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D'Lima, N., Mittal, J..  2015.  Password authentication using Keystroke Biometrics. 2015 International Conference on Communication, Information Computing Technology (ICCICT). :1–6.

The majority of applications use a prompt for a username and password. Passwords are recommended to be unique, long, complex, alphanumeric and non-repetitive. These reasons that make passwords secure may prove to be a point of weakness. The complexity of the password provides a challenge for a user and they may choose to record it. This compromises the security of the password and takes away its advantage. An alternate method of security is Keystroke Biometrics. This approach uses the natural typing pattern of a user for authentication. This paper proposes a new method for reducing error rates and creating a robust technique. The new method makes use of multiple sensors to obtain information about a user. An artificial neural network is used to model a user's behavior as well as for retraining the system. An alternate user verification mechanism is used in case a user is unable to match their typing pattern.

Antal, M., Szabó, L. Z..  2015.  An Evaluation of One-Class and Two-Class Classification Algorithms for Keystroke Dynamics Authentication on Mobile Devices. 2015 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science. :343–350.

In this paper we study keystroke dynamics as an authentication mechanism for touch screen based devices. The authentication process decides whether the identity of a given person is accepted or rejected. This can be easily implemented by using a two-class classifier which operates with the help of positive samples (belonging to the authentic person) and negative ones. However, collecting negative samples is not always a viable option. In such cases a one-class classification algorithm can be used to characterize the target class and distinguish it from the outliers. We implemented an authentication test-framework that is capable of working with both one-class and two-class classification algorithms. The framework was evaluated on our dataset containing keystroke samples from 42 users, collected from touch screen-based Android devices. Experimental results yield an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 3% (two-class) and 7% (one-class) respectively.

Chriskos, P., Zoidi, O., Tefas, A., Pitas, I..  2015.  De-identifying facial images using projections on hyperspheres. 2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG). 04:1–6.

A major issue that arises from mass visual media distribution in modern video sharing, social media and cloud services, is the issue of privacy. Malicious users can use these services to track the actions of certain individuals and/or groups thus violating their privacy. As a result the need to hinder automatic facial image identification in images and videos arises. In this paper we propose a method for de-identifying facial images. Contrary to most de-identification methods, this method manipulates facial images so that humans can still recognize the individual or individuals in an image or video frame, but at the same time common automatic identification algorithms fail to do so. This is achieved by projecting the facial images on a hypersphere. From the conducted experiments it can be verified that this method is effective in reducing the classification accuracy under 10%. Furthermore, in the resulting images the subject can be identified by human viewers.