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Goli, Mehran, Drechsler, Rolf.  2019.  Scalable Simulation-Based Verification of SystemC-Based Virtual Prototypes. 2019 22nd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD). :522–529.
Virtual Prototypes (VPs) at the Electronic System Level (ESL) written in SystemC language using its Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) framework are increasingly adopted by the semiconductor industry. The main reason is that VPs are much earlier available, and their simulation is orders of magnitude faster in comparison to the hardware models implemented at lower levels of abstraction (e.g. RTL). This leads designers to use VPs as reference models for an early design verification. Hence, the correctness assurance of these reference models (VPs) is critical as undetected faults may propagate to less abstract levels in the design process, increasing the fixing cost and effort. In this paper, we propose a novel simulation-based verification approach to automatically validate the simulation behavior of a given SystemC VP against both the TLM-2.0 rules and its specifications (i.e. functional and timing behavior of communications in the VP). The scalability and the efficiency of the proposed approach are demonstrated using an extensive set of experiments including a real-word VP.
Castro Marquez, C.I., Strum, M., Wang Jiang Chau.  2014.  A unified sequential equivalence checking approach to verify high-level functionality and protocol specification implementations in RTL designs. Test Workshop - LATW, 2014 15th Latin American. :1-6.

Formal techniques provide exhaustive design verification, but computational margins have an important negative impact on its efficiency. Sequential equivalence checking is an effective approach, but traditionally it has been only applied between circuit descriptions with one-to-one correspondence for states. Applying it between RTL descriptions and high-level reference models requires removing signals, variables and states exclusive of the RTL description so as to comply with the state correspondence restriction. In this paper, we extend a previous formal methodology for RTL verification with high-level models, to check also the signals and protocol implemented in the RTL design. This protocol implementation is compared formally to a description captured from the specification. Thus, we can prove thoroughly the sequential behavior of a design under verification.