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Conference Paper
Williams, Daniel, Clark, Chelece, McGahan, Rachel, Potteiger, Bradley, Cohen, Daniel, Musau, Patrick.  2022.  Discovery of AI/ML Supply Chain Vulnerabilities within Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Assured Autonomy (ICAA). :93—96.
Steady advancement in Artificial Intelligence (AI) development over recent years has caused AI systems to become more readily adopted across industry and military use-cases globally. As powerful as these algorithms are, there are still gaping questions regarding their security and reliability. Beyond adversarial machine learning, software supply chain vulnerabilities and model backdoor injection exploits are emerging as potential threats to the physical safety of AI reliant CPS such as autonomous vehicles. In this work in progress paper, we introduce the concept of AI supply chain vulnerabilities with a provided proof of concept autonomous exploitation framework. We investigate the viability of algorithm backdoors and software third party library dependencies for applicability into modern AI attack kill chains. We leverage an autonomous vehicle case study for demonstrating the applicability of our offensive methodologies within a realistic AI CPS operating environment.