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Yarava, Rokesh Kumar, Rao, G.Rama Chandra, Garapati, Yugandhar, Babu, G.Charles, Prasad, Srisailapu D Vara.  2022.  Analysis on the Development of Cloud Security using Privacy Attribute Data Sharing. 2022 First International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT). :1—5.
The data sharing is a helpful and financial assistance provided by CC. Information substance security also rises out of it since the information is moved to some cloud workers. To ensure the sensitive and important data; different procedures are utilized to improve access manage on collective information. Here strategies, Cipher text-policyattribute based encryption (CP-ABE) might create it very helpful and safe. The conventionalCP-ABE concentrates on information privacy only; whereas client's personal security protection is a significant problem as of now. CP-ABE byhidden access (HA) strategy makes sure information privacy and ensures that client's protection isn't exposed also. Nevertheless, the vast majority of the current plans are ineffectivein correspondence overhead and calculation cost. In addition, the vast majority of thismechanism takes no thought regardingabilityauthenticationor issue of security spillescapein abilityverificationstage. To handle the issues referenced over, a security protectsCP-ABE methodby proficient influenceauthenticationis presented in this manuscript. Furthermore, its privacy keys accomplish consistent size. In the meantime, the suggestedplan accomplishes the specific safetyin decisional n-BDHE issue and decisional direct presumption. The computational outcomes affirm the benefits of introduced method.
Yarava, Rokesh Kumar, Sowjanya, Ponnuru, Gudipati, Sowmya, Charles Babu, G., Vara Prasad, Srisailapu D.  2021.  An Effective Technology for Secured Data Auditing for Cloud Computing using Fuzzy Biometric Method. 2021 Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :1179–1184.

The utilization of "cloud storage services (CSS)", empowering people to store their data in cloud and avoid from maintenance cost and local data storage. Various data integrity auditing (DIA) frameworks are carried out to ensure the quality of data stored in cloud. Mostly, if not all, of current plans, a client requires to utilize his private key (PK) to generate information authenticators for knowing the DIA. Subsequently, the client needs to have hardware token to store his PK and retain a secret phrase to actuate this PK. In this hardware token is misplaced or password is forgotten, the greater part of existing DIA plans would be not able to work. To overcome this challenge, this research work suggests another DIA without "private key storage (PKS)"plan. This research work utilizes biometric information as client's fuzzy private key (FPK) to evade utilizing hardware token. In the meantime, the plan might in any case viably complete the DIA. This research work uses a direct sketch with coding and mistake correction procedures to affirm client identity. Also, this research work plan another mark conspire that helps block less. Verifiability, yet in addition is viable with linear sketch Keywords– Data integrity auditing (DIA), Cloud Computing, Block less Verifiability, fuzzy biometric data, secure cloud storage (SCS), key exposure resilience (KER), Third Party Auditor (TPA), cloud audit server (CAS), cloud storage server (CSS), Provable Data Possession (PDP)