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Golam, Mohtasin, Akter, Rubina, Naufal, Revin, Doan, Van-Sang, Lee, Jae-Min, Kim, Dong-Seong.  2022.  Blockchain Inspired Intruder UAV Localization Using Lightweight CNN for Internet of Battlefield Things. MILCOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :342—349.
On the Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provide significant operational advantages. However, the exploitation of the UAV by an untrustworthy entity might lead to security violations or possibly the destruction of crucial IoBT network functionality. The IoBT system has substantial issues related to data tampering and fabrication through illegal access. This paper proposes the use of an intelligent architecture called IoBT-Net, which is built on a convolution neural network (CNN) and connected with blockchain technology, to identify and trace illicit UAV in the IoBT system. Data storage on the blockchain ledger is protected from unauthorized access, data tampering, and invasions. Conveniently, this paper presents a low complexity and robustly performed CNN called LRCANet to estimate AOA for object localization. The proposed LRCANet is efficiently designed with two core modules, called GFPU and stacks, which are cleverly organized with regular and point convolution layers, a max pool layer, and a ReLU layer associated with residual connectivity. Furthermore, the effectiveness of LRCANET is evaluated by various network and array configurations, RMSE, and compared with the accuracy and complexity of the existing state-of-the-art. Additionally, the implementation of tailored drone-based consensus is evaluated in terms of three major classes and compared with the other existing consensus.
Hossain, Md. Sajjad, Bushra Islam, Fabliha, Ifeanyi Nwakanma, Cosmas, Min Lee, Jae, Kim, Dong-Seong.  2020.  Decentralized Latency-aware Edge Node Grouping with Fault Tolerance for Internet of Battlefield Things. 2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :420–423.
In this paper, our objective is to focus on the recent trend of military fields where they brought Internet of Things (IoT) to have better impact on the battlefield by improving the effectiveness and this is called Internet of Battlefield Things(IoBT). Due to the requirements of high computing capability and minimum response time with minimum fault tolerance this paper proposed a decentralized IoBT architecture. The proposed method can increase the reliability in the battlefield environment by searching the reliable nodes among all the edge nodes in the environment, and by adding the fault tolerance in the edge nodes will increase the effectiveness of overall battlefield scenario. This suggested fault tolerance approach is worth for decentralized mode to handle the issue of latency requirements and maintaining the task reliability of the battlefield. Our experimental results ensure the effectiveness of the proposed approach as well as enjoy the requirements of latency-aware military field while ensuring the overall reliability of the network.
Ahakonye, Love Allen Chijioke, Amaizu, Gabriel Chukwunonso, Nwakanma, Cosmas Ifeanyi, Lee, Jae Min, Kim, Dong-Seong.  2021.  Enhanced Vulnerability Detection in SCADA Systems using Hyper-Parameter-Tuned Ensemble Learning. 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :458–461.
The growth of inter-dependency intricacies of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems in industrial operations generates a likelihood of increased vulnerability to malicious threats and machine learning approaches have been extensively utilized in the research for vulnerability detection. Nonetheless, to improve security, an enhanced vulnerability detection using hyper-parameter-tune machine learning is proposed for early detection, classification and mitigation of SCADA communication and transmission networks by classifying benign, or malicious DNS attacks. The proposed scheme, an ensemble optimizer (GentleBoost) upon hyper-parameter tuning, gave a comparative achievement. From the simulation results, the proposed scheme had an outstanding performance within the shortest possible time with an accuracy of 99.49%, 99.23% for precision, and a recall rate of 99.75%. Also, the model was compared to other contemporary algorithms and outperformed all the other algorithms proving to be an approach to keep abreast of the SCADA network vulnerabilities and attacks.
Nkoro, Ebuka Chinaechetam, Nwakanma, Cosmas Ifeanyi, Lee, Jae-Min, Kim, Dong-Seong.  2022.  Industrial Network Attack Vulnerability Detection and Analysis using Shodan Eye Scanning Technology. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :886–889.
Exploring the efficient vulnerability scanning and detection technology of various tools is one fundamental aim of network security. This network security technique ameliorates the tremendous number of IoT security challenges and the threats they face daily. However, among various tools, Shodan Eye scanning technology has proven to be very helpful for network administrators and security personnel to scan, detect and analyze vulnerable ports and traffic in organizations' networks. This work presents a simulated network scanning activity and manual vulnerability analysis of an internet-connected industrial equipment of two chosen industrial networks (Industry A and B) by running Shodan on a virtually hosted (Oracle Virtual Box)-Linux-based operating system (Kali Linux). The result shows that the shodan eye is a a promising tool for network security and efficient vulnerability research.
ISSN: 2162-1241