Tele-radiology is a technology that helps in bringing the communication between the radiologist, patients and healthcare units situated at distant places. This involves exchange of medical centric data. The medical data may be stored as Electronic Health Records (EHR). These EHRs contain X-Rays, CT scans, MRI reports. Hundreds of scans across multiple radiology centers lead to medical big data (MBD). Healthcare Cloud can be used to handle MBD. Since lack of security to EHRs can cause havoc in medical IT, healthcare cloud must be secure. It should ensure secure sharing and storage of EHRs. This paper proposes the application of decoy technique to provide security to EHRs. The EHRs have the risk of internal attacks and external intrusion. This work addresses and handles internal attacks. It also involves study on honey-pots and intrusion detection techniques. Further it identifies the possibility of an intrusion and alerts the administrator. Also the details of intrusions are logged.
A blockchain powered Health information ecosystem can solve a frequently discussed problem of the lifelong recorded patient health data, which seriously could hurdle the privacy of the patients and the growing data hunger of the research and policy maker institutions. On one side the general availability of the data is vital in emergency situations and supports heavily the different research, population health management and development activities, on the other side using the same data can lead to serious social and ethical problems caused by malicious actors. Currently, the regulation of the privacy data varies all over the world, however underlying principles are always defensive and protective towards patient privacy against general availability. The protective principles cause a defensive, data hiding attitude of the health system developers to avoid breaching the overall law regulations. It makes the policy makers and different - primarily drug - developers to find ways to treat data such a way that lead to ethical and political debates. In our paper we introduce how the blockchain technology can help solving the problem of secure data storing and ensuring data availability at the same time. We use the basic principles of the American HIPAA regulation, which defines the public availability criteria of health data, however the different local regulations may differ significantly. Blockchain's decentralized, intermediary-free, cryptographically secured attributes offer a new way of storing patient data securely and at the same time publicly available in a regulated way, where a well-designed distributed peer-to-peer network incentivize the smooth operation of a full-featured EHR system.
In distributed systems, there is often a need to combine the heterogeneous access control policies to offer more comprehensive services to users in the local or national level. A large scale healthcare system is usually distributed in a computer network and might require sophisticated access control policies to protect the system. Therefore, the need for integrating the electronic healthcare systems might be important to provide a comprehensive care for patients while preserving patients' privacy and data security. However, there are major impediments in healthcare systems concerning not well-defined and flexible access control policy implementations, hindering the progress towards secure integrated systems. In this paper, we introduce an access control policy combination framework for EHR systems that preserves patients' privacy and ensures data security. We achieve our goal through an access control mechanism which handles multiple access control policies through a similarity analysis phase. In that phase, we evaluate different XACML policies to decide whether or not a policy combination is applicable. We have provided a case study to show the applicability of our proposed approach based on XACML. Our study results can be applied to the electronic health record (EHR) access control policy, which fosters interoperability and scalability among healthcare providers while preserving patients' privacy and data security.
Android "Health-DR." is innovative idea for ambulatory appliances. In rapid developing technology, we are providing "Health-DR." application for the insurance agent, dispensary, patients, physician, annals management (security) for annals. So principally, the ample of record are maintain in to the hospitals. The application just needs to be installed in the customer site with IT environment. Main purpose of our application is to provide the healthy environment to the patient. Our cream focus is on the "Health-DR." application meet to the patient regiment. For the personal use of member, we provide authentication service strategy for "Health-DR." application. Prospective strategy includes: Professional Authentications (User Authentication) by doctor to the patient, actuary and dispensary. Remote access is available to the medical annals, doctor affability and patient affability. "Health-DR." provides expertness anytime and anywhere. The application is middleware to isolate the information from affability management, client discovery and transit of database. Annotations of records are kept in the bibliography. Mainly, this paper focuses on the conversion of E-Health application with flexible surroundings.
Care of chronic cardiac patients requires information interchange between patients' homes, clinical environments, and the electronic health record. Standards are emerging to support clinical information collection, exchange and management and to overcome information fragmentation and actors delocalization. Heterogeneity of information sources at patients' homes calls for open solutions to collect and accommodate multidomain information, including environmental data. Based on the experience gained in a European Research Program, this paper presents an integrated and open approach for clinical data interchange in cardiac telemonitoring applications. This interchange is supported by the use of standards following the indications provided by the national authorities of the countries involved. Taking into account the requirements provided by the medical staff involved in the project, the authors designed and implemented a prototypal middleware, based on a service-oriented architecture approach, to give a structured and robust tool to congestive heart failure patients for their personalized telemonitoring. The middleware is represented by a health record management service, whose interface is compliant to the healthcare services specification project Retrieve, Locate and Update Service standard (Level 0), which allows communication between the agents involved through the exchange of Clinical Document Architecture Release 2 documents. Three performance tests were carried out and showed that the prototype completely fulfilled all requirements indicated by the medical staff; however, certain aspects, such as authentication, security and scalability, should be deeply analyzed within a future engineering phase.
Using heterogeneous clouds has been considered to improve performance of big-data analytics for healthcare platforms. However, the problem of the delay when transferring big-data over the network needs to be addressed. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and compare existing cloud computing environments (PaaS, IaaS) in order to implement middleware services. Understanding the differences and similarities between cloud technologies will help in the interconnection of healthcare platforms. The paper provides a general overview of the techniques and interfaces for cloud computing middleware services, and proposes a cloud architecture for healthcare. Cloud middleware enables heterogeneous devices to act as data sources and to integrate data from other healthcare platforms, but specific APIs need to be developed. Furthermore, security and management problems need to be addressed, given the heterogeneous nature of the communication and computing environment. The present paper fills a gap in the electronic healthcare register literature by providing an overview of cloud computing middleware services and standardized interfaces for the integration with medical devices.