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Siewert, Hendrik, Kretschmer, Martin, Niemietz, Marcus, Somorovsky, Juraj.  2022.  On the Security of Parsing Security-Relevant HTTP Headers in Modern Browsers. 2022 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :342–352.

Web browsers are among the most important but also complex software solutions to access the web. It is therefore not surprising that web browsers are an attractive target for attackers. Especially in the last decade, security researchers and browser vendors have developed sandboxing mechanisms like security-relevant HTTP headers to tackle the problem of getting a more secure browser. Although the security community is aware of the importance of security-relevant HTTP headers, legacy applications and individual requests from different parties have led to possible insecure configurations of these headers. Even if specific security headers are configured correctly, conflicts in their functionalities may lead to unforeseen browser behaviors and vulnerabilities. Recently, the first work which analyzed duplicated headers and conflicts in headers was published by Calzavara et al. at USENIX Security [1]. The authors focused on inconsistent protections by using both, the HTTP header X-Frame-Options and the framing protection of the Content-Security-Policy.We extend their work by analyzing browser behaviors when parsing duplicated headers, conflicting directives, and values that do not conform to the defined ABNF metalanguage specification. We created an open-source testbed running over 19,800 test cases, at which nearly 300 test cases are executed in the set of 66 different browsers. Our work shows that browsers conform to the specification and behave securely. However, all tested browsers behave differently when it comes, for example, to parsing the Strict-Transport-Security header. Moreover, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox behave differently if the header contains a character, which is not allowed by the defined ABNF. This results in the protection mechanism being fully enforced, partially enforced, or not enforced and thus completely bypassable.

ISSN: 2770-8411

Al Khayer, Aala, Almomani, Iman, Elkawlak, Khaled.  2020.  ASAF: Android Static Analysis Framework. 2020 First International Conference of Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (SMARTTECH). :197–202.
Android Operating System becomes a major target for malicious attacks. Static analysis approach is widely used to detect malicious applications. Most of existing studies on static analysis frameworks are limited to certain features. This paper presents an Android Static Analysis Framework (ASAF) which models the overall static analysis phases and approaches for Android applications. ASAF can be implemented for different purposes including Android malicious apps detection. The proposed framework utilizes a parsing tool, Android Static Parse (ASParse) which is also introduced in this paper. Through the extendibility of the ASParse tool, future research studies can easily extend the parsed features and the parsed files to perform parsing based on their specific requirements and goals. Moreover, a case study is conducted to illustrate the implementation of the proposed ASAF.
A, Meharaj Begum, Arock, Michael.  2021.  Efficient Detection Of SQL Injection Attack(SQLIA) Using Pattern-based Neural Network Model. 2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS). :343–347.
Web application vulnerability is one of the major causes of cyber attacks. Cyber criminals exploit these vulnerabilities to inject malicious commands to the unsanitized user input in order to bypass authentication of the database through some cyber-attack techniques like cross site scripting (XSS), phishing, Structured Query Language Injection Attack (SQLIA), malware etc., Although many research works have been conducted to resolve the above mentioned attacks, only few challenges with respect to SQLIA could be resolved. Ensuring security against complete set of malicious payloads are extremely complicated and demanding. It requires appropriate classification of legitimate and injected SQL commands. The existing approaches dealt with limited set of signatures, keywords and symbols of SQL queries to identify the injected queries. This work focuses on extracting SQL injection patterns with the help of existing parsing and tagging techniques. Pattern-based tags are trained and modeled using Multi-layer Perceptron which significantly performs well in classification of queries with accuracy of 94.4% which is better than the existing approaches.
Sanyal, Hrithik, Shukla, Sagar, Agrawal, Rajneesh.  2021.  Natural Language Processing Technique for Generation of SQL Queries Dynamically. 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT). :1—6.
Natural Language Processing is being used in every field of human to machine interaction. Database queries although have a confined set of instructions, but still found to be complex and dedicated human resources are required to write, test, optimize and execute structured query language statements. This makes it difficult, time-consuming and many a time inaccurate too. Such difficulties can be overcome if the queries are formed dynamically with standard procedures. In this work, parsing, lexical analysis, synonym detection and formation processes of the natural language processing are being proposed to be used for dynamically generating SQL queries and optimization of them for fast processing with high accuracy. NLP parsing of the user inputted text for retrieving, creation and insertion of data are being proposed to be created dynamically from English text inputs. This will help users of the system to generate reports from the data as per the requirement without the complexities of SQL. The proposed system will not only generate queries dynamically but will also provide high accuracy and performance.
Adams, Michael D., Hollenbeck, Celeste, Might, Matthew.  2016.  On the Complexity and Performance of Parsing with Derivatives. Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. :224–236.

Current algorithms for context-free parsing inflict a trade-off between ease of understanding, ease of implementation, theoretical complexity, and practical performance. No algorithm achieves all of these properties simultaneously. Might et al. introduced parsing with derivatives, which handles arbitrary context-free grammars while being both easy to understand and simple to implement. Despite much initial enthusiasm and a multitude of independent implementations, its worst-case complexity has never been proven to be better than exponential. In fact, high-level arguments claiming it is fundamentally exponential have been advanced and even accepted as part of the folklore. Performance ended up being sluggish in practice, and this sluggishness was taken as informal evidence of exponentiality. In this paper, we reexamine the performance of parsing with derivatives. We have discovered that it is not exponential but, in fact, cubic. Moreover, simple (though perhaps not obvious) modifications to the implementation by Might et al. lead to an implementation that is not only easy to understand but also highly performant in practice.

Brown, Fraser, Nötzli, Andres, Engler, Dawson.  2016.  How to Build Static Checking Systems Using Orders of Magnitude Less Code. Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. :143–157.

Modern static bug finding tools are complex. They typically consist of hundreds of thousands of lines of code, and most of them are wedded to one language (or even one compiler). This complexity makes the systems hard to understand, hard to debug, and hard to retarget to new languages, thereby dramatically limiting their scope. This paper reduces checking system complexity by addressing a fundamental assumption, the assumption that checkers must depend on a full-blown language specification and compiler front end. Instead, our program checkers are based on drastically incomplete language grammars ("micro-grammars") that describe only portions of a language relevant to a checker. As a result, our implementation is tiny-roughly 2500 lines of code, about two orders of magnitude smaller than a typical system. We hope that this dramatic increase in simplicity will allow people to use more checkers on more systems in more languages. We implement our approach in μchex, a language-agnostic framework for writing static bug checkers. We use it to build micro-grammar based checkers for six languages (C, the C preprocessor, C++, Java, JavaScript, and Dart) and find over 700 errors in real-world projects.