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'Ammar, Muhammad Amirul, Purnamasari, Rita, Budiman, Gelar.  2022.  Compressive Sampling on Weather Radar Application via Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). 2022 IEEE Symposium on Future Telecommunication Technologies (SOFTT). :83–89.
A weather radar is expected to provide information about weather conditions in real time and valid. To obtain these results, weather radar takes a lot of data samples, so a large amount of data is obtained. Therefore, the weather radar equipment must provide bandwidth for a large capacity for transmission and storage media. To reduce the burden of data volume by performing compression techniques at the time of data acquisition. Compressive Sampling (CS) is a new data acquisition method that allows the sampling and compression processes to be carried out simultaneously to speed up computing time, reduce bandwidth when passed on transmission media, and save storage media. There are three stages in the CS method, namely: sparsity transformation using the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) algorithm, sampling using a measurement matrix, and reconstruction using the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) algorithm. The sparsity transformation aims to convert the representation of the radar signal into a sparse form. Sampling is used to extract important information from the radar signal, and reconstruction is used to get the radar signal back. The data used in this study is the real data of the IDRA beat signal. Based on the CS simulation that has been done, the best PSNR and RMSE values are obtained when using a CR value of two times, while the shortest computation time is obtained when using a CR value of 32 times. CS simulation in a sector via DCT using the CR value two times produces a PSNR value of 20.838 dB and an RMSE value of 0.091. CS simulation in a sector via DCT using the CR value 32 times requires a computation time of 10.574 seconds.
Mohamed, Nour, Rabie, Tamer, Kamel, Ibrahim.  2020.  IoT Confidentiality: Steganalysis breaking point for J-UNIWARD using CNN. 2020 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences (ASET). :1—4.
The Internet of Things (IoT) technology is being utilized in endless applications nowadays and the security of these applications is of great importance. Image based IoT applications serve a wide variety of fields such as medical application and smart cities. Steganography is a great threat to these applications where adversaries can use the images in these applications to hide malicious messages. Therefore, this paper presents an image steganalysis technique that employs Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to detect the infamous JPEG steganography technique: JPEG universal wavelet relative distortion (J-UNIWARD). Several experiments were conducted to determine the breaking point of J-UNIWARD, whether the hiding technique relies on correlation of the images, and the effect of utilizing Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) on the performance of the CNN. The results of the CNN display that the breaking point of J-UNIWARD is 1.5 (bpnzAC), the correlation of the database affects the detection accuracy, and DCT increases the detection accuracy by 13%.
Roy, Debaleena, Guha, Tanaya, Sanchez, Victor.  2021.  Graph Based Transforms based on Graph Neural Networks for Predictive Transform Coding. 2021 Data Compression Conference (DCC). :367–367.
This paper introduces the GBT-NN, a novel class of Graph-based Transform within the context of block-based predictive transform coding using intra-prediction. The GBT-NNis constructed by learning a mapping function to map a graph Laplacian representing the covariance matrix of the current block. Our objective of learning such a mapping functionis to design a GBT that performs as well as the KLT without requiring to explicitly com-pute the covariance matrix for each residual block to be transformed. To avoid signallingany additional information required to compute the inverse GBT-NN, we also introduce acoding framework that uses a template-based prediction to predict residuals at the decoder. Evaluation results on several video frames and medical images, in terms of the percentageof preserved energy and mean square error, show that the GBT-NN can outperform the DST and DCT.
Zarazaga, Pablo Pérez, B¨ackström, Tom, Sigg, Stephan.  2019.  Robust and Responsive Acoustic Pairing of Devices Using Decorrelating Time-Frequency Modelling. 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). :1–5.
Voice user interfaces have increased in popularity, as they enable natural interaction with different applications using one's voice. To improve their usability and audio quality, several devices could interact to provide a unified voice user interface. However, with devices cooperating and sharing voice-related information, user privacy may be at risk. Therefore, access management rules that preserve user privacy are important. State-of-the-art methods for acoustic pairing of devices provide fingerprinting based on the time-frequency representation of the acoustic signal and error-correction. We propose to use such acoustic fingerprinting to authorise devices which are acoustically close. We aim to obtain fingerprints of ambient audio adapted to the requirements of voice user interfaces. Our experiments show that the responsiveness and robustness is improved by combining overlapping windows and decorrelating transforms.
Saboor khan, Abdul, Shafi, Imran, Anas, Muhammad, Yousuf, Bilal M, Abbas, Muhammad Jamshed, Noor, Aqib.  2019.  Facial Expression Recognition using Discrete Cosine Transform Artificial Neural Network. 2019 22nd International Multitopic Conference (INMIC). :1—5.

Every so often Humans utilize non-verbal gestures (e.g. facial expressions) to express certain information or emotions. Moreover, countless face gestures are expressed throughout the day because of the capabilities possessed by humans. However, the channels of these expression/emotions can be through activities, postures, behaviors & facial expressions. Extensive research unveiled that there exists a strong relationship between the channels and emotions which has to be further investigated. An Automatic Facial Expression Recognition (AFER) framework has been proposed in this work that can predict or anticipate seven universal expressions. In order to evaluate the proposed approach, Frontal face Image Database also named as Japanese Female Facial Expression (JAFFE) is opted as input. This database is further processed with a frequency domain technique known as Discrete Cosine transform (DCT) and then classified using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). So as to check the robustness of this novel strategy, the random trial of K-fold cross validation, leave one out and person independent methods is repeated many times to provide an overview of recognition rates. The experimental results demonstrate a promising performance of this application.

Selvi J., Anitha Gnana, kalavathy G., Maria.  2019.  Probing Image and Video Steganography Based On Discrete Wavelet and Discrete Cosine Transform. 2019 Fifth International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (ICONSTEM). 1:21–24.

Now-a-days, video steganography has developed for a secured communication among various users. The two important factor of steganography method are embedding potency and embedding payload. Here, a Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) algorithmic programs used to detect motion object, also shows foreground mask. Discrete wavelet Transform (DWT) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) are used for message embedding and extraction stage. In existing system Least significant bit method was proposed. This technique of hiding data may lose some data after some file transformation. The suggested Multiple object tracking algorithm increases embedding and extraction speed, also protects secret message against various attackers.

Bentahar, A., Meraoumia, A., Bendjenna, H., Zeroual, A..  2018.  IoT Securing System Using Fuzzy Commitment for DCT-Based Fingerprint Recognition. 2018 3rd International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems (PAIS). :1-5.

Internet of Things refers to a paradigm consisting of a variety of uniquely identifiable day to day things communicating with one another to form a large scale dynamic network. Securing access to this network is a current challenging issue. This paper proposes an encryption system suitable to IoT features. In this system we integrated the fuzzy commitment scheme in DCT-based recognition method for fingerprint. To demonstrate the efficiency of our scheme, the obtained results are analyzed and compared with direct matching (without encryption) according to the most used criteria; FAR and FRR.

S. Parimi, A. SaiKrishna, N. R. Kumar, N. R. Raajan.  2015.  "An imperceptible watermarking technique for copyright content using discrete cosine transformation". 2015 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT-2015]. :1-5.

This paper is nominated for an image protection scheme in the area of government sectors based on discrete cosine transformation with digital watermarking scheme. A cover image has broken down into 8 × 8 non overlapped blocks and transformed from spatial domain into frequency domain. Apply DCT version II of the DCT family to each sub block of the original image. Then embed the watermarking image into the sub blocks. Apply IDCT of version II to send the image through communication channel with watermarked image. To recover the watermarked image, apply DCT and watermarking formula to the sub blocks. The experimental results show that the proposed watermarking procedure gives high security and watermarked image retrieved successfully.