Proof of integrity in produced video data by surveillance cameras requires active forensic methods such as signatures, otherwise authenticity and integrity can be comprised and data becomes unusable e. g. for legal evidence. But a simple file- or stream-signature loses its validity when the stream is cut in parts or by separating data and signature. Using the principles of security in distributed systems similar to those of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (BC/DLT), a chain which consists of the frames of a video which frame hash values will be distributed among a camera sensor network is presented. The backbone of this Framechain within the camera sensor network will be a camera identity concept to ensure accountability, integrity and authenticity according to the extended CIA triad security concept. Modularity by secure sequences, autarky in proof and robustness against natural modulation of data are the key parameters of this new approach. It allows the standalone data and even parts of it to be used as hard evidence.
Similarity search plays an important role in many applications involving high-dimensional data. Due to the known dimensionality curse, the performance of most existing indexing structures degrades quickly as the feature dimensionality increases. Hashing methods, such as locality sensitive hashing (LSH) and its variants, have been widely used to achieve fast approximate similarity search by trading search quality for efficiency. However, most existing hashing methods make use of randomized algorithms to generate hash codes without considering the specific structural information in the data. In this paper, we propose a novel hashing method, namely, robust hashing with local models (RHLM), which learns a set of robust hash functions to map the high-dimensional data points into binary hash codes by effectively utilizing local structural information. In RHLM, for each individual data point in the training dataset, a local hashing model is learned and used to predict the hash codes of its neighboring data points. The local models from all the data points are globally aligned so that an optimal hash code can be assigned to each data point. After obtaining the hash codes of all the training data points, we design a robust method by employing ℓ2,1-norm minimization on the loss function to learn effective hash functions, which are then used to map each database point into its hash code. Given a query data point, the search process first maps it into the query hash code by the hash functions and then explores the buckets, which have similar hash codes to the query hash code. Extensive experimental results conducted on real-life datasets show that the proposed RHLM outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of search quality and efficiency.