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Liu, Yinan, Shen, Wei, Yuan, Xiaojie.  2016.  Deola: A System for Linking Author Entities in Web Document with DBLP. Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. :2449–2452.

In this paper, we present Deola, an Online system for Author Entity Linking with DBLP. Unlike most existing entity linking systems which focus on linking entities with Wikipedia and depend largely on the special features associated with Wikipedia (e.g., Wikipedia articles), Deola links author names appearing in the web document which belongs to the domain of computer science with their corresponding entities existing in the DBLP network. This task is helpful for the enrichment of the DBLP network and the understanding of the domain-specific document. This task is challenging due to name ambiguity and limited knowledge existing in DBLP. Given a fragment of domain-specific web document belonging to the domain of computer science, Deola can return the mapping entity in DBLP for each author name appearing in the input document.