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Alshawi, Amany, Satam, Pratik, Almoualem, Firas, Hariri, Salim.  2020.  Effective Wireless Communication Architecture for Resisting Jamming Attacks. IEEE Access. 8:176691–176703.
Over time, the use of wireless technologies has significantly increased due to bandwidth improvements, cost-effectiveness, and ease of deployment. Owing to the ease of access to the communication medium, wireless communications and technologies are inherently vulnerable to attacks. These attacks include brute force attacks such as jamming attacks and those that target the communication protocol (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth protocols). Thus, there is a need to make wireless communication resilient and secure against attacks. Existing wireless protocols and applications have attempted to address the need to improve systems security as well as privacy. They have been highly effective in addressing privacy issues, but ineffective in addressing security threats like jamming and session hijacking attacks and other types of Denial of Service Attacks. In this article, we present an ``architecture for resilient wireless communications'' based on the concept of Moving Target Defense. To increase the difficulty of launching successful attacks and achieve resilient operation, we changed the runtime characteristics of wireless links, such as the modulation type, network address, packet size, and channel operating frequency. The architecture reduces the overhead resulting from changing channel configurations using two communication channels, in which one is used for communication, while the other acts as a standby channel. A prototype was built using Software Defined Radio to test the performance of the architecture. Experimental evaluations showed that the approach was resilient against jamming attacks. We also present a mathematical analysis to demonstrate the difficulty of performing a successful attack against our proposed architecture.
Conference Name: IEEE Access
Quingueni, A. M., Kitsuwan, N..  2019.  Reduction of traffic between switches and IDS for prevention of DoS attack in SDN. 2019 19th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT). :277—281.

Denial of service (DoS) is a process of injecting malicious packets into the network. Intrusion detection system (IDS) is a system used to investigate malicious packets in the network. Software-defined network (SDN) physically separates control plane and data plane. The control plane is moved to a centralized controller, and it makes a decision in the network from a global view. The combination between IDS and SDN allows the prevention of malicious packets to be more efficient due to the advantage of the global view in SDN. IDS needs to communicate with switches to have an access to all end-to-end traffic in the network. The high traffic in the link between switches and IDS results in congestion. The congestion between switches and IDS delays the detection and prevention of malicious traffic. To address this problem, we propose a historical database (Hdb), a scheme to reduce the traffic between switches and IDS, based on the historical information of a sender. The simulation shows that in the average, 54.1% of traffic mirrored to IDS is reduced compared to the conventional schemes.

Wehbi, Khadijeh, Hong, Liang, Al-salah, Tulha, Bhutta, Adeel A.  2019.  A Survey on Machine Learning Based Detection on DDoS Attacks for IoT Systems. 2019 SoutheastCon. :1–6.
Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the way we live today, improving the quality of living standard and growing the world economy by having smart devices around us making decisions and performing our daily tasks and chores. However, securing the IoT system from malicious attacks is a very challenging task. Some of the most common malicious attacks are Denial of service (DoS), and Distributed Denial of service (DDoS) attacks, which have been causing major security threats to all networks and specifically to limited resource IoT devices. As security will always be a primary factor for enabling most IoT applications, developing a comprehensive detection method that effectively defends against DDoS attacks and can provide 100% detection for DDoS attacks in IoT is a primary goal for the future of IoT. The development of such a method requires a deep understanding of the methods that have been used thus far in the detection of DDoS attacks in the IoT environment. In our survey, we try to emphasize some of the most recent Machine Learning (ML) approaches developed for the detection of DDoS attacks in IoT networks along with their advantage and disadvantages. Comparison between the performances of selected approaches is also provided.
Rabie, R., Drissi, M..  2018.  Applying Sigmoid Filter for Detecting the Low-Rate Denial of Service Attacks. 2018 IEEE 8th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :450–456.

This paper focuses on optimizing the sigmoid filter for detecting Low-Rate DoS attacks. Though sigmoid filter could help for detecting the attacker, it could severely affect the network efficiency. Unlike high rate attacks, Low-Rate DoS attacks such as ``Shrew'' and ``New Shrew'' are hard to detect. Attackers choose a malicious low-rate bandwidth to exploit the TCP's congestion control window algorithm and the re-transition timeout mechanism. We simulated the attacker traffic by editing using NS3. The Sigmoid filter was used to create a threshold bandwidth filter at the router that allowed a specific bandwidth, so when traffic that exceeded the threshold occurred, it would be dropped, or it would be redirected to a honey-pot server, instead. We simulated the Sigmoid filter using MATLAB and took the attacker's and legitimate user's traffic generated by NS-3 as the input for the Sigmoid filter in the MATLAB. We run the experiment three times with different threshold values correlated to the TCP packet size. We found the probability to detect the attacker traffic as follows: the first was 25%, the second 50% and the third 60%. However, we observed a drop in legitimate user traffic with the following probabilities, respectively: 75%, 50%, and 85%.

Nagesh, K., Sumathy, R., Devakumar, P., Sathiyamurthy, K..  2016.  A Survey on Denial of Service Attacks and Preclusions. Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics and Analytics. :118:1–118:10.

Security is concerned with protecting assets. The aspects of security can be applied to any situation- defense, detection and deterrence. Network security plays important role of protecting information, hardware and software on a computer network. Denial of service (DOS) attacks causes great impacts on the internet world. These attacks attempt to disrupt legitimate user's access to services. By exploiting computer's vulnerabilities, attackers easily consume victim's resources. Many special techniques have been developed to protest against DOS attacks. Some organizations constitute several defense mechanism tools to tackle the security problems. This paper has proposed various types of attacks and solutions associated with each layers of OSI model. These attacks and solutions have different impacts on the different environment. Thus the rapid growth of new technologies may constitute still worse impacts of attacks in the future.

Ambrosin, Moreno, Conti, Mauro, Ibrahim, Ahmad, Neven, Gregory, Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza, Schunter, Matthias.  2016.  SANA: Secure and Scalable Aggregate Network Attestation. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :731–742.

Large numbers of smart connected devices, also named as the Internet of Things (IoT), are permeating our environments (homes, factories, cars, and also our body - with wearable devices) to collect data and act on the insight derived. Ensuring software integrity (including OS, apps, and configurations) on such smart devices is then essential to guarantee both privacy and safety. A key mechanism to protect the software integrity of these devices is remote attestation: A process that allows a remote verifier to validate the integrity of the software of a device. This process usually makes use of a signed hash value of the actual device's software, generated by dedicated hardware. While individual device attestation is a well-established technique, to date integrity verification of a very large number of devices remains an open problem, due to scalability issues. In this paper, we present SANA, the first secure and scalable protocol for efficient attestation of large sets of devices that works under realistic assumptions. SANA relies on a novel signature scheme to allow anyone to publicly verify a collective attestation in constant time and space, for virtually an unlimited number of devices. We substantially improve existing swarm attestation schemes by supporting a realistic trust model where: (1) only the targeted devices are required to implement attestation; (2) compromising any device does not harm others; and (3) all aggregators can be untrusted. We implemented SANA and demonstrated its efficiency on tiny sensor devices. Furthermore, we simulated SANA at large scale, to assess its scalability. Our results show that SANA can provide efficient attestation of networks of 1,000,000 devices, in only 2.5 seconds.

Teke, R. J., Chaudhari, M. S., Prasad, R..  2016.  Impact of security enhancement over Autonomous Mobile Mesh Network (AMMNET). 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC). :1–6.

The Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) are suffering from network partitioning when there is group mobility and thus cannot efficiently provide connectivity to all nodes in the network. Autonomous Mobile Mesh Network (AMMNET) is a new class of MANET which will overcome the weakness of MANET, especially from network partitioning. However, AMMNET is vulnerable to routing attacks such as Blackhole attack in which malicious node can make itself as intragroup, intergroup or intergroup bridge router and disrupt the network. In AMMNET, To maintain connectivity, network survivability is an important aspect of reliable communication. Maintaning security is a challenge in the self organising nature of the topology. To address this weakness proposed approach measured the performance of the impact of security enhancement on AMMNET with the basis of bait detection scheme. Modified bait approach that will prevent blackhole node entering into the network and helps to maintain the reliability of the network. The proposed scheme uses the idea of Wumpus World concept from Artificial Intelligence. Modified bait scheme will prevent the blackhole attack and secures network.