The rapid development of Internet has resulted in massive information overloading recently. These information is usually represented by high-dimensional feature vectors in many related applications such as recognition, classification and retrieval. These applications usually need efficient indexing and search methods for such large-scale and high-dimensional database, which typically is a challenging task. Some efforts have been made and solved this problem to some extent. However, most of them are implemented in a single machine, which is not suitable to handle large-scale database.In this paper, we present a novel data index structure and nearest neighbor search algorithm implemented on Apache Spark. We impose a grid on the database and index data by non-empty grid cells. This grid-based index structure is simple and easy to be implemented in parallel. Moreover, we propose to build a scalable KNN graph on the grids, which increase the efficiency of this index structure by a low cost in parallel implementation. Finally, experiments are conducted in both public databases and synthetic databases, showing that the proposed methods achieve overall high performance in both efficiency and accuracy.
Nearest neighbor search is a fundamental problem in various research fields like machine learning, data mining and pattern recognition. Recently, hashing-based approaches, for example, locality sensitive hashing (LSH), are proved to be effective for scalable high dimensional nearest neighbor search. Many hashing algorithms found their theoretic root in random projection. Since these algorithms generate the hash tables (projections) randomly, a large number of hash tables (i.e., long codewords) are required in order to achieve both high precision and recall. To address this limitation, we propose a novel hashing algorithm called density sensitive hashing (DSH) in this paper. DSH can be regarded as an extension of LSH. By exploring the geometric structure of the data, DSH avoids the purely random projections selection and uses those projective functions which best agree with the distribution of the data. Extensive experimental results on real-world data sets have shown that the proposed method achieves better performance compared to the state-of-the-art hashing approaches.