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Al-Janabi, S. I. Ali, Al-Janabi, S. T. Faraj, Al-Khateeb, B..  2020.  Image Classification using Convolution Neural Network Based Hash Encoding and Particle Swarm Optimization. 2020 International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry: Way Towards a Sustainable Economy (ICDABI). :1–5.
Image Retrieval (IR) has become one of the main problems facing computer society recently. To increase computing similarities between images, hashing approaches have become the focus of many programmers. Indeed, in the past few years, Deep Learning (DL) has been considered as a backbone for image analysis using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). This paper aims to design and implement a high-performance image classifier that can be used in several applications such as intelligent vehicles, face recognition, marketing, and many others. This work considers experimentation to find the sequential model's best configuration for classifying images. The best performance has been obtained from two layers' architecture; the first layer consists of 128 nodes, and the second layer is composed of 32 nodes, where the accuracy reached up to 0.9012. The proposed classifier has been achieved using CNN and the data extracted from the CIFAR-10 dataset by the inception model, which are called the Transfer Values (TRVs). Indeed, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to reduce the TRVs. In this respect, the work focus is to reduce the TRVs to obtain high-performance image classifier models. Indeed, the PSO algorithm has been enhanced by using the crossover technique from genetic algorithms. This led to a reduction of the complexity of models in terms of the number of parameters used and the execution time.
Dai, Q., Shi, L..  2020.  A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Cyber Attack-Mitigation in Centralized Feeder Automation System. 2020 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). :1–5.
The intelligent electronic devices widely deployed across the distribution network are inevitably making the feeder automation (FA) system more vulnerable to cyber-attacks, which would lead to disastrous socio-economic impacts. This paper proposes a three-stage game-theoretic framework that the defender allocates limited security resources to minimize the economic impacts on FA system while the attacker deploys limited attack resources to maximize the corresponding impacts. Meanwhile, the probability of successful attack is calculated based on the Bayesian attack graph, and a fault-tolerant location technique for centralized FA system is elaborately considered during analysis. The proposed game-theoretic framework is converted into a two-level zero-sum game model and solved by the particle swarm optimization (PSO) combined with a generalized reduced gradient algorithm. Finally, the proposed model is validated on distribution network for RBTS bus 2.
Xu, S., Ouyang, Z., Feng, J..  2020.  An Improved Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization. 2020 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA). :19–23.
For solving multi-objective optimization problems, this paper firstly combines a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEA/D) with good convergence and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) with good distribution to construct. Thus we propose a hybrid multi-objective optimization solving algorithm. Then, we consider that the population diversity needs to be improved while applying multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) to solve the multi-objective optimization problems and an improved MOPSO algorithm is proposed. We give the distance function between the individual and the population, and the individual with the largest distance is selected as the global optimal individual to maintain population diversity. Finally, the simulation experiments are performed on the ZDT\textbackslashtextbackslashDTLZ test functions and track planning problems. The results indicate the better performance of the improved algorithms.
Cai, L., Hou, Y., Zhao, Y., Wang, J..  2020.  Application research and improvement of particle swarm optimization algorithm. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems (ICPICS). :238–241.
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), as a kind of swarm intelligence algorithm, has the advantages of simple algorithm principle, less programmable parameters and easy programming. Many scholars have applied particle swarm optimization (PSO) to various fields through learning it, and successfully solved linear problems, nonlinear problems, multiobjective optimization and other problems. However, the algorithm also has obvious problems in solving problems, such as slow convergence speed, too early maturity, falling into local optimization in advance, etc., which makes the convergence speed slow, search the optimal value accuracy is not high, and the optimization effect is not ideal. Therefore, many scholars have improved the particle swarm optimization algorithm. Taking into account the improvement ideas proposed by scholars in the early stage and the shortcomings still existing in the improvement, this paper puts forward the idea of improving particle swarm optimization algorithm in the future.
Gu, Y., Liu, N..  2020.  An Adaptive Grey Wolf Algorithm Based on Population System and Bacterial Foraging Algorithm. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA). :744–748.
In this thesis, an modified algorithm for grey wolf optimization in swarm intelligence optimization algorithm is proposed, which is called an adaptive grey wolf algorithm (AdGWO) based on population system and bacterial foraging optimization algorithm (BFO). In view of the disadvantages of premature convergence and local optimization in solving complex optimization problems, the AdGWO algorithm uses a three-stage nonlinear change function to simulate the decreasing change of the convergence factor, and at the same time integrates the half elimination mechanism of the BFO. These improvements are more in line with the actual situation of natural wolves. The algorithm is based on 23 famous test functions and compared with GWO. Experimental results demonstrate that this algorithm is able to avoid sinking into the local optimum, has good accuracy and stability, is a more competitive algorithm.
Tousi, S. Mohamad Ali, Mostafanasab, A., Teshnehlab, M..  2020.  Design of Self Tuning PID Controller Based on Competitional PSO. 2020 4th Conference on Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation (CSIEC). :022–026.
In this work, a new particle swarm optimization (PSO)-based optimization algorithm, and the idea of a running match is introduced and employed in a non-linear system PID controller design. This algorithm aims to modify the formula of velocity calculating of the general PSO method to increase the diversity of the searching process. In this process of designing an optimal PID controller for a non-linear system, the three gains of the PID controller form a particle, which is a parameter vector and will be updated iteratively. Many of those particles then form a population. To reach the PID gains which are optimum, using modified velocity updating formula and position updating formula, the position of all particles of the population will be moved into the optimization direction. In the meanwhile, an objective function may be minimized as the performance of the controller get improved. To corroborate the controller functioning of this method, a non-linear system known as inverted pendulum will be controlled by the designed PID controller. The results confirm that the new method can show excellent performance in the non-linear PID controller design task.
Goudos, S. K., Diamantoulakis, P. D., Boursianis, A. D., Papanikolaou, V. K., Karagiannidis, G. K..  2020.  Joint User Association and Power Allocation Using Swarm Intelligence Algorithms in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Networks. 2020 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST). :1–4.
In this paper, we address the problem of joint user association and power allocation for non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) networks with multiple base stations (BSs). A user grouping procedure into orthogonal clusters, as well as an allocation of different physical resource blocks (PRBs) is considered. The problem of interest is mathematically described using the maximization of the weighted sum rate. We apply two different swarm intelligence algorithms, namely, the recently introduced Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO), and the popular Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), in order to solve this problem. Numerical results demonstrate that the above-described problem can be satisfactorily addressed by both algorithms.
Zhou, J.-L., Wang, J.-S., Zhang, Y.-X., Guo, Q.-S., Li, H., Lu, Y.-X..  2020.  Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Variety Inertia Weights to Solve Unequal Area Facility Layout Problem. 2020 Chinese Control And Decision Conference (CCDC). :4240–4245.
The unequal area facility layout problem (UA-FLP) is to place some objects in a specified space according to certain requirements, which is a NP-hard problem in mathematics because of the complexity of its solution, the combination explosion and the complexity of engineering system. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is a kind of swarm intelligence algorithm by simulating the predatory behavior of birds. Aiming at the minimization of material handling cost and the maximization of workshop area utilization, the optimization mathematical model of UA-FLPP is established, and it is solved by the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm which simulates the design of birds' predation behavior. The improved PSO algorithm is constructed by using nonlinear inertia weight, dynamic inertia weight and other methods to solve static unequal area facility layout problem. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by simulation experiments.
Willcox, G., Rosenberg, L., Burgman, M., Marcoci, A..  2020.  Prioritizing Policy Objectives in Polarized Groups using Artificial Swarm Intelligence. 2020 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA). :1–9.
Groups often struggle to reach decisions, especially when populations are strongly divided by conflicting views. Traditional methods for collective decision-making involve polling individuals and aggregating results. In recent years, a new method called Artificial Swarm Intelligence (ASI) has been developed that enables networked human groups to deliberate in real-time systems, moderated by artificial intelligence algorithms. While traditional voting methods aggregate input provided by isolated participants, Swarm-based methods enable participants to influence each other and converge on solutions together. In this study we compare the output of traditional methods such as Majority vote and Borda count to the Swarm method on a set of divisive policy issues. We find that the rankings generated using ASI and the Borda Count methods are often rated as significantly more satisfactory than those generated by the Majority vote system (p\textbackslashtextless; 0.05). This result held for both the population that generated the rankings (the “in-group”) and the population that did not (the “out-group”): the in-group ranked the Swarm prioritizations as 9.6% more satisfactory than the Majority prioritizations, while the out-group ranked the Swarm prioritizations as 6.5% more satisfactory than the Majority prioritizations. This effect also held even when the out-group was subject to a demographic sampling bias of 10% (i.e. the out-group was composed of 10% more Labour voters than the in-group). The Swarm method was the only method to be perceived as more satisfactory to the “out-group” than the voting group.
Dong, D., Ye, Z., Su, J., Xie, S., Cao, Y., Kochan, R..  2020.  A Malware Detection Method Based on Improved Fireworks Algorithm and Support Vector Machine. 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET). :846–851.
The increasing of malwares has presented a serious threat to the security of computer systems in recent years. Traditional signature-based anti-virus systems are not able to detect metamorphic and previously unseen malwares and it inspires people to use machine learning methods such as Naive Bayes and Decision Tree to identity malicious executables. Among these methods, detecting malwares by using Support Vector Machine (SVM) is one of the most effective approaches. However, the parameters of SVM have serious impacts on its classification performance. In order to find the optimal parameter combination and avoid the problem of falling into local optimal solution, many methods based on evolutionary algorithms are proposed, including Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Differential Evolution (DE) and others. But these algorithms still face the problem of being trapped into local solution spaces in different degree. In this paper, an improved fireworks algorithm is presented and applied to search parameters of SVM: penalty factor c and kernel function parameter g. To research the performance of the proposed algorithm, numeric experiments are made and compared with some typical algorithms, the experimental results demonstrate it outperforms other algorithms.
Tong, Weiming, Liu, Bingbing, Li, Zhongwei, Jin, Xianji.  2019.  Intrusion Detection Method of Industrial Control System Based on RIPCA-OCSVM. 2019 3rd International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Computer Engineering (EITCE). :1148—1154.

In view of the problem that the intrusion detection method based on One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM) could not detect the outliers within the industrial data, which results in the decision function deviating from the training sample, an anomaly intrusion detection algorithm based on Robust Incremental Principal Component Analysis (RIPCA) -OCSVM is proposed in this paper. The method uses RIPCA algorithm to remove outliers in industrial data sets and realize dimensionality reduction. In combination with the advantages of OCSVM on the single classification problem, an anomaly detection model is established, and the Improved Particle Swarm Optimization (IPSO) is used for model parameter optimization. The simulation results show that the method can efficiently and accurately identify attacks or abnormal behaviors while meeting the real-time requirements of the industrial control system (ICS).

Rani, Sonam, Jain, Sushma.  2018.  Hybrid Approach to Detect Network Based Intrusion. 2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA). :1–5.
In internet based communication, various types of attacks have been evolved. Hence, attacker easily breaches the securities. Traditional intrusion detection techniques to observe these attacks have failed and thus hefty systems are required to remove these attacks before they expose entire network. With the ability of artificial intelligence systems to adapt high computational speed, boost fault tolerance, and error resilience against noisy information, a hybrid particle swarm optimization(PSO) fuzzy rule based inference engine has been designed in this paper. The fuzzy logic based on degree of truth while the PSO algorithm based on population stochastic technique helps in learning from the scenario, thus their combination will increase the toughness of intrusion detection system. The proposed network intrusion detection system will be able to classify normal as well as anomalism behaviour in the network. DARPA-KDD99 dataset examined on this system to address the behaviour of each connection on network and compared with existing system. This approach improves the result on the basis of precision, recall and F1-score.
Eziama, Elvin, Ahmed, Saneeha, Ahmed, Sabbir, Awin, Faroq, Tepe, Kemal.  2019.  Detection of Adversary Nodes in Machine-To-Machine Communication Using Machine Learning Based Trust Model. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT). :1—6.

Security challenges present in Machine-to-Machine Communication (M2M-C) and big data paradigm are fundamentally different from conventional network security challenges. In M2M-C paradigms, “Trust” is a vital constituent of security solutions that address security threats and for such solutions,it is important to quantify and evaluate the amount of trust in the information and its source. In this work, we focus on Machine Learning (ML) Based Trust (MLBT) evaluation model for detecting malicious activities in a vehicular Based M2M-C (VBM2M-C) network. In particular, we present an Entropy Based Feature Engineering (EBFE) coupled Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) model which is optimized with Binary Particle Swarm optimization technique. Based on three performance metrics, i.e., Accuracy Rate (AR), True Positive Rate (TPR), False Positive Rate (FPR), the effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated in comparison to the state-of-the-art ensemble models, such as XGBoost and Random Forest. The simulation results demonstrates the superiority of the proposed model with approximately 10% improvement in accuracy, TPR and FPR, with reference to the attacker density of 30% compared with the start-of-the-art algorithms.

Khan, Saif Ali, Aggarwal, R. K, Kulkarni, Shashidhar.  2019.  Enhanced Homomorphic Encryption Scheme with PSO for Encryption of Cloud Data. 2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing Communication Systems (ICACCS). :395–400.
Cloud computing can be described as a distributed design that is accessible to different forms of security intrusions. An encoding technique named homomorphic encoding is used for the encoding of entities which are utilized for the accession of data from cloud server. The main problems of homomorphic encoding scheme are key organization and key allocation. Because of these issues, effectiveness of homomorphic encryption approach decreases. The encoding procedure requires the generation of input, and for this, an approach named Particle swarm optimization is implemented in the presented research study. PSO algorithms are nature encouraged meta-heuristic algorithms. These algorithms are inhabitant reliant. In these algorithms, societal activities of birds and fishes are utilized as an encouragement for the development of a technical mechanism. Relying on the superiority of computations, the results are modified with the help of algorithms which are taken from arbitrarily allocated pattern of particles. With the movement of particles around the searching area, the spontaneity is performed by utilizing a pattern of arithmetical terminology. For the generation of permanent number key for encoding, optimized PSO approach is utilized. MATLAB program is used for the implementation of PSO relied homomorphic algorithm. The investigating outcomes depicts that this technique proves very beneficial on the requisites of resource exploitation and finishing time. PSO relied homomorphic algorithm is more applicable in terms of completion time and resource utilization in comparison with homomorphic algorithm.
Lili, Yu, Lei, Zhang, Jing, Li, Fanbo, Meng.  2018.  A PSO clustering based RFID middleware. 2018 4th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR). :222–225.
In current, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Middleware is widely used in nearly all RFID applications, and provides service for raw data capturing, security data reading/writing as well as sensors controlling. However, as the existing Middlewares were organized with rigorous data comparison and data encryption, it is seriously affecting the usefulness and execution efficiency. Thus, in order to improve the utilization rate of effective data, increase the reading/writing speed as well as preserving the security of RFID, this paper proposed a PSO (Particle swarm optimization) clustering scheme to accelerate the procedure of data operation. Then with the help of PSO cluster, the RFID Middleware can provide better service for both data security and data availability. At last, a comparative experiment is proposed, which is used to further verify the advantage of our proposed scheme.
Zhang, Shaobo, Shen, Yongjun, Zhang, Guidong.  2018.  Network Security Situation Prediction Model Based on Multi-Swarm Chaotic Particle Optimization and Optimized Grey Neural Network. 2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS). :426—429.
Network situation value is an important index to measure network security. Establishing an effective network situation prediction model can prevent the occurrence of network security incidents, and plays an important role in network security protection. Through the understanding and analysis of the network security situation, we can see that there are many factors affecting the network security situation, and the relationship between these factors is complex., it is difficult to establish more accurate mathematical expressions to describe the network situation. Therefore, this paper uses the grey neural network as the prediction model, but because the convergence speed of the grey neural network is very fast, the network is easy to fall into local optimum, and the parameters can not be further modified, so the Multi-Swarm Chaotic Particle Optimization (MSCPO)is used to optimize the key parameters of the grey neural network. By establishing the nonlinear mapping relationship between the influencing factors and the network security situation, the network situation can be predicted and protected.
Jiang, He, Wang, Zhenhua, He, Haibo.  2019.  An Evolutionary Computation Approach for Smart Grid Cascading Failure Vulnerability Analysis. 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :332—338.
The cyber-physical security of smart grid is of great importance since it directly concerns the normal operating of a system. Recently, researchers found that organized sequential attacks can incur large-scale cascading failure to the smart grid. In this paper, we focus on the line-switching sequential attack, where the attacker aims to trip transmission lines in a designed order to cause significant system failures. Our objective is to identify the critical line-switching attack sequence, which can be instructional for the protection of smart grid. For this purpose, we develop an evolutionary computation based vulnerability analysis framework, which employs particle swarm optimization to search the critical attack sequence. Simulation studies on two benchmark systems, i.e., IEEE 24 bus reliability test system and Washington 30 bus dynamic test system, are implemented to evaluate the performance of our proposed method. Simulation results show that our method can yield a better performance comparing with the reinforcement learning based approach proposed in other prior work.
Kala, T. Sree, Christy, A..  2019.  An Intrusion Detection System using Opposition based Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and PNN. 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (COMITCon). :184–188.
Network security became a viral topic nowadays, Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection Systems [1] (IDSs) plays an indispensable role in identifying the attacks from networks and the detection rate and accuracy are said to be high. The proposed work explore this topic and solve this issue by the IDS model developed using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). This model uses Feed - Forward Neural Net algorithms and Probabilistic Neural Network and oppositional based on Particle Swarm optimization Algorithm for lessen the computational overhead and boost the performance level. The whole computing overhead produced in its execution and training are get minimized by the various optimization techniques used in these developed ANN-based IDS system. The experimental study on the developed system tested using the standard NSL-KDD dataset performs well, while compare with other intrusion detection models, built using NN, RB and OPSO algorithms.
Fuchs, Caro, Spolaor, Simone, Nobile, Marco S., Kaymak, Uzay.  2019.  A Swarm Intelligence Approach to Avoid Local Optima in Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). :1–6.
Clustering analysis is an important computational task that has applications in many domains. One of the most popular algorithms to solve the clustering problem is fuzzy c-means, which exploits notions from fuzzy logic to provide a smooth partitioning of the data into classes, allowing the possibility of multiple membership for each data sample. The fuzzy c-means algorithm is based on the optimization of a partitioning function, which minimizes inter-cluster similarity. This optimization problem is known to be NP-hard and it is generally tackled using a hill climbing method, a local optimizer that provides acceptable but sub-optimal solutions, since it is sensitive to initialization and tends to get stuck in local optima. In this work we propose an alternative approach based on the swarm intelligence global optimization method Fuzzy Self-Tuning Particle Swarm Optimization (FST-PSO). We solve the fuzzy clustering task by optimizing fuzzy c-means' partitioning function using FST-PSO. We show that this population-based metaheuristics is more effective than hill climbing, providing high quality solutions with the cost of an additional computational complexity. It is noteworthy that, since this particle swarm optimization algorithm is self-tuning, the user does not have to specify additional hyperparameters for the optimization process.
Kalaivani, S., Vikram, A., Gopinath, G..  2019.  An Effective Swarm Optimization Based Intrusion Detection Classifier System for Cloud Computing. 2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing Communication Systems (ICACCS). :185–188.
Most of the swarm optimization techniques are inspired by the characteristics as well as behaviour of flock of birds whereas Artificial Bee Colony is based on the foraging characteristics of the bees. However, certain problems which are solved by ABC do not yield desired results in-terms of performance. ABC is a new devised swarm intelligence algorithm and predominately employed for optimization of numerical problems. The main reason for the success of ABC algorithm is that it consists of feature such as fathomable and flexibility when compared to other swarm optimization algorithms and there are many possible applications of ABC. Cloud computing has their limitation in their application and functionality. The cloud computing environment experiences several security issues such as Dos attack, replay attack, flooding attack. In this paper, an effective classifier is proposed based on Artificial Bee Colony for cloud computing. It is evident in the evaluation results that the proposed classifier achieved a higher accuracy rate.
Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei, Zhang, Yuyu, Chen, Chun-Hao, Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai, Chen, Chien-Ming, Hong, Tzung-Pei.  2018.  A Multiple Objective PSO-Based Approach for Data Sanitization. 2018 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI). :148–151.
In this paper, a multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO)-based framework is presented to find the multiple solutions rather than a single one. The presented grid-based algorithm is used to assign the probability of the non-dominated solution for next iteration. Based on the designed algorithm, it is unnecessary to pre-define the weights of the side effects for evaluation but the non-dominated solutions can be discovered as an alternative way for data sanitization. Extensive experiments are carried on two datasets to show that the designed grid-based algorithm achieves good performance than the traditional single-objective evolution algorithms.
Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai, Chun-Wei Lin, Jerry, Djenouri, Youcef, Fournier-Viger, Philippe, Zhang, Yuyu.  2019.  A Swarm-based Data Sanitization Algorithm in Privacy-Preserving Data Mining. 2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). :1461–1467.
In recent decades, data protection (PPDM), which not only hides information, but also provides information that is useful to make decisions, has become a critical concern. We present a sanitization algorithm with the consideration of four side effects based on multi-objective PSO and hierarchical clustering methods to find optimized solutions for PPDM. Experiments showed that compared to existing approaches, the designed sanitization algorithm based on the hierarchical clustering method achieves satisfactory performance in terms of hiding failure, missing cost, and artificial cost.
Rathi, P. S., Rao, C. M..  2018.  An Enhanced Threshold Based Cryptography with Secrete Sharing and Particle Swarm Optimization for Data Sending in MANET. 2018 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (ACIRS). :87-91.

There are two types of network architectures are presents those are wired network and wireless network. MANETs is one of the examples of wireless network. Each and every network has their own features which make them different from other types of network. Some of the features of MANETs are; infrastructure less network, mobility, dynamic network topology which make it different and more popular from wired network but these features also generate different problems for achieving security due to the absence of centralized authority inside network as well as sending of data due to its mobility features. Achieving security in wired network is little-bit easy compare to MANETs because in wired network user need to just protect main centralized authority for achieving security whereas in MANETs there is no centralized authority available so protecting server in MANETs is difficult compare to wired network. Data sending and receiving process is also easy in wired network but mobility features makes this data sending and receiving process difficult in MANETs. Protecting server or central repository without making use of secrete sharing in wired network will create so many challenges and problem in terms of security. The proposed system makes use of Secrete sharing method to protect server from malicious nodes and `A New particle Swarm Optimization Method for MANETs' (NPSOM) for performing data sending and receiving operation in optimization way. NPSOM technique get equated with the steady particle swarm optimizer (PSO) technique. PSO was essentially designed by Kennedy, Eberhart in 1995. These methods are based upon 4 dissimilar types of parameters. These techniques were encouraged by common performance of animals, some of them are bird assembling and fish tuition, ant colony. The proposed system converts this PSO in the form of MANETs where Particle is nothing but the nodes in the network, Swarm means collection of multiple nodes and Optimization means finding the best and nearer root to reach to destination. Each and every element study about their own previous best solution which they are having with them for the given optimization problem, likewise they see for the groups previous best solution which they got for the same problem and finally they correct its solution depending on these values. This same process gets repeated for finding of the best and optimal solutions value. NPSOM technique, used in proposed system there every element changes its location according to the solution which they got previously and which is poorest as well as their collection's earlier poorest solution for finding best, optimal value. In this proposed system we are concentrating on, sidestepping element's and collections poorest solution which they got before.

Wang, C., Zhao, S., Wang, X., Luo, M., Yang, M..  2018.  A Neural Network Trojan Detection Method Based on Particle Swarm Optimization. 2018 14th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT). :1-3.

Hardware Trojans (HTs) are malicious modifications of the original circuits intended to leak information or cause malfunction. Based on the Side Channel Analysis (SCA) technology, a set of hardware Trojan detection platform is designed for RTL circuits on the basis of HSPICE power consumption simulation. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm is used to reduce the dimension of power consumption data. An intelligent neural networks (NN) algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is introduced to achieve HTs recognition. Experimental results show that the detection accuracy of PSO NN method is much better than traditional BP NN method.

Feng, W., Chen, Z., Fu, Y..  2018.  Autoencoder Classification Algorithm Based on Swam Intelligence Optimization. 2018 17th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business Engineering and Science (DCABES). :238–241.
BP algorithm used by autoencoder classification algorithm. But the BP algorithm is not only complicated and inefficient, but sometimes falls into local optimum. This makes autoencoder classification algorithm are not very good. So in this paper we combie Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO) and autoencoder classification algorithm. QPSO used to optimize the weight of autoencoder neural network and the parameter of softmax. This method has been tested on some database, and the experimental result shows that this method has got good results.