With the ever increasing growth of internet usage, ensuring high security for information has gained great importance, due to the several threats in the communication channels. Hence there is continuous research towards finding a suitable approach to ensure high security for the information. In recent decades, cryptography is being used extensively for providing security on the Internet although primarily used in the military and diplomatic communities. One such approach is the application of Chaos theory in cryptosystems. In this work, we have proposed the usage of combined multiple recursive generator (CMRG) for KEY generation based on a chaotic function to generate different multiple keys. It is seen that negligible difference in parameters of chaotic function generates completely different keys as well as cipher text. The main motive for developing the chaos based cryptosystem is to attain encryption that provides high security at comparatively higher speed but with lower complexity and cost over the conventional encryption algorithms.
The transmission of data over a common transmission media revolute the world of information sharing from personal desktop to cloud computing. But the risk of the information theft has increased in the same ratio by the third party working on the same channel. The risk can be avoided using the suitable encryption algorithm. Using the best suited algorithm the transmitted data will be encrypted before placing it on the common channel. Using the public key or the private key the encrypted data can be decrypted by the authenticated user. It will avoid the risk of information theft by the unauthenticated user. In this work we have proposed an encryption algorithm which uses the ASCII code to encrypt the plain text. The common key will be used by sender or receiver to encrypt and decrypt the text for secure communication.