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Velan S., Senthil.  2020.  Introducing Aspect-Oriented Programming in Improving the Modularity of Middleware for Internet of Things. 2020 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences (ASET). :1—5.
Internet of Things (IoT) has become the buzzword for the development of Smart City and its applications. In this context, development of supporting software forms the core part of the IoT infrastructure. A Middleware sits in between the IoT devices and interacts between them to exchange data among the components of the automated architecture. The Middleware services include hand shaking, data transfer and security among its core set of functionalities. It also includes cross-cutting functional services such as authentication, logging and caching. A software that can run these Middleware services requires a careful choice of a good software modelling technique. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a software development methodology that can be used to independently encapsulate the core and cross-cutting functionalities of the Middleware services of the IoT infrastructure. In this paper, an attempt has been made using a simulation environment to independently model the two orthogonal functionalities of the Middleware with the focus to improve its modularity. Further, a quantitative measurement of the core design property of cohesion has been done to infer on the improvement in the reusability of the modules encapsulated in the Middleware of IoT. Based on the measurement, it was found that the modularity and reusability of functionalities in the Middleware software has improved in the AspectJ version compared to its equivalent Java version.
Alamélou, Quentin, Berthier, Paul-Edmond, Cachet, Chloé, Cauchie, Stéphane, Fuller, Benjamin, Gaborit, Philippe, Simhadri, Sailesh.  2018.  Pseudoentropic Isometries: A New Framework for Fuzzy Extractor Reusability. Proceedings of the 2018 on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :673-684.

Fuzzy extractors (Dodiset al., Eurocrypt 2004) turn a noisy secret into a stable, uniformly distributed key. Reusable fuzzy extractors remain secure when multiple keys are produced from a single noisy secret (Boyen, CCS 2004). Boyen showed information-theoretically secure reusable fuzzy extractors are subject to strong limitations. Simoens et al. (IEEE S&P, 2009) then showed deployed constructions suffer severe security breaks when reused. Canetti et al. (Eurocrypt 2016) used computational security to sidestep this problem, building a computationally secure reusable fuzzy extractor that corrects a sublinear fraction of errors. We introduce a generic approach to constructing reusable fuzzy extractors. We define a new primitive called a reusable pseudoentropic isometry that projects an input metric space to an output metric space. This projection preserves distance and entropy even if the same input is mapped to multiple output metric spaces. A reusable pseudoentropy isometry yields a reusable fuzzy extractor by 1) randomizing the noisy secret using the isometry and 2) applying a traditional fuzzy extractor to derive a secret key. We propose reusable pseudoentropic isometries for the set difference and Hamming metrics. The set difference construction is built from composable digital lockers (Canetti and Dakdouk, Eurocrypt 2008). For the Hamming metric, we show that the second construction of Canetti et al.(Eurocrypt 2016) can be seen as an instantiation of our framework. In both cases, the pseudoentropic isometry's reusability requires noisy secrets distributions to have entropy in each symbol of the alphabet. Our constructions yield the first reusable fuzzy extractors that correct a constant fraction of errors. We also implement our set difference solution and describe two use cases.

Choi, Dong-Hoon, Mo, Eunsu.  2018.  Community-Driven Data Curation System for Reusability. Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. :325–326.
Due to recent data explosion, scientists invest most of their efforts in the collection of data needed for research. In this paper, we address the community-driven data curation system which is essential to enhancing data understandability and reusability, thereby reducing the efforts for data collection. The curation system focuses on the interlinking between data and their related literatures to capture and organize the associations among research output. The system also focuses on domain-specific contextual information to help users understand data. A global research group in protein study has adopted the system to build a community-driven curated database and established a guideline for scientific discovery.
Binsbergen, L. Thomas van, Sculthorpe, Neil, Mosses, Peter D..  2016.  Tool Support for Component-based Semantics. Companion Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Modularity. :8–11.

The developers of a programming language need to document its intended syntax and semantics, and to update the documentation when the language evolves. They use formal grammars to define context-free syntax, but usually give only an informal description of semantics. Use of formal semantics could greatly increase the consistency and completeness of language documentation, support rapid prototyping, and allow empirical validation. Modularity of semantics is essential for practicality when scaling up to definitions of larger languages. Component-based semantics takes modularity to the highest possible level. In this approach, the semantics of a language is defined by equations translating its constructs (compositionally) to combinations of so-called fundamental constructs, or `funcons'. The definition of each funcon is a small, highly reusable component. The PLanCompS project has defined a substantial library of funcons, and shown their reusability in several case studies. We have designed a meta-language called CBS for component-based semantics, and an IDE to support development, rapid prototyping, and validation of definitions in CBS. After introducing and motivating CBS, we demonstrate how the IDE can be used to browse and edit the CBS definition of a toy language, to generate a prototype implementation of the language, and to parse and run programs.

Afshari, Mehrdad, Su, Zhendong.  2016.  Building White-box Abstractions by Program Refinement. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software. :74–81.

Abstractions make building complex systems possible. Many facilities provided by a modern programming language are directly designed to build a certain style of abstraction. Abstractions also aim to enhance code reusability, thus enhancing programmer productivity and effectiveness. Real-world software systems can grow to have a complicated hierarchy of abstractions. Often, the hierarchy grows unnecessarily deep, because the programmers have envisioned the most generic use cases for a piece of code to make it reusable. Sometimes, the abstractions used in the program are not the appropriate ones, and it would be simpler for the higher level client to circumvent such abstractions. Another problem is the impedance mismatch between different pieces of code or libraries coming from different projects that are not designed to work together. Interoperability between such libraries are often hindered by abstractions, by design, in the name of hiding implementation details and encapsulation. These problems necessitate forms of abstraction that are easy to manipulate if needed. In this paper, we describe a powerful mechanism to create white-box abstractions, that encourage flatter hierarchies of abstraction and ease of manipulation and customization when necessary: program refinement. In so doing, we rely on the basic principle that writing directly in the host programming language is as least restrictive as one can get in terms of expressiveness, and allow the programmer to reuse and customize existing code snippets to address their specific needs.