Security is often a critical problem in software systems. The consequences of the failure lead to substantial economic loss or extensive environmental damage. Developing secure software is challenging, and retrofitting existing systems to introduce security is even harder. In this paper, we propose an automated approach for Finding and Repairing Bugs based on security patterns (FireBugs), to repair defects causing security vulnerabilities. To locate and fix security bugs, we apply security patterns that are reusable solutions comprising large amounts of software design experience in many different situations. In the evaluation, we investigated 2,800 Android app repositories to apply our approach to 200 subject projects that use javax.crypto APIs. The vision of our automated approach is to reduce software maintenance burdens where the number of outstanding software defects exceeds available resources. Our ultimate vision is to design more security patterns that have a positive impact on software quality by disseminating correlated sets of best security design practices and knowledge.
Security issues emerging out of the constantly evolving software applications became a huge challenge to software security experts. In this paper, we propose a prototype to detect vulnerabilities by identifying their architectural sources and also use security patterns to mitigate the identified vulnerabilities. We emphasize the need to consider architectural relations to introduce an effective security solution. In this research, we focused on the taint-style vulnerabilities that can induce injection-based attacks like XSS, SQLI in web applications. With numerous tools available to detect the taint-style vulnerabilities in the web applications, we scanned for the presence of repetition of a vulnerable code pattern in the software. Very importantly, we attempted to identify the architectural source files or modules by developing a tool named ArT Analyzer. We conducted a case study on a leading health-care software by applying the proposed architectural taint analysis and identified the vulnerable spots. We could identify the architectural roots for those vulnerable spots with the use of our tool ArT Analyzer. We verified the results by sharing it with the lead software architect of the project. By adopting an architectural solution, we avoided changes to be done on 252 different lines of code by merely introducing 2 lines of code changes at the architectural roots. Eventually, this solution was integrated into the latest updated release of the health-care software.
A significant milestone is reached when the field of software vulnerability research matures to a point warranting related security patterns represented by intelligent data. A substantial research material of empirical findings, distinctive taxonomy, theoretical models, and a set of novel or adapted detection methods justify a unifying research map. The growth interest in software vulnerability is evident from a large number of works done during the last several decades. This article briefly reviews research works in vulnerability enumeration, taxonomy, models and detection methods from the perspective of intelligent data processing and analysis. This article also draws the map which associated with specific characteristics and challenges of vulnerability research, such as vulnerability patterns representation and problem-solving strategies.
Security patterns are generic solutions that can be applied since early stages of software life to overcome recurrent security weaknesses. Their generic nature and growing number make their choice difficult, even for experts in system design. To help them on the pattern choice, this paper proposes a semi-automatic methodology of classification and the classification itself, which exposes relationships among software weaknesses, security principles and security patterns. It expresses which patterns remove a given weakness with respect to the security principles that have to be addressed to fix the weakness. The methodology is based on seven steps, which anatomize patterns and weaknesses into set of more precise sub-properties that are associated through a hierarchical organization of security principles. These steps provide the detailed justifications of the resulting classification and allow its upgrade. Without loss of generality, this classification has been established for Web applications and covers 185 software weaknesses, 26 security patterns and 66 security principles. Research supported by the industrial chair on Digital Confidence (
Integrity is a crucial property in current computing systems. Due to natural or human-made (malicious and non-malicious) faults this property can be violated. Therefore, many methodologies and patterns that check or verify the integrity of systems or data have been introduced. However, integrity as a property cannot be identified directly. Existing methodologies tackle this problem by identifying other, computable, properties of the system and use a policy that describes how these properties reflect the integrity of the overall system. It is thus a critical task to select the right properties that reflect the integrity of a system in such a way that given integrity requirements are met. To ease this process, we introduce two new patterns, Static Integrity Properties and Dynamic Integrity Properties to classify the properties. Static Integrity Properties are used to ensure the integrity of a component prior it's use (e.g., the integrity of an executable binary), while Dynamic Integrity Properties are used to ensure the integrity of a component during run-time (e.g., properties that reflect the component's behavior or state transitions). Based on an exemplary embedded control system, we show typical use cases to help the system or software architect to choose the right class of integrity properties for the targeted system.
Despite the abundance of information security guidelines, system developers have difficulties implementing technical solutions that are reasonably secure. Security patterns are one possible solution to help developers reuse security knowledge. The challenge is that it takes experts to develop security patterns. To address this challenge, we need a framework to identify and assess patterns and pattern application practices that are accessible to non-experts. In this paper, we narrowly define what we mean by patterns by focusing on requirements patterns and the considerations that may inform how we identify and validate patterns for knowledge reuse. We motivate this discussion using examples from the requirements pattern literature and theory in cognitive psychology.