Neema, Himanshu, Potteiger, Bradley, Koutsoukos, Xenofon, Karsai, Gabor, Volgyesi, Peter, Sztipanovits, Janos.
Integrated Simulation Testbed for Security and Resilience of CPS. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. :368–374.
Owing1 to an immense growth of internet-connected and learning-enabled cyber-physical systems (CPSs) [1], several new types of attack vectors have emerged. Analyzing security and resilience of these complex CPSs is difficult as it requires evaluating many subsystems and factors in an integrated manner. Integrated simulation of physical systems and communication network can provide an underlying framework for creating a reusable and configurable testbed for such analyses. Using a model-based integration approach and the IEEE High-Level Architecture (HLA) [2] based distributed simulation software; we have created a testbed for integrated evaluation of large-scale CPS systems. Our tested supports web-based collaborative metamodeling and modeling of CPS system and experiments and a cloud computing environment for executing integrated networked co-simulations. A modular and extensible cyber-attack library enables validating the CPS under a variety of configurable cyber-attacks, such as DDoS and integrity attacks. Hardware-in-the-loop simulation is also supported along with several hardware attacks. Further, a scenario modeling language allows modeling of alternative paths (Courses of Actions) that enables validating CPS under different what-if scenarios as well as conducting cyber-gaming experiments. These capabilities make our testbed well suited for analyzing security and resilience of CPS. In addition, the web-based modeling and cloud-hosted execution infrastructure enables one to exercise the entire testbed using simply a web-browser, with integrated live experimental results display.
Neema, Himanshu, Volgyesi, Peter, Potteiger, Bradley, Emfinger, William, Koutsoukos, Xenofon, Karsai, Gabor, Vorobeychik, Yevgeniy, Sztipanovits, Janos.
SURE: An Experimentation and Evaluation Testbed for CPS Security and Resilience: Demo Abstract. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems. :27:1–27:1.
In-depth consideration and evaluation of security and resilience is necessary for developing the scientific foundations and technology of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). In this demonstration, we present SURE [1], a CPS experimentation and evaluation testbed for security and resilience focusing on transportation networks. The testbed includes (1) a heterogeneous modeling and simulation integration platform, (2) a Web-based tool for modeling CPS in adversarial environments, and (3) a framework for evaluating resilience using attacker-defender games. Users such as CPS designers and operators can interact with the testbed to evaluate monitoring and control schemes that include sensor placement and traffic signal configuration.
Chhokra, Ajay, Kulkarni, Amogh, Hasan, Saqib, Dubey, Abhishek, Mahadevan, Nagabhushan, Karsai, Gabor.
A Systematic Approach of Identifying Optimal Load Control Actions for Arresting Cascading Failures in Power Systems. Proceedings of the 2Nd Workshop on Cyber-Physical Security and Resilience in Smart Grids. :41–46.
Cascading outages in power networks cause blackouts which lead to huge economic and social consequences. The traditional form of load shedding is avoidable in many cases by identifying optimal load control actions. However, if there is a change in the system topology (adding or removing loads, lines etc), the calculations have to be performed again. This paper addresses this problem by providing a workflow that 1) generates system models from IEEE CDF specifications, 2) identifies a collection of blackout causing contingencies, 3) dynamically sets up an optimization problem, and 4) generates a table of mitigation strategies in terms of minimal load curtailment. We demonstrate the applicability of our proposed methodology by finding load curtailment actions for N-k contingencies (k = 1, 2, 3) in IEEE 14 Bus system.