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Yahya, Muhammad, Abdullah, Saleem, Almagrabi, Alaa Omran, Botmart, Thongchai.  2022.  Analysis of S-Box Based on Image Encryption Application Using Complex Fuzzy Credibility Frank Aggregation Operators. IEEE Access. 10:88858—88871.
This article is about a criterion based on credibility complex fuzzy set (CCFS) to study the prevailing substitution boxes (S-box) and learn their properties to find out their suitability in image encryption applications. Also these criterion has its own properties which is discussed in detailed and on the basis of these properties we have to find the best optimal results and decide the suitability of an S-box to image encryption applications. S-box is the only components which produces the confusion in the every block cipher in the formation of image encryption. So, for this first we have to convert the matrix having color image using the nonlinear components and also using the proposed algebraic structure of credibility complex fuzzy set to find the best S-box for image encryption based on its criterion. The analyses show that the readings of GRAY S-box is very good for image data.
Hammad, Mohamed, Elmedany, Wael, Ismail, Yasser.  2021.  Design and Simulation of AES S-Box Towards Data Security in Video Surveillance Using IP Core Generator. 2021 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT). :469–476.
Broadcasting applications such as video surveillance systems are using High Definition (HD) videos. The use of high-resolution videos increases significantly the data volume of video coding standards such as High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) and Advanced Video Coding (AVC), which increases the challenge for storing, processing, encrypting, and transmitting these data over different communication channels. Video compression standards use state-of-the-art techniques to compress raw video sequences more efficiently, such techniques require high computational complexity and memory utilization. With the emergent of using HEVC and video surveillance systems, many security risks arise such as man-in-the-middle attacks, and unauthorized disclosure. Such risks can be mitigated by encrypting the traffic of HEVC. The most widely used encryption algorithm is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Most of the computational complexity in AES hardware-implemented is due to S-box or sub-byte operation and that because it needs many resources and it is a non-linear structure. The proposed AES S-box ROM design considers the latest HEVC used for homeland security video surveillance systems. This paper presents different designs for VHDL efficient ROM implementation of AES S-box using IP core generator, ROM components, and using Functions, which are all supported by Xilinx. IP core generator has Block Memory Generator (BMG) component in its library. S-box IP core ROM is implemented using Single port block memory. The S-box lookup table has been used to fill the ROM using the .coe file format provided during the initialization of the IP core ROM. The width is set to 8-bit to address the 256 values while the depth is set to 8-bit which represents the data filed in the ROM. The whole design is synthesized using Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.7 software, while Modelism (version10.4a) is used for the simulation process. The proposed IP core ROM design has shown better memory utilization compared to non-IP core ROM design, which is more suitable for memory-intensive applications. The proposed design is suitable for implementation using the FPGA ROM design. Hardware complexity, frequency, memory utilization, and delay are presented in this paper.
Ghorashi, Seyed Ramin, Zia, Tanveer, Jiang, Yinhao.  2020.  Optimisation of Lightweight Klein Encryption Algorithm With 3 S-box. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). :1–5.
Internet of Things (IoT) have offered great opportunities for the growth of smart objects in the last decade. Smart devices are deployed in many fields such as smart cities, healthcare and agriculture. One of the applications of IoT is Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) that require inexpensive and space-economic design for remote sensing and communication capabilities. This, unfortunately, lead to their inherent security vulnerabilities. Lightweight cryptography schemes are designed to counter many attacks in low-powered devices such as the IoT and WSN. These schemes can provide support for data encryption and key management while maintaining some level of efficiency. Most of these block ciphers provide good security. However, due to the complex cryptographic scheme's efficiency and optimisation is an issue. In this work, we focus on a new lightweight encryption scheme called the Klein block cipher. The algorithms of Klein block cipher are analysed for performance and security optimisations. A new algorithm which consists of 3-layer substitute box is proposed to reduce the need for resource consumption but maintain the security.
Aiswarya Meenakshi, P., Veera Santhya, R., Sherine Jenny, R., Sudhakar, R..  2020.  Implementation and Cryptanalysis of Lightweight Block Ciphers. 2020 4th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)(48184). :253—258.
Encryption has become an important need for each and every data transmission. Large amount of delicate data is transferred regularly through different computer networks such as e-banking, email applications and file exchange. Cryptanalysis is study of analyzing the hidden information in the system. The process of cryptanalysis could be done by various features such as power, sound, electromagnetic radiation etc. Lightweight cryptography plays an important role in the IoT devices. It includes various appliances, vehicles, smart sensors and RFID-tags (RFID). PRESENT is one such algorithm, designed for resource constrained devices. This requires less memory and consumes less power. The project propounds a model in which the cryptographic keys are analyzed by the trace of power.
Pradeeksha, A. Shirley, Sathyapriya, S. Sridevi.  2020.  Design and Implementation of DNA Based Cryptographic Algorithm. 2020 5th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS). :299–302.
The intensity of DNA figuring will reinforce the current security on frameworks by opening up another probability of a half and half cryptographic framework. Here, we are exhibiting the DNA S-box for actualizing cryptographic algorithm. The DNA based S-Box is designed using vivado software and implemented using Artix-7 device. The main aim is to design the DNA based S-box to increase the security. Also pipelining and parallelism techniques are to be implement in future to increase the speed.
Liu, J., Tong, X., Zhang, M., Wang, Z..  2020.  The Design of S-box Based on Combined Chaotic Map. 2020 3rd International Conference on Advanced Electronic Materials, Computers and Software Engineering (AEMCSE). :350–353.
The strength of the substitution box (S-box) determines the security of the cryptographic algorithm because it's the only nonlinear component in the block cipher. Because of the disadvantages of non-uniformity sequence and limited range in the one-dimension (1D) chaotic map, this paper constructs the logistic map and the sine map into a combined chaotic map, and a new S-box construction method based on this combined chaotic map is presented. Performance tests were performed on the S-box, including nonlinearity, linear probability, differential probability, strict avalanche criterion, bits independence criterion. Compared with others S-box, this result indicates that the S-box has more excellent cryptographic performance and can be used as a nonlinear component in the lightweight block cipher algorithm.
Ramu, Gandu, Mishra, Zeesha, Acharya, B..  2019.  Hardware implementation of Piccolo Encryption Algorithm for constrained RFID application. 2019 9th Annual Information Technology, Electromechanical Engineering and Microelectronics Conference (IEMECON). :85–89.
The deployment of smart devices in IoT applications are increasing with tremendous pace causing severe security concerns, as it trade most of private information. To counter that security issues in low resource applications, lightweight cryptographic algorithms have been introduced in recent past. In this paper we propose efficient hardware architecture of piccolo lightweight algorithm uses 64 bits block size with variable key size of length 80 and 128 bits. This paper introduces novel hardware architecture of piccolo-80, to supports high speed RFID security applications. Different design strategies are there to optimize the hardware metrics trade-off for particular application. The algorithm is implemented on different family of FPGAs with different devices to analyze the performance of design in 4 input LUTs and 6 input LUTs implementations. In addition, the results of hardware design are evaluated and compared with the most relevant lightweight block ciphers, shows the proposed architecture finds its utilization in terms of speed and area optimization from the hardware resources. The increment in throughput with optimized area of this architecture suggests that piccolo can applicable to implement for ultra-lightweight applications also.
Khairullin, Ilias, Bobrov, Vladimir.  2019.  On Cryptographic Properties of Some Lightweight Algorithms and its Application to the Construction of S-Boxes. 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :1807–1810.

We consider some approaches to the construction of lightweight block ciphers and introduce the definitions for "index of strong nonlinearity" and "index of perfection". For PRESENT, MIDORI, SKINNY, CLEFIA, LILLIPUT mixing and nonlinear properties were evaluated. We obtain the exact values of the exponents for mixing matrices of round functions and the upper bounds for indexes of perfection and strong nonlinearity. It was determined by the experiment that each coordinate function of output block is nonlinear during 500 rounds. We propose the algorithmic realization of 16×16 S-box based on the modified additive generator with lightweight cipher SPECK as a modification which does not demand memory for storage huge substitution tables. The best value of the differential characteristic of such S-box is 18/216, the minimal nonlinearity degree of coordinate functions is equal to 15 and the minimal linear characteristic is 788/215.

Mala, H., Adavoudi, A., Aghili, S. F..  2016.  Security analysis of the RBS block cipher. 2016 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE). :130–132.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems are widely used today because of their low price, usability and being wireless. As RFID systems use wireless communication, they may encounter challenging security problems. Several lightweight encryption algorithms have been proposed so far to solve these problems. The RBS block cipher is one of these algorithms. In designing RBS, conventional block cipher elements such as S-box and P-box are not used. RBS is based on inserting redundant bits between altered plaintext bits using an encryption key Kenc. In this paper, considering not having a proper diffusion as the main defect of RBS, we propose a chosen ciphertext attack against this algorithm. The data complexity of this attack equals to N pairs of text and its time complexity equals to N decryptions, where N is the size of the encryption key Kenc.

Phull, Sona, Som, Subhranil.  2016.  Symmetric Cryptography Using Multiple Access Circular Queues (MACQ). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. :107:1–107:6.

In order to provide secure data communication in present cyber space world, a stronger encryption technique becomes a necessity that can help people to protect their sensitive information from cryptanalyst. This paper proposes a novel symmetric block cipher algorithm that uses multiple access circular queues (MACQs) of variable lengths for diffusion of information to a greater extent. The keys are randomly generated and will be of variable lengths depending upon the size of each MACQ.A number of iterations of circular rotations, swapping of elements and XORing the key with queue elements are performed on each MACQ. S-box is used so that the relationship between the key and the cipher text remains indeterminate or obscure. These operations together will help in transforming the cipher into a much more complex and secure block cipher. This paper attempt to propose an encryption algorithm that is secure and fast.