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S, Sahana, Shankaraiah.  2020.  Securing Govt Research Content using QR Code Image. 2020 IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON). :1—5.
Government division may be a crucial portion of the nation's economy. Security of government inquire about substance from all sorts of dangers is basic not as it were for trade coherence but too for supporting the economy of the country as a entirety. With the digitization of conventional records, government substances experience troublesome issues, such as government capacity and access. Research office spend significant time questioning the specified information when getting to Government investigate substance subtle elements, but the gotten information are not fundamentally rectify, and get to is some of the time limited. On this premise, this think about proposes a investigate substance which utilize ciphertext-based encryption to guarantee information privacy and get to control of record subtle elements. The investigate head may scramble the put away data for accomplishing get to control and keeping information secure. In this manner AES Rijndael calculation is utilized for encryption. This guarantees security for the data and empowers Protection.
Arsalan, A., Rehman, R. A..  2018.  Prevention of Timing Attack in Software Defined Named Data Network with VANETs. 2018 International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT). :247–252.

Software Defined Network (SDN) is getting popularity both from academic and industry. Lot of researches have been made to combine SDN with future Internet paradigms to manage and control networks efficiently. SDN provides better management and control in a network through decoupling of data and control plane. Named Data Networking (NDN) is a future Internet technique with aim to replace IPv4 addressing problems. In NDN, communication between different nodes done on the basis of content names rather than IP addresses. Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a subtype of MANET which is also considered as a hot area for future applications. Different vehicles communicate with each other to form a network known as VANET. Communication between VANET can be done in two ways (i) Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) (ii) Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I). Combination of SDN and NDN techniques in future Internet can solve lot of problems which were hard to answer by considering a single technique. Security in VANET is always challenging due to unstable topology of VANET. In this paper, we merge future Internet techniques and propose a new scheme to answer timing attack problem in VANETs named as Timing Attack Prevention (TAP) protocol. Proposed scheme is evaluated through simulations which shows the superiority of proposed protocol regarding detection and mitigation of attacker vehicles as compared to normal timing attack scenario in NDN based VANET.

S. Saquib, R. Ali.  2015.  Malicious behavior in online social network. 2015 IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence: Theories, Applications and Future Directions (WCI). :1-6.

Nowadays, Online Social Networks (OSNs) are very popular and have become an integral part of our life. People are dependent on Online Social Networks for various purposes. The activities of most of the users are normal, but a few of the users exhibit unusual and suspicious behavior. We term this suspicious and unusual behavior as malicious behavior. Malicious behavior in Online Social Networks includes a wide range of unethical activities and actions performed by individuals or communities to manipulate thought process of OSN users to fulfill their vested interest. Such malicious behavior needs to be checked and its effects should be minimized. To minimize effects of such malicious activities, we require proper detection and containment strategy. Such strategy will protect millions of users across the OSNs from misinformation and security threats. In this paper, we discuss the different studies performed in the area of malicious behavior analysis and propose a framework for detection of malicious behavior in OSNs.