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Canbay, Yavuz, Vural, Yilmaz, Sagiroglu, Seref.  2018.  Privacy Preserving Big Data Publishing. 2018 International Congress on Big Data, Deep Learning and Fighting Cyber Terrorism (IBIGDELFT). :24–29.
In order to gain more benefits from big data, they must be shared, published, analyzed and processed without having any harm or facing any violation and finally get better values from these analytics. The literature reports that this analytics brings an issue of privacy violations. This issue is also protected by law and bring fines to the companies, institutions or individuals. As a result, data collectors avoid to publish or share their big data due to these concerns. In order to obtain plausible solutions, there are a number of techniques to reduce privacy risks and to enable publishing big data while preserving privacy at the same time. These are known as privacy-preserving big data publishing (PPBDP) models. This study presents the privacy problem in big data, evaluates big data components from privacy perspective, privacy risks and protection methods in big data publishing, and reviews existing privacy-preserving big data publishing approaches and anonymization methods in literature. The results were finally evaluated and discussed, and new suggestions were presented.
Dogrul, Murat, Aslan, Adil, Celik, Eyyup.  2011.  Developing an international cooperation on cyber defense and deterrence against Cyber terrorism. 2011 3rd International Conference on Cyber Conflict. :1–15.
Information Technology (IT) security is a growing concern for governments around the world. Cyber terrorism poses a direct threat to the security of the nations' critical infrastructures and ITs as a low-cost asymmetric warfare element. Most of these nations are aware of the vulnerability of the information technologies and the significance of protecting critical infrastructures. To counteract the threat of potentially disastrous cyber attacks, nations' policy makers are increasingly pondering on the use of deterrence strategies to supplement cyber defense. Nations create their own national policies and strategies which cover cyber security countermeasures including cyber defense and deterrence against cyber threats. But it is rather hard to cope with the threat by means of merely `national' cyber defense policies and strategies, since the cyberspace spans worldwide and attack's origin can even be overseas. The term “cyber terrorism” is another source of controversy. An agreement on a common definition of cyber terrorism among the nations is needed. However, the international community has not been able to succeed in developing a commonly accepted comprehensive definition of “terrorism” itself. This paper evaluates the importance of building international cooperation on cyber defense and deterrence against cyber terrorism. It aims to improve and further existing contents and definitions of cyber terrorism; discusses the attractiveness of cyber attacks for terrorists and past experiences on cyber terrorism. It emphasizes establishing international legal measures and cooperation between nations against cyber terrorism in order to maintain the international stability and prosperity. In accordance with NATO's new strategic concept, it focuses on developing the member nations' ability to prevent, detect, defend against and recover from cyber attacks to enhance and coordinate national cyber defense capabilities. It provides necessary steps that have to be taken globally in order to counter cyber terrorism.
Kara, I., Aydos, M..  2018.  Static and Dynamic Analysis of Third Generation Cerber Ransomware. 2018 International Congress on Big Data, Deep Learning and Fighting Cyber Terrorism (IBIGDELFT). :12–17.

Cyber criminals have been extensively using malicious Ransomware software for years. Ransomware is a subset of malware in which the data on a victim's computer is locked, typically by encryption, and payment is demanded before the ransomed data is decrypted and access returned to the victim. The motives for such attacks are not only limited to economical scumming. Illegal attacks on official databases may also target people with political or social power. Although billions of dollars have been spent for preventing or at least reducing the tremendous amount of losses, these malicious Ransomware attacks have been expanding and growing. Therefore, it is critical to perform technical analysis of such malicious codes and, if possible, determine the source of such attacks. It might be almost impossible to recover the affected files due to the strong encryption imposed on such files, however the determination of the source of Ransomware attacks have been becoming significantly important for criminal justice. Unfortunately, there are only a few technical analysis of real life attacks in the literature. In this work, a real life Ransomware attack on an official institute is investigated and fully analyzed. The analysis have been performed by both static and dynamic methods. The results show that the source of the Ransomware attack has been shown to be traceable from the server's whois information.

Benzer, R., Yildiz, M. C..  2018.  YOLO Approach in Digital Object Definition in Military Systems. 2018 International Congress on Big Data, Deep Learning and Fighting Cyber Terrorism (IBIGDELFT). :35–37.

Today, as surveillance systems are widely used for indoor and outdoor monitoring applications, there is a growing interest in real-time generation detection and there are many different applications for real-time generation detection and analysis. Two-dimensional videos; It is used in multimedia content-based indexing, information acquisition, visual surveillance and distributed cross-camera surveillance systems, human tracking, traffic monitoring and similar applications. It is of great importance for the development of systems for national security by following a moving target within the scope of military applications. In this research, a more efficient solution is proposed in addition to the existing methods. Therefore, we present YOLO, a new approach to object detection for military applications.

Kumar, S., Gaur, N., Kumar, A..  2018.  Developing a Secure Cyber Ecosystem for SCADA Architecture. 2018 Second International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :559–562.

Advent of Cyber has converted the entire World into a Global village. But, due to vurneabilites in SCADA architecture [1] national assests are more prone to cyber attacks.. Cyber invasions have a catastrophic effect in the minds of the civilian population, in terms of states security system. A robust cyber security is need of the hour to protect the critical information infastructrue & critical infrastructure of a country. Here, in this paper we scrutinize cyber terrorism, vurneabilites in SCADA network systems [1], [2] and concept of cyber resilience to combat cyber attacks.

Ugwoke, F. N., Okafor, K. C., Chijindu, V. C..  2015.  Security QoS profiling against cyber terrorism in airport network systems. 2015 International Conference on Cyberspace (CYBER-Abuja). :241–251.

Attacks on airport information network services in the form of Denial of Service (DoS), Distributed DoS (DDoS), and hijacking are the most effective schemes mostly explored by cyber terrorists in the aviation industry running Mission Critical Services (MCSs). This work presents a case for Airport Information Resource Management Systems (AIRMS) which is a cloud based platform proposed for the Nigerian aviation industry. Granting that AIRMS is susceptible to DoS attacks, there is need to develop a robust counter security network model aimed at pre-empting such attacks and subsequently mitigating the vulnerability in such networks. Existing works in literature regarding cyber security DoS and other schemes have not explored embedded Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) based on OpenFlow Application Centric Infrastructure (OACI) for securing critical network assets. As such, SPI-OACI was proposed to address the challenge of Vulnerability Bandwidth Depletion DDoS Attacks (VBDDA). A characterization of the Cisco 9000 router firewall as an embedded network device with support for Virtual DDoS protection was carried out in the AIRMS threat mitigation design. Afterwards, the mitigation procedure and the initial phase of the design with Riverbed modeler software were realized. For the security Quality of Service (QoS) profiling, the system response metrics (i.e. SPI-OACI delay, throughput and utilization) in cloud based network were analyzed only for normal traffic flows. The work concludes by offering practical suggestion for securing similar enterprise management systems running on cloud infrastructure against cyber terrorists.