The world is fundamentally compositional, so it is natural to think of visual recognition as the recognition of basic visually primitives that are composed according to well-defined rules. This strategy allows us to recognize unseen complex concepts from simple visual primitives. However, the current trend in visual recognition follows a data greedy approach where huge amounts of data are required to learn models for any desired visual concept. In this paper, we build on the compositionality principle and develop an "algebra" to compose classifiers for complex visual concepts. To this end, we learn neural network modules to perform boolean algebra operations on simple visual classifiers. Since these modules form a complete functional set, a classifier for any complex visual concept defined as a boolean expression of primitives can be obtained by recursively applying the learned modules, even if we do not have a single training sample. As our experiments show, using such a framework, we can compose classifiers for complex visual concepts outperforming standard baselines on two well-known visual recognition benchmarks. Finally, we present a qualitative analysis of our method and its properties.
The evaluation of fault attacks on security-critical hardware implementations of cryptographic primitives is an important concern. In such regards, we have created a framework for automated construction of fault attacks on hardware realization of ciphers. The framework can be used to quickly evaluate any cipher implementations, including any optimisations. It takes the circuit description of the cipher and the fault model as input. The output of the framework is a set of algebraic equations, such as conjunctive normal form (CNF) clauses, which is then fed to a SAT solver. We consider both attacking an actual implementation of a cipher on an field-programmable gate array (FPGA) platform using a fault injector and the evaluation of an early design of the cipher using idealized fault models. We report the successful application of our hardware-oriented framework to a collection of ciphers, including the advanced encryption standard (AES), and the lightweight block ciphers LED and PRESENT. The corresponding results and a discussion of the impact to different fault models on our framework are shown. Moreover, we report significant improvements compared to similar frameworks, such as speedups or more advanced features. Our framework is the first algebraic fault attack (AFA) tool to evaluate the state-of-the art cipher LED-64, PRESENT and full-scale AES using only hardware-oriented structural cipher descriptions.
We present the IT solution for remote modeling of cryptographic protocols and other cryptographic primitives and a number of education-oriented capabilities based on them. These capabilities are provided at the Department of Mathematical Modeling using the MPEI algebraic processor, and allow remote participants to create automata models of cryptographic protocols, use and manage them in the modeling process. Particular attention is paid to the IT solution for modeling of the private communication and key distribution using the processor combined with the Kerberos protocol. This allows simulation and studying of key distribution protocols functionality on remote computers via the Internet. The importance of studying cryptographic primitives for future IT specialists is emphasized.
There are several works on the formalization of security protocols and proofs of their security in Isabelle/HOL; there have also been tools for automatically generating such proofs. This is attractive since a proof in Isabelle gives a higher assurance of the correctness than a pen-and-paper proof or the positive output of a verification tool. However several of these works have used a typed model, where the intruder is restricted to "well-typed" attacks. There also have been several works that show that this is actually not a restriction for a large class of protocols, but all these results so far are again pen-and-paper proofs. In this work we present a formalization of such a typing result in Isabelle/HOL. We formalize a constraint-based approach that is used in the proof argument of such typing results, and prove its soundness, completeness and termination. We then formalize and prove the typing result itself in Isabelle. Finally, to illustrate the real-world feasibility, we prove that the standard Transport Layer Security (TLS) handshake satisfies the main condition of the typing result.
While computer programs and logical theories begin by declaring the concepts of interest, be it as data types or as predicates, network computation does not allow such global declarations, and requires concept mining and concept analysis to extract shared semantics for different network nodes. Powerful semantic analysis systems have been the drivers of nearly all paradigm shifts on the web. In categorical terms, most of them can be described as bicompletions of enriched matrices, generalizing the Dedekind-MacNeille-style completions from posets to suitably enriched categories. Yet it has been well known for more than 40 years that ordinary categories themselves in general do not permit such completions. Armed with this new semantical view of Dedekind-MacNeille completions, and of matrix bicompletions, we take another look at this ancient mystery. It turns out that simple categorical versions of the limit superior and limit inferior operations characterize a general notion of Dedekind-MacNeille completion, that seems to be appropriate for ordinary categories, and boils down to the more familiar enriched versions when the limits inferior and superior coincide. This explains away the apparent gap among the completions of ordinary categories, and broadens the path towards categorical concept mining and analysis, opened in previous work.