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Manikandan, T.T., Sukumaran, Rajeev, Christhuraj, M.R., Saravanan, M..  2020.  Adopting Stochastic Network Calculus as Mathematical Theory for Performance Analysis of Underwater Wireless Communication Networks. 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :436—441.
Underwater Wireless Communication Network (UWCN) is highly emerging in recent times due to the broad variety of underwater applications ranging from disaster prediction, environmental resource monitoring, military security surveillance and assisted navigation. Since the kind of accuracy these applications demands from the dynamic underwater environment is really high, so there is a need for effective way of study underwater communication networks. Usually underwater networks can be studied with the help of actual underwater testbed or with the model of the underwater network. Studying the underwater system with the actual underwater testbed is costly. The effective way of analysis can be done by creating a mathematical model of underwater systems. Queuing theory is one of the most popular mathematical theories used for conventional circuit switched networks whereas it can’t be applied for modeling modern packet switched networks which has high variability compared to that of circuit switched networks. So this paper presents Stochastic Network Calculus (SNC) as the mathematical theory for modeling underwater communication networks. Underlying principles and basic models provided by SNC for analyzing the performance graduates of UWCN is discussed in detail for the benefit of researchers looking for the effective mathematical theory for modeling the system in the domain of underwater communication.
Baybulatov, A. A., Promyslov, V. G..  2020.  On a Deterministic Approach to Solving Industrial Control System Problems. 2020 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon). :115—120.

Since remote ages, queues and delays have been a rather exasperating reality of human daily life. Today, they pursue us everywhere: in technical, social, socio-technical, and even control systems, dramatically deteriorating their performance. In this variety, it is the computer systems that are sure to cause the growing anxiety in our digital era. Although for our everyday Internet surfing, experiencing long-lasting and annoying delays is an unpleasant but not dangerous situation, for industrial control systems, especially those dealing with critical infrastructures, such behavior is unacceptable. The article presents a deterministic approach to solving some digital control system problems associated with delays and backlogs. Being based on Network calculus, in contrast to statistical methods of Queuing theory, it provides worst-case results, which are eminently desirable for critical infrastructures. The article covers the basics of a theory of deterministic queuing systems Network calculus, its evolution regarding the relationship between backlog bound and delay, and a technique for handling empirical data. The problems being solved by the deterministic approach: standard calculation of network performance measures, estimation of database maximum updating time, and cybersecurity assessment including such issues as the CIA triad representation, operational technology influence, and availability understanding focusing on its correlation with a delay are thoroughly discussed as well.

Nweke, L. O., Weldehawaryat, G. Kahsay, Wolthusen, S. D..  2020.  Adversary Model for Attacks Against IEC 61850 Real-Time Communication Protocols. 2020 16th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks DRCN 2020. :1—8.

Adversarial models are well-established for cryptographic protocols, but distributed real-time protocols have requirements that these abstractions are not intended to cover. The IEEE/IEC 61850 standard for communication networks and systems for power utility automation in particular not only requires distributed processing, but in case of the generic object oriented substation events and sampled value (GOOSE/SV) protocols also hard real-time characteristics. This motivates the desire to include both quality of service (QoS) and explicit network topology in an adversary model based on a π-calculus process algebraic formalism based on earlier work. This allows reasoning over process states, placement of adversarial entities and communication behaviour. We demonstrate the use of our model for the simple case of a replay attack against the publish/subscribe GOOSE/SV subprotocol, showing bounds for non-detectability of such an attack.

Shengquan, Wang, Xianglong, Li, Ang, Li, Shenlong, Jiang.  2019.  Research on Iris Edge Detection Technology based on Daugman Algorithm. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA). :308—311.

In the current society, people pay more and more attention to identity security, especially in the case of some highly confidential or personal privacy, one-to-one identification is particularly important. The iris recognition just has the characteristics of high efficiency, not easy to be counterfeited, etc., which has been promoted as an identity technology. This paper has carried out research on daugman algorithm and iris edge detection.

Künnemann, Robert, Esiyok, Ilkan, Backes, Michael.  2019.  Automated Verification of Accountability in Security Protocols. 2019 IEEE 32nd Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :397—39716.

Accountability is a recent paradigm in security protocol design which aims to eliminate traditional trust assumptions on parties and hold them accountable for their misbehavior. It is meant to establish trust in the first place and to recognize and react if this trust is violated. In this work, we discuss a protocol-agnostic definition of accountability: a protocol provides accountability (w.r.t. some security property) if it can identify all misbehaving parties, where misbehavior is defined as a deviation from the protocol that causes a security violation. We provide a mechanized method for the verification of accountability and demonstrate its use for verification and attack finding on various examples from the accountability and causality literature, including Certificate Transparency and Krollˆ\textbackslashtextbackslashprimes Accountable Algorithms protocol. We reach a high degree of automation by expressing accountability in terms of a set of trace properties and show their soundness and completeness.

Gollamudi, Anitha, Chong, Stephen, Arden, Owen.  2019.  Information Flow Control for Distributed Trusted Execution Environments. 2019 IEEE 32nd Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :304–30414.

Distributed applications cannot assume that their security policies will be enforced on untrusted hosts. Trusted execution environments (TEEs) combined with cryptographic mechanisms enable execution of known code on an untrusted host and the exchange of confidential and authenticated messages with it. TEEs do not, however, establish the trustworthiness of code executing in a TEE. Thus, developing secure applications using TEEs requires specialized expertise and careful auditing. This paper presents DFLATE, a core security calculus for distributed applications with TEEs. DFLATE offers high-level abstractions that reflect both the guarantees and limitations of the underlying security mechanisms they are based on. The accuracy of these abstractions is exhibited by asymmetry between confidentiality and integrity in our formal results: DFLATE enforces a strong form of noninterference for confidentiality, but only a weak form for integrity. This reflects the asymmetry of the security guarantees of a TEE: a malicious host cannot access secrets in the TEE or modify its contents, but they can suppress or manipulate the sequence of its inputs and outputs. Therefore DFLATE cannot protect against the suppression of high-integrity messages, but when these messages are delivered, their contents cannot have been influenced by an attacker.

Delaune, S., Kremer, S., Robin, L..  2017.  Formal Verification of Protocols Based on Short Authenticated Strings. 2017 IEEE 30th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :130–143.

Modern security protocols may involve humans in order to compare or copy short strings between different devices. Multi-factor authentication protocols, such as Google 2-factor or 3D-secure are typical examples of such protocols. However, such short strings may be subject to brute force attacks. In this paper we propose a symbolic model which includes attacker capabilities for both guessing short strings, and producing collisions when short strings result from an application of weak hash functions. We propose a new decision procedure for analysing (a bounded number of sessions of) protocols that rely on short strings. The procedure has been integrated in the AKISS tool and tested on protocols from the ISO/IEC 9798-6:2010 standard.

Emfinger, W., Karsai, G..  2015.  Modeling Network Medium Access Protocols for Network Quality of Service Analysis. Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), 2015 IEEE 18th International Symposium on. :292-295.

Design-time analysis and verification of distributed real-time embedded systems necessitates the modeling of the time-varying performance of the network and comparing that to application requirements. Earlier work has shown how to build a system network model that abstracted away the network's physical medium and protocols which govern its access and multiplexing. In this work we show how to apply a network medium channel access protocol, such as Time-Division Multiple Access (TDMA), to our network analysis methods and use the results to show that the abstracted model without the explicit model of the protocol is valid.