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Kraft, Oliver, Pohl, Oliver, Häger, Ulf, Heussen, Kai, Müller, Nils, Afzal, Zeeshan, Ekstedt, Mathias, Farahmand, Hossein, Ivanko, Dmytro, Singh, Ankit et al..  2022.  Development and Implementation of a Holistic Flexibility Market Architecture. 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1—5.
The demand for increasing flexibility use in power systems is stressed by the changing grid utilization. Making use of largely untapped flexibility potential is possible through novel flexibility markets. Different approaches for these markets are being developed and vary considering their handling of transaction schemes and relation of participating entities. This paper delivers the conceptual development of a holistic system architecture for the realization of an interregional flexibility market, which targets a market based congestion management in the transmission and distribution system through trading between system operators and flexibility providers. The framework combines a market mechanism with the required supplements like appropriate control algorithms for emergency situations, cyber-physical system monitoring and cyber-security assessment. The resulting methods are being implemented and verified in a remote-power-hardware-in-the-loop setup coupling a real world low voltage grid with a geographically distant real time simulation using state of the art control system applications with an integration of the aforementioned architecture components.