This paper investigates the impact of authentication on effective capacity (EC) of an underwater acoustic (UWA) channel. Specifically, the UWA channel is under impersonation attack by a malicious node (Eve) present in the close vicinity of the legitimate node pair (Alice and Bob); Eve tries to inject its malicious data into the system by making Bob believe that she is indeed Alice. To thwart the impersonation attack by Eve, Bob utilizes the distance of the transmit node as the feature/fingerprint to carry out feature-based authentication at the physical layer. Due to authentication at Bob, due to lack of channel knowledge at the transmit node (Alice or Eve), and due to the threshold-based decoding error model, the relevant dynamics of the considered system could be modelled by a Markov chain (MC). Thus, we compute the state-transition probabilities of the MC, and the moment generating function for the service process corresponding to each state. This enables us to derive a closed-form expression of the EC in terms of authentication parameters. Furthermore, we compute the optimal transmission rate (at Alice) through gradient-descent (GD) technique and artificial neural network (ANN) method. Simulation results show that the EC decreases under severe authentication constraints (i.e., more false alarms and more transmissions by Eve). Simulation results also reveal that the (optimal transmission rate) performance of the ANN technique is quite close to that of the GTJ method.
Design of anonymous authentication scheme is one of the most important challenges in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET). Most of the existing schemes have high computational and communication overhead and they do not meet security requirements. Recently, Azees et al. have introduced an Efficient Anonymous Authentication with Conditional Privacy-Preserving (EAAP) scheme for VANET and claimed that it is secure. In this paper, we show that this protocol is vulnerable against replay attack, impersonation attack and message modification attack. Also, we show that the messages sent by a vehicle are linkable. Therefore, an adversary can easily track the vehicles. In addition, it is shown that vehicles face with some problems when they enter in a new Trusted Authority (TA) range. As a solution, we propose a new authentication protocol which is more secure than EAAP protocol without increasing its computational and communication overhead.
Mobile radio frequency identification (RFID) systems are being employed in many applications such as supply chain management. Since the communications between RFID-reader and server, RFID-tag and RFID-reader are all wireless, security and privacy attracts more attentions, reflected in the research on authentication protocols. But most of the existing authentications only care about the front end (reader to tag) and ignore the back end (reader to server), which could not satisfy the security demands in the mobile RFID systems. Moreover, the tags have to be grouped when the population is large enough, but the existing authentication protocols are inapplicable in this scenario. In this paper, we propose a mixed authentication protocol composed of hash-based authentication for readers and lightweight authentication for low-cost tags to fit the mobile RFID system with grouping tags. Analysis demonstrates that the proposed authentication protocol could efficiently counteract the impersonation attack, reply attack and tracking attack.