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Sen, S., Guha, S., Datta, A., Rajamani, S.K., Tsai, J., Wing, J.M..  2014.  Bootstrapping Privacy Compliance in Big Data Systems. Security and Privacy (SP), 2014 IEEE Symposium on. :327-342.

With the rapid increase in cloud services collecting and using user data to offer personalized experiences, ensuring that these services comply with their privacy policies has become a business imperative for building user trust. However, most compliance efforts in industry today rely on manual review processes and audits designed to safeguard user data, and therefore are resource intensive and lack coverage. In this paper, we present our experience building and operating a system to automate privacy policy compliance checking in Bing. Central to the design of the system are (a) Legal ease-a language that allows specification of privacy policies that impose restrictions on how user data is handled, and (b) Grok-a data inventory for Map-Reduce-like big data systems that tracks how user data flows among programs. Grok maps code-level schema elements to data types in Legal ease, in essence, annotating existing programs with information flow types with minimal human input. Compliance checking is thus reduced to information flow analysis of Big Data systems. The system, bootstrapped by a small team, checks compliance daily of millions of lines of ever-changing source code written by several thousand developers.

Dolz, Manuel F., del Rio Astorga, David, Fernández, Javier, García, J. Daniel, García-Carballeira, Félix, Danelutto, Marco, Torquati, Massimo.  2016.  Embedding Semantics of the Single-Producer/Single-Consumer Lock-Free Queue into a Race Detection Tool. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores. :20–29.

The rapid progress of multi-/many-core architectures has caused data-intensive parallel applications not yet be fully suited for getting the maximum performance. The advent of parallel programming frameworks offering structured patterns has alleviated developers' burden adapting such applications to parallel platforms. For example, the use of synchronization mechanisms in multithreaded applications is essential on shared-cache multi-core architectures. However, ensuring an appropriate use of their interfaces can be challenging, since different memory models plus instruction reordering at compiler/processor levels may influence the occurrence of data races. The benefits of race detectors are formidable in this sense, nevertheless if lock-free data structures with no high-level atomics are used, they may emit false positives. In this paper, we extend the ThreadSanitizer race detection tool in order to support semantics of the general Single-Producer/Single-Consumer (SPSC) lock-free parallel queue and to detect benign data races where it was correctly used. To perform our analysis, we leverage the FastFlow SPSC bounded lock-free queue implementation to test our extensions over a set of μ-benchmarks and real applications on a dual-socket Intel Xeon CPU E5-2695 platform. We demonstrate that this approach can reduce, on average, 30% the number of data race warning messages.

Nagaratna, M., Sowmya, Y..  2017.  M-sanit: Computing misusability score and effective sanitization of big data using Amazon elastic MapReduce. 2017 International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy Information and Commuincation (ICCPEIC). :029–035.
The invent of distributed programming frameworks like Hadoop paved way for processing voluminous data known as big data. Due to exponential growth of data, enterprises started to exploit the availability of cloud infrastructure for storing and processing big data. Insider attacks on outsourced data causes leakage of sensitive data. Therefore, it is essential to sanitize data so as to preserve privacy or non-disclosure of sensitive data. Privacy Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP) and Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) are the areas in which data sanitization plays a vital role in preserving privacy. The existing anonymization techniques for MapReduce programming can be improved to have a misusability measure for determining the level of sanitization to be applied to big data. To overcome this limitation we proposed a framework known as M-Sanit which has mechanisms to exploit misusability score of big data prior to performing sanitization using MapReduce programming paradigm. Our empirical study using the real world cloud eco system such as Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) and Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) reveals the effectiveness of misusability score based sanitization of big data prior to publishing or mining it.
Rolinger, T. B., Simon, T. A., Krieger, C. D..  2017.  Performance challenges for heterogeneous distributed tensor decompositions. 2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC). :1–7.

Tensor decompositions, which are factorizations of multi-dimensional arrays, are becoming increasingly important in large-scale data analytics. A popular tensor decomposition algorithm is Canonical Decomposition/Parallel Factorization using alternating least squares fitting (CP-ALS). Tensors that model real-world applications are often very large and sparse, driving the need for high performance implementations of decomposition algorithms, such as CP-ALS, that can take advantage of many types of compute resources. In this work we present ReFacTo, a heterogeneous distributed tensor decomposition implementation based on DeFacTo, an existing distributed memory approach to CP-ALS. DFacTo reduces the critical routine of CP-ALS to a series of sparse matrix-vector multiplications (SpMVs). ReFacTo leverages GPUs within a cluster via MPI to perform these SpMVs and uses OpenMP threads to parallelize other routines. We evaluate the performance of ReFacTo when using NVIDIA's GPU-based cuSPARSE library and compare it to an alternative implementation that uses Intel's CPU-based Math Kernel Library (MKL) for the SpMV. Furthermore, we provide a discussion of the performance challenges of heterogeneous distributed tensor decompositions based on the results we observed. We find that on up to 32 nodes, the SpMV of ReFacTo when using MKL is up to 6.8× faster than ReFacTo when using cuSPARSE.

Razaque, Abdul, Jinrui, Wang, Zancheng, Wang, Hani, Qassim Bani, Khaskheli, Murad Ali, Bhutto, Waseem Ahmed.  2018.  Integration of CPU and GPU to Accelerate RSA Modular Exponentiation Operation. 2018 IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT). :1-6.

Now-a-days, the security of data becomes more and more important, people store many personal information in their phones. However, stored information require security and maintain privacy. Encryption algorithm has become the main force of maintaining the security of data. Thus, the algorithm complexity and encryption efficiency have become the main measurement of whether the encryption algorithm is save or not. With the development of hardware, we have many tools to improve the algorithm at present. Because modular exponentiation in RSA algorithm can be divided into several parts mathematically. In this paper, we introduce a conception by dividing the process of encryption and add the model into graphics process unit (GPU). By using GPU's capacity in parallel computing, the core of RSA can be accelerated by using central process unit (CPU) and GPU. Compute unified device architecture (CUDA) is a platform which can combine CPU and GPU together to realize GPU parallel programming and this is the tool we use to perform experience of accelerating RSA algorithm. This paper will also build up a mathematical model to help understand the mechanism of RSA encryption algorithm.

Lekshmi, M. B., Deepthi, V. R..  2018.  Spam Detection Framework for Online Reviews Using Hadoop’ s Computational Capability. 2018 International CET Conference on Control, Communication, and Computing (IC4). :436–440.
Nowadays, online reviews have become one of the vital elements for customers to do online shopping. Organizations and individuals use this information to buy the right products and make business decisions. This has influenced the spammers or unethical business people to create false reviews and promote their products to out-beat competitions. Sophisticated systems are developed by spammers to create bulk of spam reviews in any websites within hours. To tackle this problem, studies have been conducted to formulate effective ways to detect the spam reviews. Various spam detection methods have been introduced in which most of them extracts meaningful features from the text or used machine learning techniques. These approaches gave little importance on extracted feature type and processing rate. NetSpam[1] defines a framework which can classify the review dataset based on spam features and maps them to a spam detection procedure which performs better than previous works in predictive accuracy. In this work, a method is proposed that can improve the processing rate by applying a distributed approach on review dataset using MapReduce feature. Parallel programming concept using MapReduce is used for processing big data in Hadoop. The solution involves parallelising the algorithm defined in NetSpam and it defines a spam detection procedure with better predictive accuracy and processing rate.
Moses, William S., Narayanan, Sri Hari Krishna, Paehler, Ludger, Churavy, Valentin, Schanen, Michel, Hückelheim, Jan, Doerfert, Johannes, Hovland, Paul.  2022.  Scalable Automatic Differentiation of Multiple Parallel Paradigms through Compiler Augmentation. SC22: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. :1–18.
Derivatives are key to numerous science, engineering, and machine learning applications. While existing tools generate derivatives of programs in a single language, modern parallel applications combine a set of frameworks and languages to leverage available performance and function in an evolving hardware landscape. We propose a scheme for differentiating arbitrary DAG-based parallelism that preserves scalability and efficiency, implemented into the LLVM-based Enzyme automatic differentiation framework. By integrating with a full-fledged compiler backend, Enzyme can differentiate numerous parallel frameworks and directly control code generation. Combined with its ability to differentiate any LLVM-based language, this flexibility permits Enzyme to leverage the compiler tool chain for parallel and differentiation-specitic optimizations. We differentiate nine distinct versions of the LULESH and miniBUDE applications, written in different programming languages (C++, Julia) and parallel frameworks (OpenMP, MPI, RAJA, Julia tasks, MPI.jl), demonstrating similar scalability to the original program. On benchmarks with 64 threads or nodes, we find a differentiation overhead of 3.4–6.8× on C++ and 5.4–12.5× on Julia.
Lisičić, Marko, Mišić, Marko.  2022.  Software Tool for Parallel Generation of Cryptographic Keys Based on Elliptic Curves. 2022 30th Telecommunications Forum (℡FOR). :1–4.

Public key cryptography plays an important role in secure communications over insecure channels. Elliptic curve cryptography, as a variant of public key cryptography, has been extensively used in the last decades for such purposes. In this paper, we present a software tool for parallel generation of cryptographic keys based on elliptic curves. Binary method for point multiplication and C++ threads were used in parallel implementation, while secp256k1 elliptic curve was used for testing. Obtained results show speedup of 30% over the sequential solution for 8 threads. The results are briefly discussed in the paper.