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Ricard López Fogués, Pradeep K. Murukannaiah, Jose M. Such, Munindar P. Singh.  2017.  Understanding Sharing Policies in Multiparty Scenarios: Incorporating Context, Preferences, and Arguments into Decision Making. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.

Social network services enable users to conveniently share personal information.  Often, the information shared concerns other people, especially other members of the social network service.  In such situations, two or more people can have conflicting privacy preferences; thus, an appropriate sharing policy may not be apparent. We identify such situations as multiuser privacy scenarios. Current approaches propose finding a sharing policy through preference aggregation.  However, studies suggest that users feel more confident in their decisions regarding sharing when they know the reasons behind each other's preferences.  The goals of this paper are (1) understanding how people decide the appropriate sharing policy in multiuser scenarios where arguments are employed, and (2) developing a computational model to predict an appropriate sharing policy for a given scenario. We report on a study that involved a survey of 988 Amazon MTurk users about a variety of multiuser scenarios and the optimal sharing policy for each scenario.  Our evaluation of the participants' responses reveals that contextual factors, user preferences, and arguments influence the optimal sharing policy in a multiuser scenario.  We develop and evaluate an inference model that predicts the optimal sharing policy given the three types of features.  We analyze the predictions of our inference model to uncover potential scenario types that lead to incorrect predictions, and to enhance our understanding of when multiuser scenarios are more or less prone to dispute.


To appear

Aiping Xiong, Robert W. Proctor, Ninghui Li, Weining Yang.  2016.  Use of Warnings for Instructing Users How to Detect Phishing Webpages. 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology.

The ineffectiveness of phishing warnings has been attributed to users' poor comprehension of the warning. However, the effectiveness of a phishing warning is typically evaluated at the time when users interact with a suspected phishing webpage, which we call the effect with phishing warning. Nevertheless, users' improved phishing detection when the warning is absent—or the effect of the warning—is the ultimate goal to prevent users from falling for phishing scams. We conducted an online study to evaluate the effect with and of several phishing warning variations, varying the point at which the warning was presented and whether procedural knowledge instruction was included in the warning interface. The current Chrome phishing warning was also included as a control. 360 Amazon Mechanical-Turk workers made submission; 500¬ word maximum for symposia) decisions about 10 login webpages (8 authentic, 2 fraudulent) with the aid of warning (first phase). After a short distracting task, the workers made the same decisions about 10 different login webpages (8 authentic, 2 fraudulent) without warning. In phase one, the compliance rates with two proposed warning interfaces (98% and 94%) were similar to those of the Chrome warning (98%), regardless of when the warning was presented. In phase two (without warning), performance was better for the condition in which warning with procedural knowledge instruction was presented before the phishing webpage in phase one, suggesting a better of effect than for the other conditions. With the procedural knowledge of how to determine a webpage’s legitimacy, users identified phishing webpages more accurately even without the warning being presented.

Jing Chen, Robert W. Proctor, Ninghui Li.  2016.  Human Trust in Automation in a Phishing Context. 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology.

Many previous studies have shown that trust in automation mediates the effectiveness of automation in maintaining performance, and one critical factor that affects trust is the reliability of the automated system. In the cyber domain, automated systems are pervasive, yet the involvement of human trust has not been studied extensively as in other domains such as transportation.

In the current study, we used a phishing email identification task (with a phishing detection automated assistant system) as a testbed to study human trust in automation in the cyber domain. More specifically, we systematically investigated the influence of “description” (i.e., whether the user was informed about the actual reliability of the automated system) and “experience” (i.e., whether the user was provided feedback on their choices), in addition to the reliability level of the automated phishing detection system. These factors were varied in different conditions of response bias (false alarm vs. misses) and task difficulty (easy vs. difficult), which were found may be critical in a pilot study. Measures of user performance and trust were compared across different conditions. The measures of interest were human trust in the warning (a subjective rating of how trustable the warning system is), human reliance on the automated system (an objective measure of whether the participants comply with the system’s warnings), and performance (the overall quality of the decisions made).

Aiping Xiong, Robert W. Proctor, Weining Yang, Ninghui Li.  2017.  Is Domain Highlighting Actually Helpful in Identifying Phishing Webpages? Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of domain highlighting in helping users identify whether webpages are legitimate or spurious.

Background: As a component of the URL, a domain name can be overlooked. Consequently, browsers highlight the domain name to help users identify which website they are visiting. Nevertheless, few studies have assessed the effectiveness of domain highlighting, and the only formal study confounded highlighting with instructions to look at the address bar. 

Method: We conducted two phishing detection experiments. Experiment 1 was run online: Participants judged the legitimacy of webpages in two phases. In phase one, participants were to judge the legitimacy based on any information on the webpage, whereas phase two they were to focus on the address bar. Whether the domain was highlighted was also varied.  Experiment 2 was conducted similarly but with participants in a laboratory setting, which allowed tracking of fixations.

Results: Participants differentiated the legitimate and fraudulent webpages better than chance. There was some benefit of attending to the address bar, but domain highlighting did not provide effective protection against phishing attacks. Analysis of eye-gaze fixation measures was in agreement with the task performance, but heat-map results revealed that participants’ visual attention was attracted by the highlighted domains.

Conclusion: Failure to detect many fraudulent webpages even when the domain was highlighted implies that users lacked knowledge of webpage security cues or how to use those cues.

Adwait Nadkarni, Benjamin Andow, William Enck, Somesh Jha.  2016.  Practical DIFC Enforcement on Android. USENIX Security Symposium.

Smartphone users often use private and enterprise data with untrusted third party applications.  The fundamental lack of secrecy guarantees in smartphone OSes, such as Android, exposes this data to the risk of unauthorized exfiltration.  A natural solution is the integration of secrecy guarantees into the OS.  In this paper, we describe the challenges for decentralized information flow control (DIFC) enforcement on Android.  We propose context-sensitive DIFC enforcement via lazy polyinstantiation and practical and secure network export through domain declassification.  Our DIFC system, Weir, is backwards compatible by design, and incurs less than 4 ms overhead for component startup.  With Weir,  we demonstrate practical and secure DIFC enforcement on Android.