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Giechaskiel, I., Rasmussen, K. B., Szefer, J..  2020.  C3APSULe: Cross-FPGA Covert-Channel Attacks through Power Supply Unit Leakage. 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1728—1741.
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are versatile, reconfigurable integrated circuits that can be used as hardware accelerators to process highly-sensitive data. Leaking this data and associated cryptographic keys, however, can undermine a system's security. To prevent potentially unintentional interactions that could break separation of privilege between different data center tenants, FPGAs in cloud environments are currently dedicated on a per-user basis. Nevertheless, while the FPGAs themselves are not shared among different users, other parts of the data center infrastructure are. This paper specifically shows for the first time that powering FPGAs, CPUs, and GPUs through the same power supply unit (PSU) can be exploited in FPGA-to-FPGA, CPU-to-FPGA, and GPU-to-FPGA covert channels between independent boards. These covert channels can operate remotely, without the need for physical access to, or modifications of, the boards. To demonstrate the attacks, this paper uses a novel combination of "sensing" and "stressing" ring oscillators as receivers on the sink FPGA. Further, ring oscillators are used as transmitters on the source FPGA. The transmitting and receiving circuits are used to determine the presence of the leakage on off-the-shelf Xilinx boards containing Artix 7 and Kintex 7 FPGA chips. Experiments are conducted with PSUs by two vendors, as well as CPUs and GPUs of different generations. Moreover, different sizes and types of ring oscillators are also tested. In addition, this work discusses potential countermeasures to mitigate the impact of the cross-board leakage. The results of this paper highlight the dangers of shared power supply units in local and cloud FPGAs, and therefore a fundamental need to re-think FPGA security for shared infrastructures.
Li, Ge, Iyer, Vishnuvardhan, Orshansky, Michael.  2019.  Securing AES against Localized EM Attacks through Spatial Randomization of Dataflow. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :191—197.
A localized electromagnetic (EM) attack is a potent threat to security of embedded cryptographic implementations. The attack utilizes high resolution EM probes to localize and exploit information leakage in sub-circuits of a system, providing information not available in traditional EM and power attacks. In this paper, we propose a countermeasure based on randomizing the assignment of sensitive data to parallel datapath components in a high-performance implementation of AES. In contrast to a conventional design where each state register byte is routed to a fixed S-box, a permutation network, controlled by a transient random value, creates a dynamic random mapping between the state registers and the set of S-boxes. This randomization results in a significant reduction of exploitable leakage.We demonstrate the countermeasure's effectiveness under two attack scenarios: a more powerful attack that assumes a fully controlled access to an attacked implementation for building a priori EM-profiles, and a generic attack based on the black-box model. Spatial randomization leads to a 150× increase of the minimum traces to disclosure (MTD) for the profiled attack and a 3.25× increase of MTD for the black-box model attack.
K. Mpalane, H. D. Tsague, N. Gasela, B. M. Esiefarienrhe.  2015.  "Bit-Level Differential Power Analysis Attack on Implementations of Advanced Encryption Standard Software Running Inside a PIC18F2420 Microcontroller". 2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). :42-46.

Small embedded devices such as microcontrollers have been widely used for identification, authentication, securing and storing confidential information. In all these applications, the security and privacy of the microcontrollers are of crucial importance. To provide strong security to protect data, these devices depend on cryptographic algorithms to ensure confidentiality and integrity of data. Moreover, many algorithms have been proposed, with each one having its strength and weaknesses. This paper presents a Differential Power Analysis(DPA) attack on hardware implementations of Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) running inside a PIC18F2420 microcontroller.