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Aleksandrov, Mark N., Vasiliev, Victor A., Aleksandrova, Svetlana V..  2021.  Implementation of the Risk-based Approach Methodology in Information Security Management Systems. 2021 International Conference on Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies (IT&QM&IS). :137—139.
Currently, most companies systematically face challenges related to the loss of significant confidential information, including legally significant information, such as personal data of customers. To solve the problem of maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, companies are increasingly using the methodology laid down in the basis of the international standard ISO / IEC 27001. Information security risk management is a process of continuous monitoring and systematic analysis of the internal and external environment of the IT environment, associated with the further adoption and implementation of management decisions aimed at reducing the likelihood of an unfavorable result and minimizing possible threats to business caused by the loss of manageability of information that is important for the organization. The article considers the problems and approaches to the development, practical implementation, and methodology of risk management based on the international standard ISO 31000 in the modern information security management system.
Cai, Zhipeng, Miao, Dongjing, Li, Yingshu.  2019.  Deletion Propagation for Multiple Key Preserving Conjunctive Queries: Approximations and Complexity. 2019 IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). :506—517.

This paper studies the deletion propagation problem in terms of minimizing view side-effect. It is a problem funda-mental to data lineage and quality management which could be a key step in analyzing view propagation and repairing data. The investigated problem is a variant of the standard deletion propagation problem, where given a source database D, a set of key preserving conjunctive queries Q, and the set of views V obtained by the queries in Q, we try to identify a set T of tuples from D whose elimination prevents all the tuples in a given set of deletions on views △V while preserving any other results. The complexity of this problem has been well studied for the case with only a single query. Dichotomies, even trichotomies, for different settings are developed. However, no results on multiple queries are given which is a more realistic case. We study the complexity and approximations of optimizing the side-effect on the views, i.e., find T to minimize the additional damage on V after removing all the tuples of △V. We focus on the class of key-preserving conjunctive queries which is a dichotomy for the single query case. It is surprising to find that except the single query case, this problem is NP-hard to approximate within any constant even for a non-trivial set of multiple project-free conjunctive queries in terms of view side-effect. The proposed algorithm shows that it can be approximated within a bound depending on the number of tuples of both V and △V. We identify a class of polynomial tractable inputs, and provide a dynamic programming algorithm to solve the problem. Besides data lineage, study on this problem could also provide important foundations for the computational issues in data repairing. Furthermore, we introduce some related applications of this problem, especially for query feedback based data cleaning.

Ferreira, P.M.F.M., Orvalho, J.M., Boavida, F..  2005.  Large Scale Mobile and Pervasive Augmented Reality Games. EUROCON 2005 - The International Conference on "Computer as a Tool". 2:1775—1778.
Ubiquitous or pervasive computing is a new kind of computing, where specialized elements of hardware and software will have such high level of deployment that their use will be fully integrated with the environment. Augmented reality extends reality with virtual elements but tries to place the computer in a relatively unobtrusive, assistive role. To our knowledge, there is no specialized network middleware solution for large-scale mobile and pervasive augmented reality games. We present a work that focus on the creation of such network middleware for mobile and pervasive entertainment, applied to the area of large scale augmented reality games. In, this context, mechanisms are being studied, proposed and evaluated to deal with issues such as scalability, multimedia data heterogeneity, data distribution and replication, consistency, security, geospatial location and orientation, mobility, quality of service, management of networks and services, discovery, ad-hoc networking and dynamic configuration
Ghanim, Yasser.  2016.  Toward a Specialized Quality Management Maturity Assessment Model. Proceedings of the 2Nd Africa and Middle East Conference on Software Engineering. :1–8.

SW Quality Assessment models are either too broad such as CMMI-DEV and SPICE that cover the full software development life cycle (SDLC), or too narrow such as TMMI and TPI that focus on testing. Quality Management as a main concern within the software industry is broader than the concept of testing. The V-Model sets a broader view with the concepts of Verification and Validation. Quality Assurance (QA) is another broader term that includes quality of processes. Configuration audits add more scope. In parallel there are some less visible dimensions in quality not often addressed in traditional models such as business alignment of QA efforts. This paper compares the commonly accepted models related to software quality management and proposes a model that fills an empty space in this area. The paper provides some analysis of the concepts of maturity and capability levels and provides some proposed adaptations for quality management assessment.

Kobayashi, F., Talburt, J.R..  2014.  Decoupling Identity Resolution from the Maintenance of Identity Information. Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2014 11th International Conference on. :349-354.

The EIIM model for ER allows for creation and maintenance of persistent entity identity structures. It accomplishes this through a collection of batch configurations that allow updates and asserted fixes to be made to the Identity knowledgebase (IKB). The model also provides a batch IR configuration that provides no maintenance activity but instead allows access to the identity information. This batch IR configuration is limited in a few ways. It is driven by the same rules used for maintaining the IKB, has no inherent method to identity "close" matches, and can only identify and return the positive matches. Through the decoupling of this configuration and its movements into an interactive role under the umbrella of an Identity Management Service, a more robust access method can be provided for the use of identity information. This more robust access to the information improved the quality of the information along multiple Information Quality dimensions.

Nazarenko, Maxim A..  2020.  What is Mobile Operation System Quality? 2020 International Conference Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies (IT QM IS). :145—147.
There are some modern mobile operation systems. The main two of them are iOS and Android. However, in the past, there were two more commonly used ones: Windows Mobile and Symbian. Each of these systems has its own pros and cons, whereas none of them is the best or the worst one in different criterions. In this paper the main criterions of operation system quality are discussed. The paper defines what the mobile operating system quality is.
TÎTU, Mihail Aurel, POP, Alina Bianca, ŢÎŢU, Ştefan.  2018.  The correlation between intellectual property management and quality management in the modern knowledge-based economy. 2018 10th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI). :1—6.
The aim of this research paper is to highlight the intellectual property place and role within an industrial knowledge-based organization which performs design activities. The research begins by presenting the importance of integrating intellectual property policy implementation with quality policy. The research is based on the setting of objectives in the intellectual property field. This research also establishes some intellectual property strategies, and improvement measures for intellectual property protection management. The basis for these activities is correlation of the quality policy with an intellectual property policy, as well as the point of strength identified in the studied organization. The issues discussed in this scientific paper conclude on the possibility of the implementation of standards in the intellectual property field.
Tokareva, Marina V., Kublitskii, Anton O., Telyatnikova, Natalia A., Rogov, Anatoly A., Shkolnik, Ilya S..  2022.  Ensuring Comprehensive Security of Information Systems of Large Financial Organizations. 2022 Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus). :1756–1760.
The article deals with the issues of improving the quality of corporate information systems functioning and ensuring the information security of financial organizations that have a complex structure and serve a significant number of customers. The formation of the company's informational system and its integrated information security system is studied based on the process approach, methods of risk management and quality management. The risks and threats to the security of the informational system functioning and the quality of information support for customer service of a financial organization are analyzed. The methods and tools for improving the quality of information services and ensuring information security are considered on the example of an organization for social insurance. Recommendations are being developed to improve the quality of the informational system functioning in a large financial company.