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Van Es, Noah, Van der Plas, Jens, Stiévenart, Quentin, De Roover, Coen.  2020.  MAF: A Framework for Modular Static Analysis of Higher-Order Languages. 2020 IEEE 20th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM). :37–42.
A modular static analysis decomposes a program's analysis into analyses of its parts, or components. An intercomponent analysis instructs an intra-component analysis to analyse each component independently of the others. Additional analyses are scheduled for newly discovered components, and for dependent components that need to account for newly discovered component information. Modular static analyses are scalable, can be tuned to a high precision, and support the analysis of programs that are highly dynamic, featuring e.g., higher-order functions or dynamically allocated processes.In this paper, we present the engineering aspects of MAF, a static analysis framework for implementing modular analyses for higher-order languages. For any such modular analysis, the framework provides a reusable inter-component analysis and it suffices to implement its intra-component analysis. The intracomponent analysis can be composed from several interdependent and reusable Scala traits. This design facilitates changing the analysed language, as well as the analysis precision with minimal effort. We illustrate the use of MAF through its instantiation for several different analyses of Scheme programs.
Stiévenart, Quentin, Roover, Coen De.  2020.  Compositional Information Flow Analysis for WebAssembly Programs. 2020 IEEE 20th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM). :13–24.
WebAssembly is a new W3C standard, providing a portable target for compilation for various languages. All major browsers can run WebAssembly programs, and its use extends beyond the web: there is interest in compiling cross-platform desktop applications, server applications, IoT and embedded applications to WebAssembly because of the performance and security guarantees it aims to provide. Indeed, WebAssembly has been carefully designed with security in mind. In particular, WebAssembly applications are sandboxed from their host environment. However, recent works have brought to light several limitations that expose WebAssembly to traditional attack vectors. Visitors of websites using WebAssembly have been exposed to malicious code as a result. In this paper, we propose an automated static program analysis to address these security concerns. Our analysis is focused on information flow and is compositional. For every WebAssembly function, it first computes a summary that describes in a sound manner where the information from its parameters and the global program state can flow to. These summaries can then be applied during the subsequent analysis of function calls. Through a classical fixed-point formulation, one obtains an approximation of the information flow in the WebAssembly program. This results in the first compositional static analysis for WebAssembly. On a set of 34 benchmark programs spanning 196kLOC of WebAssembly, we compute at least 64% of the function summaries precisely in less than a minute in total.
Mohammadi, Mahmoud, Chu, Bill, Richter Lipford, Heather.  2019.  Automated Repair of Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities through Unit Testing. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW). :370–377.
Many web applications are vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks enabling attackers to steal sensitive information and commit frauds. Much research in this area have focused on detecting vulnerable web pages using static and dynamic program analysis. The best practice to prevent XSS vulnerabilities is to encode untrusted dynamic content. However, a common programming error is the use of a wrong type of encoder to sanitize untrusted data, leaving the application vulnerable. We propose a new approach that can automatically fix this common type of XSS vulnerability in many situations. This approach is integrated into the software maintenance life cycle through unit testing. Vulnerable codes are refactored to reflect the suggested encoder and then verified using an attack evaluating mechanism to find a proper repair. Evaluation of this approach has been conducted on an open source medical record application with over 200 web pages written in JSP.
Yang, Jinqiu, Tan, Lin, Peyton, John, A Duer, Kristofer.  2019.  Towards Better Utilizing Static Application Security Testing. 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP). :51–60.

Static application security testing (SAST) detects vulnerability warnings through static program analysis. Fixing the vulnerability warnings tremendously improves software quality. However, SAST has not been fully utilized by developers due to various reasons: difficulties in handling a large number of reported warnings, a high rate of false warnings, and lack of guidance in fixing the reported warnings. In this paper, we collaborated with security experts from a commercial SAST product and propose a set of approaches (Priv) to help developers better utilize SAST techniques. First, Priv identifies preferred fix locations for the detected vulnerability warnings, and group them based on the common fix locations. Priv also leverages visualization techniques so that developers can quickly investigate the warnings in groups and prioritize their quality-assurance effort. Second, Priv identifies actionable vulnerability warnings by removing SAST-specific false positives. Finally, Priv provides customized fix suggestions for vulnerability warnings. Our evaluation of Priv on six web applications highlights the accuracy and effectiveness of Priv. For 75.3% of the vulnerability warnings, the preferred fix locations found by Priv are identical to the ones annotated by security experts. The visualization based on shared preferred fix locations is useful for prioritizing quality-assurance efforts. Priv reduces the rate of SAST-specific false positives significantly. Finally, Priv is able to provide fully complete and correct fix suggestions for 75.6% of the evaluated warnings. Priv is well received by security experts and some features are already integrated into industrial practice.

Jilcott, S..  2015.  Securing the supply chain for commodity IT devices by automated scenario generation. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). :1–6.

Almost all commodity IT devices include firmware and software components from non-US suppliers, potentially introducing grave vulnerabilities to homeland security by enabling cyber-attacks via flaws injected into these devices through the supply chain. However, determining that a given device is free of any and all implementation flaws is computationally infeasible in the general case; hence a critical part of any vetting process is prioritizing what kinds of flaws are likely to enable potential adversary goals. We present Theseus, a four-year research project sponsored by the DARPA VET program. Theseus will provide technology to automatically map and explore the firmware/software (FW/SW) architecture of a commodity IT device and then generate attack scenarios for the device. From these device attack scenarios, Theseus then creates a prioritized checklist of FW/SW components to check for potential vulnerabilities. Theseus combines static program analysis, attack graph generation algorithms, and a Boolean satisfiability solver to automate the checklist generation workflow. We describe how Theseus exploits analogies between the commodity IT device problem and attack graph generation for networks. We also present a novel approach called Component Interaction Mapping to recover a formal model of a device's FW/SW architecture from which attack scenarios can be generated.