. One of the most effective ways to analyze protocol security is to use verifiers. In this paper, the formal verifier SPIN was used to analyze the security of the cryptographic protocol for e-voting, which is based on model checking using linear temporal logic (LTL). The cryptographic protocol of electronic voting is described. The main structural units of the Promela language used for simulation in the SPIN verifier are described. The model of the electronic voting protocol in the language Promela is given. The interacting parties, transferred data, the order of the messages transmitted between the parties are described. Security of the cryptographic protocol using the SPIN tool is verified. The simulation of the protocol with active intruder using the man in the middle attack (MITM) to substitute data is made. In the simulation results it is established that the protocol correctly handles the case of an active attack on the parties' authentication.