In the past few years, visual information collection and transmission is increased significantly for various applications. Smart vehicles, service robotic platforms and surveillance cameras for the smart city applications are collecting a large amount of visual data. The preservation of the privacy of people presented in this data is an important factor in storage, processing, sharing and transmission of visual data across the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT). In this paper, a novel anonymisation method for information security and privacy preservation in visual data in sharing layer of the Web of Robotic Things (WoRT) is proposed. The proposed framework uses deep neural network based semantic segmentation to preserve the privacy in video data base of the access level of the applications and users. The data is anonymised to the applications with lower level access but the applications with higher legal access level can analyze and annotated the complete data. The experimental results show that the proposed method while giving the required access to the authorities for legal applications of smart city surveillance, is capable of preserving the privacy of the people presented in the data.
The concept of smart cities envisions services that provide distraction-free support for citizens. To realize this vision, the services must adapt to the citizens' situations, behaviors and intents at runtime. This requires services to gather and process the context of their users. Mobile devices provide a promising basis for determining context in an automated manner on a large scale. However, despite the wide availability of versatile programmable mobile platforms such as Android and iOS, there are only few examples of smart city applications. One reason for this is that existing software platforms primarily focus on low-level resource management which requires application developers to repeatedly tackle many challenging tasks. Examples include efficient data acquisition, secure and privacy-preserving data distribution as well as interoperable data integration. In this paper, we describe the GAMBAS middleware which tries to simplify the development of smart city applications. To do this, GAMBAS introduces a Java-based runtime system with an associated software development kit (SDK). To clarify how the runtime system and the SDK can be used for application development, we describe two simple applications that highlight different middleware functions.