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Pavani, V., Sri. K, Santhi, Krishna. P, Sandhya, Narayana, V. Lakshman.  2021.  Multi-Level Authentication Scheme for Improving Privacy and Security of Data in Decentralized Cloud Server. 2021 2nd International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC). :391–394.
In recent days cloud domain gains a lot of user attention in order to store and access the data from remote locations connected through the internet. As it is generally known that all the sensitive data come from remote locations will be stored in the centralized storage medium and then try to access the data from that centralized storage space controlled by the cloud server. It is facing a problem like there is no security for the data in terms of user authorization and data authentication from the centralized storage location. Hence, it is required to migrate for a new storage procedure like Decentralized storage of cloud data in which the systems that do not rely on a central authority, so that the collusion resistance can be avoided by maintaining a global identifier. Here, the term de-centralized access means granting multi authorities to control the access for providing more security for the sensitive data. The proposed research study attempts to develop a new scheme by adding a global identifier like Attribute Authority (AA) for providing access keys for the data users who wish to access the sensitive information from the cloud server. The proposed research work attempts to incorporate the composite order bilinear groups scheme for providing access facility for the data users and provide more security for the sensitive data. By conducting various experiments on the proposed model, the obtained result clearly tells that the proposed system is very efficient to access the data in a de-centralized manner by using a global identifier.
Lenard, Teri, Bolboacă, Roland, Genge, Bela, Haller, Piroska.  2020.  MixCAN: Mixed and Backward-Compatible Data Authentication Scheme for Controller Area Networks. 2020 IFIP Networking Conference (Networking). :395–403.
The massive proliferation of state of the art interfaces into the automotive sector has triggered a revolution in terms of the technological ecosystem that is found in today's modern car. Accordingly, on the one hand, we find dozens of Electronic Control Units (ECUs) running several hundred MB of code, and more and more sophisticated dashboards with integrated wireless communications. On the other hand, in the same vehicle we find the underlying communication infrastructure struggling to keep up with the pace of these radical changes. This paper presents MixCAN (MIXed data authentication for Control Area Networks), an approach for mixing different message signatures (i.e., authentication tags) in order to reduce the overhead of Controller Area Network (CAN) communications. MixCAN leverages the attributes of Bloom Filters in order to ensure that an ECU can sign messages with different CAN identifiers (i.e., mix different message signatures), and that other ECUs can verify the signature for a subset of monitored CAN identifiers. Extensive experimental results based on Vectors Informatik's CANoe/CANalyzer simulation environment and the data set provided by Hacking and Countermeasure Research Lab (HCRL) confirm the validity and applicability of the developed approach. Subsequent experiments including a test bed consisting of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ systems equipped with CAN communication modules demonstrate the practical integration of MixCAN in real automotive systems.
Kumar, A..  2020.  A Novel Privacy Preserving HMAC Algorithm Based on Homomorphic Encryption and Auditing for Cloud. 2020 Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :198–202.
Cloud is the perfect way to hold our data every day. Yet the confidentiality of our data is a big concern in the handling of cloud data. Data integrity, authentication and confidentiality are basic security threats in the cloud. Cryptography techniques and Third Party Auditor (TPA) are very useful to impose the integrity and confidentiality of data. In this paper, a system is proposed Enhancing data protection that is housed in cloud computing. The suggested solution uses the RSA algorithm and the AES algorithm to encrypt user data. The hybridization of these two algorithms allows better data protection before it is stored in the cloud. Secure hash algorithm 512 is used to compute the Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC). A stable audit program is also introduced for Third Party Auditor (TPA) use. The suggested algorithm is applied in python programming and tested in a simple sample format. It is checked that the proposed algorithm functions well to guarantee greater data protection.
Hasavari, Shirin, Song, Yeong Tae.  2019.  A Secure and Scalable Data Source for Emergency Medical Care using Blockchain Technology. 2019 IEEE 17th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA). :71–75.
Emergency medical services universally get regarded as the essential part of the health care delivery system [1]. A relationship exists between the emergency patient death rate and factors such as the failure to access a patient's critical data and the time it takes to arrive at hospitals. Nearly thirty million Americans do not live within an hour of trauma care, so this poor access to trauma centers links to higher pre-hospital death rates in more than half of the United States [2]. So, we need to address the problem. In a patient care-cycle, loads of medical data items are born in different healthcare settings using a disparate system of records during patient visits. The ability for medical care providers to access a patient's complete picture of emergency-relevant medical data is critical and can significantly reduce the annual mortality rate. Today, the problem exists with a continuous recording system of the patient data between healthcare providers. In this paper, we've introduced a combination of secure file transfer methods/tools and blockchain technology as a solution to record patient Emergency relevant medical data as patient walk through from one clinic/medical facility to another, creating a continuous footprint of patient as a secure and scalable data source. So, ambulance crews can access and use it to provide high quality pre-hospital care. All concerns of medical record sharing and accessing like authentication, privacy, security, scalability and audibility, confidentiality has been considered in this approach.
Urien, P..  2018.  Blockchain IoT (BIoT): A New Direction for Solving Internet of Things Security and Trust Issues. 2018 3rd Cloudification of the Internet of Things (CIoT). :1–4.

The Blockchain is an emerging paradigm that could solve security and trust issues for Internet of Things (IoT) platforms. We recently introduced in an IETF draft (“Blockchain Transaction Protocol for Constraint Nodes”) the BIoT paradigm, whose main idea is to insert sensor data in blockchain transactions. Because objects are not logically connected to blockchain platforms, controller entities forward all information needed for transaction forgery. Never less in order to generate cryptographic signatures, object needs some trusted computing resources. In previous papers we proposed the Four-Quater Architecture integrating general purpose unit (GPU), radio SoC, sensors/actuators and secure elements including TLS/DTLS stacks. These secure microcontrollers also manage crypto libraries required for blockchain operation. The BIoT concept has four main benefits: publication/duplication of sensors data in public and distributed ledgers, time stamping by the blockchain infrastructure, data authentication, and non repudiation.

Joshi, V. B., Goudar, R. H..  2017.  Intrusion detection systems in MANETs using hybrid techniques. 2017 International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation (SmartTechCon). :534–538.

The use of self organized wireless technologies called as Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) has increased and these wireless devices can be deployed anywhere without any infrastructural support or without any base station, hence securing these networks and preventing from Intrusions is necessary. This paper describes a method for securing the MANETs using Hybrid cryptographic technique which uses RSA and AES algorithm along with SHA 256 Hashing technique. This hybrid cryptographic technique provides authentication to the data. To check whether there is any malicious node present, an Intrusion Detection system (IDS) technique called Enhanced Adaptive Acknowledgement (EAACK) is used, which checks for the acknowledgement packets to detect any malicious node present in the system. The routing of packets is done through two protocols AODV and ZRP and both the results are compared. The ZRP protocol when used for routing provides better performance as compared to AODV.

Fiore, Dario, Fournet, Cédric, Ghosh, Esha, Kohlweiss, Markulf, Ohrimenko, Olga, Parno, Bryan.  2016.  Hash First, Argue Later: Adaptive Verifiable Computations on Outsourced Data. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1304–1316.

Proof systems for verifiable computation (VC) have the potential to make cloud outsourcing more trustworthy. Recent schemes enable a verifier with limited resources to delegate large computations and verify their outcome based on succinct arguments: verification complexity is linear in the size of the inputs and outputs (not the size of the computation). However, cloud computing also often involves large amounts of data, which may exceed the local storage and I/O capabilities of the verifier, and thus limit the use of VC. In this paper, we investigate multi-relation hash & prove schemes for verifiable computations that operate on succinct data hashes. Hence, the verifier delegates both storage and computation to an untrusted worker. She uploads data and keeps hashes; exchanges hashes with other parties; verifies arguments that consume and produce hashes; and selectively downloads the actual data she needs to access. Existing instantiations that fit our definition either target restricted classes of computations or employ relatively inefficient techniques. Instead, we propose efficient constructions that lift classes of existing arguments schemes for fixed relations to multi-relation hash & prove schemes. Our schemes (1) rely on hash algorithms that run linearly in the size of the input; (2) enable constant-time verification of arguments on hashed inputs; (3) incur minimal overhead for the prover. Their main benefit is to amortize the linear cost for the verifier across all relations with shared I/O. Concretely, compared to solutions that can be obtained from prior work, our new hash & prove constructions yield a 1,400x speed-up for provers. We also explain how to further reduce the linear verification costs by partially outsourcing the hash computation itself, obtaining a 480x speed-up when applied to existing VC schemes, even on single-relation executions.

Huda, S., Sudarsono, A., Harsono, T..  2015.  Secure data exchange using authenticated Ciphertext-Policy Attributed-Based Encryption. 2015 International Electronics Symposium (IES). :134–139.

Easy sharing files in public network that is intended only for certain people often resulting in the leaking of sharing folders or files and able to be read also by others who are not authorized. Secure data is one of the most challenging issues in data sharing systems. Here, Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) is a reliable asymmetric encryption mechanism which deals with secure data and used for data encryption. It is not necessary encrypted to one particular user, but recipient is only able to decrypt if and only if the attribute set of his private key match with the specified policy in the ciphertext. In this paper, we propose a secure data exchange using CP-ABE with authentication feature. The data is attribute-based encrypted to satisfy confidentiality feature and authenticated to satisfy data authentication simultaneously.