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Lin, Yongze, Zhang, Xinyuan, Xia, Liting, Ren, Yue, Li, Weimin.  2019.  A Hybrid Algorithm for Influence Maximization of Social Networks. 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :427–431.
Influence Maximization is an important research content in the dissemination process of information and behavior in social networks. Because Hill Climbing and Greedy Algorithm have good dissemination effect on this topic, researchers have used it to solve this NP problem for a long time. These algorithms only consider the number of active nodes in each round, ignoring the characteristic that the influence will be accumulated, so its effect is still far from the optimal solution. Also, the time complexity of these algorithms is considerable. Aiming at the problem of Influence Maximization, this paper improves the traditional Hill Climbing and Greedy Algorithm. We propose a Hybrid Distribution Value Accumulation Algorithm for Influence Maximization, which has better activation effect than Hill Climbing and Greedy Algorithm. In the first stage of the algorithm, the region is numerically accumulating rapidly and is easy to activate through value-greed. Experiments are conducted on two data sets: the voting situation on Wikipedia and the transmission situation of Gnutella node-to-node file sharing network. Experimental results verify the efficiency of our methods.
Le, T. A., Baydin, A. G., Zinkov, R., Wood, F..  2017.  Using synthetic data to train neural networks is model-based reasoning. 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :3514–3521.
We draw a formal connection between using synthetic training data to optimize neural network parameters and approximate, Bayesian, model-based reasoning. In particular, training a neural network using synthetic data can be viewed as learning a proposal distribution generator for approximate inference in the synthetic-data generative model. We demonstrate this connection in a recognition task where we develop a novel Captcha-breaking architecture and train it using synthetic data, demonstrating both state-of-the-art performance and a way of computing task-specific posterior uncertainty. Using a neural network trained this way, we also demonstrate successful breaking of real-world Captchas currently used by Facebook and Wikipedia. Reasoning from these empirical results and drawing connections with Bayesian modeling, we discuss the robustness of synthetic data results and suggest important considerations for ensuring good neural network generalization when training with synthetic data.
Zangerle, Eva, Gassler, Wolfgang, Pichl, Martin, Steinhauser, Stefan, Specht, Günther.  2016.  An Empirical Evaluation of Property Recommender Systems for Wikidata and Collaborative Knowledge Bases. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Open Collaboration. :18:1–18:8.

The Wikidata platform is a crowdsourced, structured knowledgebase aiming to provide integrated, free and language-agnostic facts which are–-amongst others–-used by Wikipedias. Users who actively enter, review and revise data on Wikidata are assisted by a property suggesting system which provides users with properties that might also be applicable to a given item. We argue that evaluating and subsequently improving this recommendation mechanism and hence, assisting users, can directly contribute to an even more integrated, consistent and extensive knowledge base serving a huge variety of applications. However, the quality and usefulness of such recommendations has not been evaluated yet. In this work, we provide the first evaluation of different approaches aiming to provide users with property recommendations in the process of curating information on Wikidata. We compare the approach currently facilitated on Wikidata with two state-of-the-art recommendation approaches stemming from the field of RDF recommender systems and collaborative information systems. Further, we also evaluate hybrid recommender systems combining these approaches. Our evaluations show that the current recommendation algorithm works well in regards to recall and precision, reaching a recall@7 of 79.71% and a precision@7 of 27.97%. We also find that generally, incorporating contextual as well as classifying information into the computation of property recommendations can further improve its performance significantly.

Wang, Xiangru, Nourashrafeddin, Seyednaser, Milios, Evangelos.  2016.  Relaxing Orthogonality Assumption in Conceptual Text Document Similarity. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering. :69–78.

By reflecting the degree of proximity or remoteness of documents, similarity measure plays the key role in text analytics. Traditional measures, e.g. cosine similarity, assume that documents are represented in an orthogonal space formed by words as dimensions. Words are considered independent from each other and document similarity is computed based on lexical overlap. This assumption is also made in the bag of concepts representation of documents while the space is formed by concepts. This paper proposes new semantic similarity measures without relying on the orthogonality assumption. By employing Wikipedia as an external resource, we introduce five similarity measures using concept-concept relatedness. Experimental results on real text datasets reveal that eliminating the orthogonality assumption improves the quality of text clustering algorithms.

Schubotz, Moritz, Grigorev, Alexey, Leich, Marcus, Cohl, Howard S., Meuschke, Norman, Gipp, Bela, Youssef, Abdou S., Markl, Volker.  2016.  Semantification of Identifiers in Mathematics for Better Math Information Retrieval. Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. :135–144.

Mathematical formulae are essential in science, but face challenges of ambiguity, due to the use of a small number of identifiers to represent an immense number of concepts. Corresponding to word sense disambiguation in Natural Language Processing, we disambiguate mathematical identifiers. By regarding formulae and natural text as one monolithic information source, we are able to extract the semantics of identifiers in a process we term Mathematical Language Processing (MLP). As scientific communities tend to establish standard (identifier) notations, we use the document domain to infer the actual meaning of an identifier. Therefore, we adapt the software development concept of namespaces to mathematical notation. Thus, we learn namespace definitions by clustering the MLP results and mapping those clusters to subject classification schemata. In addition, this gives fundamental insights into the usage of mathematical notations in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Our gold standard based evaluation shows that MLP extracts relevant identifier-definitions. Moreover, we discover that identifier namespaces improve the performance of automated identifier-definition extraction, and elevate it to a level that cannot be achieved within the document context alone.