The zero-day attack in networks exploits an undiscovered vulnerability, in order to affect/damage networks or programs. The term “zero-day” refers to the number of days available to the software or the hardware vendor to issue a patch for this new vulnerability. Currently, the best-known defense mechanism against the zero-day attacks focuses on detection and response, as a prevention effort, which typically fails against unknown or new vulnerabilities. To the best of our knowledge, this attack has not been widely investigated for Software-Defined Networks (SDNs). Therefore, in this work we are motivated to develop anew zero-day attack detection and prevention mechanism, which is designed and implemented for SDN using a modified sandbox tool, named Cuckoo. Our experiments results, under UNIX system, show that our proposed design successfully stops zero-day malwares by isolating the infected client, and thus, prevents these malwares from infesting other clients.
Software-Defined Networks (SDNs) promise to overcome the often complex and error-prone operation of tradi- tional computer networks, by enabling programmabil- ity, automation and verifiability. Yet, SDNs also in- troduce new challenges, for example due to the asyn- chronous communication channel between the logically centralized control platform and the switches in the data plane. In particular, the asynchronous commu- nication of network update commands (e.g., OpenFlow FlowMod messages) may lead to transient inconsisten- cies, such as loops or bypassed waypoints (e.g., fire- walls). One approach to ensure transient consistency even in asynchronous environments is to employ smart scheduling algorithms: algorithms which update subsets of switches in each communication round only, where each subset in itself guarantees consistency. In this demo, we show how to change routing policies in a transiently consistent manner. We demonstrate two al- gorithms, namely, Wayup [5] and Peacock [4], which partition the network updates sent from SDN controller towards OpenFlow software switches into multiple rounds as per respective algorithms. Later, the barrier mes- sages are utilized to ensure reliable network updates.
The advancement of software-defined networking (SDN) technology is highly dependent on the successful transformations from in-house research ideas to real-life products. To enable such transformations, a testbed offering scalable and high fidelity networking environment for testing and evaluating new/existing designs is extremely valuable. Mininet, the most popular SDN emulator by far, is designed to achieve both accuracy and scalability by running unmodified code of network applications in lightweight Linux Containers. How- ever, Mininet cannot guarantee performance fidelity under high workloads, in particular when the number of concurrent active events is more than the number of parallel cores. In this project, we develop a lightweight virtual time system in Linux container and integrate the system with Mininet, so that all the containers have their own virtual clocks rather than using the physical system clock which reflects the se- rialized execution of multiple containers. With the notion of virtual time, all the containers perceive virtual time as if they run independently and concurrently. As a result, inter- actions between the containers and the physical system are artificially scaled, making a network appear to be ten times faster from the viewpoint of applications within the contain- ers than it actually is. We also design an adaptive virtual time scheduling subsystem in Mininet, which is responsible to balance the experiment speed and fidelity. Experimen- tal results demonstrate that embedding virtual time into Mininet significantly enhances its performance fidelity, and therefore, results in a useful platform for the SDN community to conduct scalable experiments with high fidelity.
Realistic and scalable testing systems are critical to evaluate network applications and protocols to ensure successful real system deployments. Container-based network emula- tion is attractive because of the combination of many desired features of network simulators and physical testbeds . The success of Mininet, a popular software- defined networking (SDN) emulation testbed, demonstrates the value of such approach that we can execute unmodified binary code on a large- scale emulated network with lightweight OS-level vir- tualization techniques. However, an ordinary network em- ulator uses the system clock across all the containers even if a container is not being scheduled to run. This leads to the issue of temporal fidelity, especially with high workloads. Virtual time sheds the light on the issue of preserving tem- poral fidelity for large-scale emulation. The key insight is to trade time with system resources via precisely scaling the time of interactions between containers and physical devices by a factor of n, hence, making an emulated network ap- pear to be n times faster from the viewpoints of applications in the container. In this paper, we develop a lightweight Linux-container-based virtual time system and integrate the system to Mininet for fidelity and scalability enhancement. We also design an adaptive time dilation scheduling mod- ule for balancing speed and accuracy. Experimental results demonstrate that (1) with virtual time, Mininet is able to accurately emulate a network n times larger in scale, where n is the scaling factor, with the system behaviors closely match data obtained from a physical testbed; and (2) with the adaptive time dilation scheduling, we reduce the running time by 46% with little accuracy loss. Finally, we present a case study using the virtual-time-enabled Mininet to evalu- ate the limitations of equal-cost multi-path (ECMP) routing in a data center network.