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Ashiku, L., Dagli, C..  2020.  Agent Based Cybersecurity Model for Business Entity Risk Assessment. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE). :1—6.

Computer networks and surging advancements of innovative information technology construct a critical infrastructure for network transactions of business entities. Information exchange and data access though such infrastructure is scrutinized by adversaries for vulnerabilities that lead to cyber-attacks. This paper presents an agent-based system modelling to conceptualize and extract explicit and latent structure of the complex enterprise systems as well as human interactions within the system to determine common vulnerabilities of the entity. The model captures emergent behavior resulting from interactions of multiple network agents including the number of workstations, regular, administrator and third-party users, external and internal attacks, defense mechanisms for the network setting, and many other parameters. A risk-based approach to modelling cybersecurity of a business entity is utilized to derive the rate of attacks. A neural network model will generalize the type of attack based on network traffic features allowing dynamic state changes. Rules of engagement to generate self-organizing behavior will be leveraged to appoint a defense mechanism suitable for the attack-state of the model. The effectiveness of the model will be depicted by time-state chart that shows the number of affected assets for the different types of attacks triggered by the entity risk and the time it takes to revert into normal state. The model will also associate a relevant cost per incident occurrence that derives the need for enhancement of security solutions.

Rajapkar, A., Binnar, P., Kazi, F..  2020.  Design of Intrusion Prevention System for OT Networks Using Deep Neural Networks. 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–6.

The Automation industries that uses Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are highly vulnerable for Network threats. Systems that are air-gapped and isolated from the internet are highly affected due to insider attacks like Spoofing, DOS and Malware threats that affects confidentiality, integrity and availability of Operational Technology (OT) system elements and degrade its performance even though security measures are taken. In this paper, a behavior-based intrusion prevention system (IPS) is designed for OT networks. The proposed system is implemented on SCADA test bed with two systems replicates automation scenarios in industry. This paper describes 4 main classes of cyber-attacks with their subclasses against SCADA systems and methodology with design of components of IPS system, database creation, Baselines and deployment of system in environment. IPS system identifies not only IT protocols but also Industry Control System (ICS) protocols Modbus and DNP3 with their inside communication fields using deep packet inspection (DPI). The analytical results show 99.89% accuracy on binary classification and 97.95% accuracy on multiclass classification of different attack vectors performed on network with low false positive rate. These results are also validated by actual deployment of IPS in SCADA systems with the prevention of DOS attack.

Fan, Wenjun, Ziembicka, Joanna, de Lemos, Rogério, Chadwick, David, Di Cerbo, Francesco, Sajjad, Ali, Wang, Xiao-Si, Herwono, Ian.  2019.  Enabling Privacy-Preserving Sharing of Cyber Threat Information in the Cloud. 2019 6th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud)/ 2019 5th IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Scalable Cloud (EdgeCom). :74–80.
Network threats often come from multiple sources and affect a variety of domains. Collaborative sharing and analysis of Cyber Threat Information (CTI) can greatly improve the prediction and prevention of cyber-attacks. However, CTI data containing sensitive and confidential information can cause privacy exposure and disclose security risks, which will deter organisations from sharing their CTI data. To address these concerns, the consortium of the EU H2020 project entitled Collaborative and Confidential Information Sharing and Analysis for Cyber Protection (C3ISP) has designed and implemented a framework (i.e. C3ISP Framework) as a service for cyber threat management. This paper focuses on the design and development of an API Gateway, which provides a bridge between end-users and their data sources, and the C3ISP Framework. It facilitates end-users to retrieve their CTI data, regulate data sharing agreements in order to sanitise the data, share the data with privacy-preserving means, and invoke collaborative analysis for attack prediction and prevention. In this paper, we report on the implementation of the API Gateway and experiments performed. The results of these experiments show the efficiency of our gateway design, and the benefits for the end-users who use it to access the C3ISP Framework.
Bardia, Vivek, Kumar, C.R.S..  2017.  Process trees amp; service chains can serve us to mitigate zero day attacks better. 2017 International Conference on Data Management, Analytics and Innovation (ICDMAI). :280–284.
With technology at our fingertips waiting to be exploited, the past decade saw the revolutionizing Human Computer Interactions. The ease with which a user could interact was the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of a sales team. Human Computer Interactions have many underlying parameters like Data Visualization and Presentation as some to deal with. With the race, on for better and faster presentations, evolved many frameworks to be widely used by all software developers. As the need grew for user friendly applications, more and more software professionals were lured into the front-end sophistication domain. Application frameworks have evolved to such an extent that with just a few clicks and feeding values as per requirements we are able to produce a commercially usable application in a few minutes. These frameworks generate quantum lines of codes in minutes which leaves a contrail of bugs to be discovered in the future. We have also succumbed to the benchmarking in Software Quality Metrics and have made ourselves comfortable with buggy software's to be rectified in future. The exponential evolution in the cyber domain has also attracted attackers equally. Average human awareness and knowledge has also improved in the cyber domain due to the prolonged exposure to technology for over three decades. As the attack sophistication grows and zero day attacks become more popular than ever, the suffering end users only receive remedial measures in spite of the latest Antivirus, Intrusion Detection and Protection Systems installed. We designed a software to display the complete services and applications running in users Operating System in the easiest perceivable manner aided by Computer Graphics and Data Visualization techniques. We further designed a study by empowering the fence sitter users with tools to actively participate in protecting themselves from threats. The designed threats had impressions from the complete threat canvas in some form or other restricted to systems functioning. Network threats and any sort of packet transfer to and from the system in form of threat was kept out of the scope of this experiment. We discovered that end users had a good idea of their working environment which can be used exponentially enhances machine learning for zero day threats and segment the unmarked the vast threat landscape faster for a more reliable output.
Lehner, F., Mazurczyk, W., Keller, J., Wendzel, S..  2017.  Inter-Protocol Steganography for Real-Time Services and Its Detection Using Traffic Coloring Approach. 2017 IEEE 42nd Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). :78–85.

Due to improvements in defensive systems, network threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complex as cybercriminals are using various methods to cloak their actions. This, among others, includes the application of network steganography e.g. to hide the communication between an infected host and a malicious control server by embedding commands into innocent-looking traffic. Currently, a new subtype of such methods called inter-protocol steganography emerged. It utilizes relationships between two or more overt protocols to hide data. In this paper, we present new inter-protocol hiding techniques which are suitable for real-time services. Afterwards, we introduce and present preliminary results of a novel steganography detection approach which relies on network traffic coloring.

Long, W. J., Lin, W..  2017.  An Authentication Protocol for Wearable Medical Devices. 2017 13th International Conference and Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT). :1–5.

Wearable medical devices are playing more and more important roles in healthcare. Unlike the wired connection, the wireless connection between wearable devices and the remote servers are exceptionally vulnerable to malicious attacks, and poses threats to the safety and privacy of the patient health data. Therefore, wearable medical devices require the implementation of reliable measures to secure the wireless network communication. However, those devices usually have limited computational power that is not comparable with the desktop computer and thus, it is difficult to adopt the full-fledged security algorithm in software. In this study, we have developed an efficient authentication and encryption protocol for internetconnected wearable devices using the recognized standards of AES and SHA that can provide two-way authentication between wearable device and remote server and protection of patient privacy against various network threats. We have tested the feasibility of this protocol on the TI CC3200 Launchpad, an evaluation board of the CC3200, which is a Wi-Fi capable microcontroller designed for wearable devices and includes a hardware accelerated cryptography module for the implementation of the encryption algorithm. The microcontroller serves as the wearable device client and a Linux computer serves as the server. The embedded client software was written in ANSI C and the server software was written in Python.

Wang, P., Lin, W. H., Chao, W. J., Chao, K. M., Lo, C. C..  2015.  Using Dynamic Taint Approach for Malware Threat. 2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Business Engineering. :408–416.

Most existing approaches focus on examining the values are dangerous for information flow within inter-suspicious modules of cloud applications (apps) in a host by using malware threat analysis, rather than the risk posed by suspicious apps were connected to the cloud computing server. Accordingly, this paper proposes a taint propagation analysis model incorporating a weighted spanning tree analysis scheme to track data with taint marking using several taint checking tools. In the proposed model, Android programs perform dynamic taint propagation to analyse the spread of and risks posed by suspicious apps were connected to the cloud computing server. In determining the risk of taint propagation, risk and defence capability are used for each taint path for assisting a defender in recognising the attack results against network threats caused by malware infection and estimate the losses of associated taint sources. Finally, a case of threat analysis of a typical cyber security attack is presented to demonstrate the proposed approach. Our approach verified the details of an attack sequence for malware infection by incorporating a finite state machine (FSM) to appropriately reflect the real situations at various configuration settings and safeguard deployment. The experimental results proved that the threat analysis model allows a defender to convert the spread of taint propagation to loss and practically estimate the risk of a specific threat by using behavioural analysis with real malware infection.